Newsletter June 2017


Dear students, supervisors and EPINOR friends. Here is the EPINOR newsletter for June. We hope you will enjoy it! Please remember to send us useful tips if you have something to share with your fellow researches. Keep us up to date and send an email to!


The EPINOR Summer Schools 2017 in Oslo, Bergen and NTNU are over. The Tromsø summer school edition is August 24-25. See the latest summary from NTNU here

Next years summer school will be a national summer school and it will take place 11 - 15 June 2018 in the Tromsø area. It will be the 5th EPINOR Summer School! 

The Annual Meeting is titeled: Competing Risks, Introduction to Flexible Parametric Survival Analysis and Cancer Screening. The meeting is in conjunction with the NOFE Conference and EPINOR covers half the traveling costs as well as the conference fee. EPINOR expects our PhD-members to participate in the Annual Meeting. Registration is open!  

EPINOR and NORBIS are pleased to be a part of this very interesting workshop in Oslo 30 November - 1 December. If you are an EPINOR PhD-student, and you want to participate, EPINOR will cover your costs. Apply for funding by sending a funding application to your local contact person.   


Steering Committee meeting 12 June

The Steering Committee had a meeting in Bergen. Among the many cases that were discussed was the mid ways evalution report from the National Research Council. The Steering Committee is happy about the results from the report and is excited to become an even better research school in the next four years!

It was decided that EPINOR will not accept new PhD students who are already member of another research school. Those of you who are members and have double memberships are asked to report this to 

Congratulations on defending your thesis

Job opportunities

Cancer Research Training (CRTA) Fellowship Positions
Forsker ved Senter for sykdomsbyrde 
Scientist (Cancer Prevention Research)
Postdoctoral Fellow (3 years)
Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine
Available Positions at BaylorScott&White, TX, US
Referat Summer School