Melania Borit
Job description
Professor of Knowledge Integration / Methodologies for Interdisciplinary Research
- Leader of the Research Group CRAFT - Knowledge Integration and Blue Futures.
- Coordinator: AFO-JIGG - Service design thinking to improve welfare and product quality in the
Norwegian small-scale fishing fleet (NFR project number 302635). - Coordinator: FUTURES4Fish - Adaptive socio-technological solutions for Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture (NFR project number 325814).
- Main Coordinator: Qual2Rule - Using Qualitative Data to Inform Behavioural Rules in Agent-Based Modelling (Special Interest Group @ European Social Simulation Association).
- Co-coordinator: SSG - Social Simulation and Games (Special Interest Group @ European Social Simulation Association).
- Co-coordinator: MOOD - Models of Human Decision (Special Interest Group @ European Social Simulation Association).
- Secretary: ESSA - European Social Simulation Association.
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Publications outside Cristin
Research interests
- social simulation, agent-based modelling, design of autonomous social agents, autonomous systems;
- evidence synthesis / knowledge integration;
- critical futures studies;
- pedagogy and didactics in higher education, student active learning, game-based learning;
- traceability, certification, standardisation; risk communication;
- fisheries / natural resource management, IUU fishing; fisheries as socio-ecological complex adaptive systems;
- related legislation;
- culture and trust.
External collaborations:
- Course coordinator (2025): MNF-3001/8001 Arctic Future Pathfinders. A journey through the Northwest Passage
- Course coordinator (since 2022): FSK-3014 Project organisation and collaboration
Member of research group
- 2023 Professor of knowledge integration / methodologies for interdisciplinary research, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
2016 Associate professor of modelling and simulation of social processes and game-based learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway - 2014 PhD in Resource Management - Social Science, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway (Thesis title: Trust and traceability. Using culturally tailored environmental risk communication and transparency as trust-building tools)
- 2014 Accredited Lecturer in Intercultural Management, The Hofstede Centre, Finland
- 2023 Professor in knowledge integration / methodologies for interdisciplinary research, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- 2016 Associate professor in modelling and simulation of social processes and game-based learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- 2014 PhD in Resource Management - Social Science, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway (Thesis title: Trust and traceability. Using culturally tailored environmental risk communication and transparency as trust-building tools)
- 2013 Accredited Lecturer in Organisational Culture and Change, The Hofstede Centre, Finland
- 2010 UniPed (Teacher Training in Higher Education), University of Tromsø, Norway
- 2009 Master of Science in International Fisheries Management, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, Norway
- 2005 Master of Laws in Maritime Law, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo, Norway
- 2003 Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law, "Ovidius" University, Constanta, Romania
- 2003 Teachers' Training Program, "Ovidius" University, Constanta, Romania