Oda Martine Steinsdatter Øverhaug,
Johanna Laue,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Mette Bech Risør
‘There’s a will, but not a way’: Norwegian GPs’ experiences of collaboration with child welfare services – a grounded theory study
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Rethinking the logic of early diagnosis in cancer
Anna Bernhardt Lyhnebeck,
Mette Bech Risør,
Ann Dorrit Guassora,
John Sahl Andersen,
Søren Thorgaard Skou
Physiotherapists' Treatment Strategies and Delineation of Areas of Responsibility for People With Musculoskeletal Conditions and Comorbidities in Private Physiotherapy Practice: A Qualitative Study
Iben Emilie Christensen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Lone Grøn,
Mette Bech Risør
Healthcare seeking for people diagnosed with severe mental illness: Sensations, symptoms and diagnostic work
Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen,
Lene Lunde,
Anja Maria Brænd,
Ivan Spehar,
Sigurd Høye,
Ingmarie Skoglund
et al.:
Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical officers
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2024
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
Mette Bech Risør,
John Brodersen,
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
Reply: How do we avoid polarization of interdisciplinary research on cancer diagnosis?
Cathrine Maria Boge-Olsnes,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gunn Kristin Øberg
Exploring the potential of a standardized test in physiotherapy: making emotion, embodiment, and therapeutic alliance count for women with chronic pelvic pain
Frontiers in Psychology 2023
Julie Høgsgaard Andersen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Lisbeth Frostholm,
Mette Trøllund Rask,
Marianne Rosendal,
Charlotte Ulrikka Rask
Managing persistent physical symptoms when being social and active is the norm: a qualitative study among young people in Denmark
Cathrine Maria Boge-Olsnes,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gunn Kristin Øberg
How life events are perceived to link to bodily distress: A qualitative study of women with chronic pelvic pain
Health Care for Women International 2022
Cathrine Maria Boge-Olsnes,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gunn Kristin Øberg
Chronic pelvic pain sufferers’ experiences of Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy: a qualitative study on an embodied approach to pain.
European Journal of Physiotherapy 2022
Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen,
Lene Lunde,
Anja Maria Lyche Brænd,
Ivan Spehar,
Sigurd Høye,
Ingmarie Skoglund
et al.:
Experiences and management strategies of Norwegian GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal interview study
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2022
Iben Emilie Christensen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Lone Grøn,
Susanne Reventlow
Senses of Touch: The Absence and Presence of Touch in Health Care Encounters of Patients with Mental Illness
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 17. March 2022
Christina Sadolin Damhus,
John Brandt Brodersen,
Mette Bech Risør
Luckily—I am not the worrying kind: Experiences of patients in the Danish cancer patient pathway for non-specific symptoms and signs of cancer.
Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson,
Iben Emilie Christensen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Mette Bech Risør
Responsibilities of Risk: Living With Mental Illness During COVID-19
Medical Anthropology 10. March 2022
Mette Bech Risør,
Kjersti Lillevoll
Caught up in Care: Crafting Moral Subjects of Chronic Fatigue
Ditte R Hulgaard,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gitte Delholm Lambertsen,
Charlotte Ulrikke Rask
Systemic family therapy for severe functional disorders in
youths. A qualitative study in a psychiatric setting
Journal of Family Therapy 05. January 2021
Maria Fredriksen Kvamme,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Trond Waage,
Mette Bech Risør
‘Fixing my life’: young people’s everyday efforts towards recovery from persistent bodily complaints.
Anthropology & Medicine 2020
Maria Fredriksen Kvamme,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Trond Waage,
Mette Bech Risør
Careful expressions of social aspects: How local professionals in high school settings, municipal services, and general practice communicate care to youth presenting persistent bodily complaints
Health and Social Care in the Community 2019
Ditte R Hulgaard,
Charlotte Ulrikke Rask,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gitte Delholm
‘I can hardly breathe’: Exploring the parental experience of having a child with a functional disorder
Journal of Child Health Care 2019
Ditte Roth Hulgaard,
Charlotte Ulrikke Rask,
Mette Bech Risør,
Gitte Delholm
Illness perceptions of youths with functional disorders and their parents: An interpretative phenomenological analysis study
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2019
Helle Haslund,
Mette Bech Risør
Vi har efterhånden fundet vores egne
ben som forældre: Forældreskab og sundhedspleje i spændingsfeltet mellem velfærdsstat og privatsfære.
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2018
Magdalena Skowronski,
Mette Bech Risør,
Rikke Sand Andersen,
Nina Foss
The cancer may come back: experiencing and managing worries of relapse in a North Norwegian village after treatment
Anthropology & Medicine 2018
Silje Vagli Østbye,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Ida Pauline Høilo Granheim,
Kjersti Elisabeth Kristensen,
Mette Bech Risør
Epistemological and methodological
paradoxes: secondary care specialists
and their challenges working with adolescents
with medically unexplained symptoms
International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2018
Mette Bech Risør,
Nina Nissen
Configurations of diagnostic processes and practices: an introduction
Publicacions URV 2018
Sara Marie Hebsgaard Offersen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Peter Vedsted,
Rikke Sand Andersen
Cancer-before-cancer. Mythologies of cancer in everyday life
Medicine Anthropology Theory 2018
Silje Vagli Østbye,
Maria Fredriksen Kvamme,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Hanne Haavind,
Trond Waage,
Mette Bech Risør
‘Not a film about my slackness’: Making sense of medically unexplained illness in youth using collaborative visual methods
Magdalena Skowronski,
Mette Bech Risør,
Nina Foss
Approaching Health in Landscapes: An Ethnographic Study with Chronic Cancer Patients from a Coastal Village in Northern Norway
Anthropology in Action 01. March 2017
Johanna Laue,
Hasse Melbye,
Mette Bech Risør
Self-treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requires more than symptom recognition – a qualitative study of COPD patients’
perspectives on self-treatment
Eva A.M. Van Eerd,
Mette Bech Risør,
Marcus Spigt,
Maciek Godycki-Ćwirko,
Elena Andreeva,
Nick Francis
et al.:
Why do physicians lack engagement with smoking cessation treatment in their COPD patients? A multinational qualitative study
Npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 2017
Rikke Sand Andersen,
Mark Nichter,
Mette Bech Risør
Introduction. Sensations, Symptoms and Healthcare Seeking.
Tone Seppola-Edvardsen,
Mette Bech Risør
Ignoring symptoms: The process of normalising sensory experiences after cancer
Magdalena Skowronski,
Mette Bech Risør,
Nina Foss
The significance of cultural norms and clinical logics for the perception of possible relapse in rural Northern Norway – sensing symptoms of cancer
Qualitative Research in Medicine & Healthcare 2017
Mikka Nielsen,
Anders Petersen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Mette Rønberg
Introduktion.Diagnoser: Organisation, kultur og mennesker
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2016
Tone Seppola-Edvardsen,
Rikke Sand Andersen,
Mette Bech Risør
Sharing or not sharing? Balancing uncertainties after cancer in urban Norway
Health, Risk and Society 2016
Sara Marie Hebsgaard Offersen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Peter Vedsted,
Rikke Sand Andersen
Am I fine? Exploring everyday life ambiguities and potentialities of embodied sensations in a Danish middle-class community
Medicine Anthropology Theory 2016
Johanna Laue,
Hasse Melbye,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Elena Andreeva,
Maciek Godycki-Cwirko,
Anja Wollny
et al.:
How do general practitioners implement decision-making regarding COPD patients with exacerbations? An international focus group study
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2016
Camilla Hoffmann Merrild,
Mette Bech Risør,
Peter Vedsted,
Rikke Sand Andersen
Class, social suffering, and health consumerism
Hilde Nordahl Karterud,
Ole Rikard Haavet,
Mette Bech Risør
Social participation in young people with nonepileptic seizures (NES): A qualitative study of managing legitimacy in everyday life