Networks and journals in philosophy of education

Members of the group participate in a variety of networks and publish in several different journals and with different publishers. Here is a list of networks and journals that is of particular interest to us as philosophers of education.

International networks in philosophy of education

The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education, Network 16 i Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA)

Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB)

Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES)

Philosophy of Education, Network 13 i European Educational Research Association (EERA)

Philosophical Studies in Education, Special Interest Group 76 i American Educational Research Association (AERA)

North American Association for Philosophy & Education (NAAPE)

International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE)

The Philosophy of Education Society (PES) USA

The Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA)

The Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CPES)


Journals in philosophy of education

Journal of Philosophy of Education (Tidsskriftet til Philosophy of Education Society, Great Britain (PESGB))

Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education (Tidsskriftet til Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES)

Ethics and Education (Tidsskriftet til International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE))

Educational Theory (Tidsskriftet til Philosophy of Education Society (PES) USA) 

Studier i Pædagogisk filosofi (Tidsskriftet til Pædagogisk Filosofisk Forening, Danmark)

Studies in Philosophy and Education

Theory and Research in Education

Educational Philosophy and Theory (Tidsskriftet til Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA))

Philosophical Inquiry in Education (Tidsskriftet til Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CPES))


Journals of education that is of particular relevance because of their geographical orientation

Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk

Nordic Studies in Education (Tidsskriftet til Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA))

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift

Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift