Bilde av Dahl, Espen
Photo: Torje Jenssen
Bilde av Dahl, Espen
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777644363 46473018 You can find me here

Espen Dahl


  • Espen Dahl, Theodor Sandal Rolfsen :
    The Phenomenology of Pain and Pleasure: Henry and Levinas
    Revue de la philosophie française et de langue française 2024 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Augustine and Heidegger on Verticality and Everydayness
    Continental Philosophy Review 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Alderdommens fenomenologi: Om kropp, tid og passivitet
    Teologisk Tidsskrift 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Perception, Imagination, and the Transfiguration of the Ordinary
    LIT Verlag 2021
  • Espen Dahl :
    Stanley Cavell - mellom estetisk og filosofisk modernisme
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Espen Dahl, Jan-Olav Henriksen, Marius Timmann Mjaaland :
    LIT Verlag 2021
  • Espen Dahl :
    Preserving Wonder Through the Reduction: Husserl, Marion, and Merleau-Ponty
    Springer 2020 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Between ordinary and extraordinary: A Deweyan approach to ordinary, aesthetic, and cultic experience
    Harvard Theological Review 2020 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Weakness and Passivity: Phenomenology of the Body After Paul
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Espen Dahl, Cassandra Falke, Thor Eirik Eriksen :
    Routledge 2019
  • Espen Dahl :
    Wittgenstein and Augustine on Seeing Miracles
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2018
  • Espen Dahl :
    Knausgård og det stillferdige kallet fra det hverdagslige
    Novus Forlag 2018
  • Espen Dahl :
    Girard on Apocalypse and Terrorism
    Cambridge University Press 2017 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    The inner tension of pain and the phenomenology of evil
    International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 2017 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Mottageligheten og kroppens fenomenologi
    Novus Forlag 2017
  • Espen Dahl :
    Nattverd, kropp, erindring
    DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 2016 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Espen Dahl :
    Preserving the Double Mystery: Augustine's Confessions on Self and God
    Literature & Theology 2016 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Job and the Problem of Physical Pain: A Phenomenological Reading
    Modern Theology 2016 DOI
  • Espen Dahl, Jan-Olav Henriksen, Marius Timmann Mjaaland :
    Imagination in Religion: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Religion
    LIT Verlag 2021
  • Espen Dahl, Cassandra Falke, Thor Eirik Eriksen :
    Phenomenology of the Broken Body
    Routledge 2019 DATA
  • Espen Dahl :
    The Problem of Job and the Problem of Evil
    Cambridge University Press 2019 DATA
  • Espen Dahl :
    Drew Leder, The Healing Body: Creative Responses to Illness, Aging, and Affliction
    Philosophy of Medicine 09. May 2024 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Phenomenology, Life, and Meaning
  • Espen Dahl, Theodor Rolfsen :
    Pleasure and Pain in Henry and Levinas
  • Espen Dahl :
    The Nature of the Body and the Body of Nature
  • Espen Dahl, Theodor Sandal Rolfsen :
    Introduction of Special Issue “Phenomenology and Systematic Theology”
    Religions 2023 DOI
  • Espen Dahl :
    Arendt and the wonder of birth and nature
  • Espen Dahl :
    The body and nature in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty
  • Espen Dahl :
    Augustins underfulle alminnelighet
    Nytt norsk kirkeblad : for teologi og praksis 2020 ARKIV
  • Espen Dahl :
    Hope and the Body: Response to Johanne Stubbe Kristensen
  • Espen Dahl :
    Response to Fredrik Svenaeus' "Phenomenological Bioethics"
  • Espen Dahl :
    Perception, Imagination, and the Transfiguration of the Ordinary
  • Espen Dahl :
    Setter Gud på tiltalebenken
    03. January 2019
  • Espen Dahl :
    Pain and eschatological hope
  • Espen Dahl :
    The Problem of Job and Physical Pain
  • Cathinka Dahl Hambro, Espen Dahl :
    Ecstatic Pain: manifestations of physical pain in the visions of Julian of Norwich and their implications for imitatio Christi
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
  • Espen Dahl :
  • Espen Dahl :
    The relation between ordinary life and the festive
  • Espen Dahl :
    Respons til Ola Sigurdson - Om lykke, smerte og korset
  • Espen Dahl :
    Luthers menneskesyn- mellom passivitet og aktivitet
  • Espen Dahl :
    Luther og det rettferdiggjorte mennesket
    Nordlys 27. October 2017
  • Espen Dahl :
    "I Cannot" and the Passivity of the Body
  • Espen Dahl :
    Weakness and Receptivity: Phenomenology of the Body after Paul
  • Espen Dahl :
    Den underlige hverdagen
  • Espen Dahl :
    Undringen, hverdagen og den fenomenologiske reduksjon
  • Espen Dahl :
    "Pain and Evil"
  • Bengt-Ove Andreassen, Espen Dahl :
    DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 2016
  • Espen Dahl :
    Holiness. Christianity. C. Modern Europe and America
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2016
  • Espen Dahl :
    Minne - ting - tekst.
  • Espen Dahl :
    Kropp, skrøpelighet og mottagelighet - en fenomenologi for kroppen som ikke fungerer?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research interests concern the relation between theology and philosophy. In particular, I have explored the dynamics between the ordinary and the extraordinary. I have explored how this dynamics is operative in a range og phenomena, such as the holy, aesthetic experience, wonder, mysticism and worship. I have also written on the problem of evil. In that respect, the role of physical pain bhas proved central, and along with it the general questions on incarnation, passivity, death and resurrection. Methodologically, phenomenology and ordinary language philosophy have had a great influence in my research.                                        


    Head of the research gruop Phenomenology and Bodies of Knowledge, 2016 -

    Program coordintor for theology and religious studies

    Member of the board of AHR, 2014 -

    The University Caplaincy's Counsel, 2017 -