Bilde av Julin, Kjersti
Bilde av Julin, Kjersti
Senioringeniør Department of Medical Biology +4777623381 Tromsø You can find me here

Kjersti Julin

Job description

Kjersti Julin (PhD) is a senior engineer at the Research Group for Host-Microbe Interaction (HMI), at the Department of Medical Biology (IMB). She is responsible for various laboratory facilities, keeping them operational and follow-up of HSE and CHESS.

She contributes to the group's projects where research is conducted on interactions between bacteria and humans with the aim of finding new therapeutic strategies for treating infections. She works within all the group's focus areas, which are:

1) Bacterial colonization, virulence, and pathogenesis.

2) Human microbiome as a target and tool for preventing infections.

3) Antimicrobial agents, activities, and resistance.

She also teaches lab courses for master's (MBI 3012), undergraduate (MBI 1002), and medical students (MED 2510 and 1501) and supervises master's and bachelor's students.

  • Md Jalal Uddin, Kjersti Julin, Herman S. Overkleeft, Mona Susan Johannessen, Christian Stephan Lentz :
    Activity-Based Protein Profiling Identifies an α-Amylase Family Protein Contributing to the Virulence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
    ACS Infectious Diseases 2025 DOI
  • Srijana Bastakoti, Maiju Pesonen, Clément Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Jukka Corander, Mona Susan Johannessen et al.:
    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
    Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Srijana Bastakoti, Clement Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Anne Merethe Hanssen :
    Exploring differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to human tonsillar cells using RNA sequencing
    BMC Microbiology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexandra Sofia Antunes de Sousa, Vegard Borøy, Agnethe Hansen Bæverud, Kjersti Julin, Annette Bayer, Morten B. Strøm et al.:
    Polymyxin B stabilized DNA micelles for sustained antibacterial and antibiofilm activity against P. aeruginosa
    Journal of materials chemistry. B 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lisa Myrseth Hemmingsen, Pimmat Panchai, Kjersti Julin, Purusotam Basnet, Mona Nystad, Mona Johannessen et al.:
    Chitosan-based delivery system enhances antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine
    Frontiers in Microbiology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lisa Myrseth Hemmingsen, Kjersti Julin, Luquman Mian Ahsan, Purusotam Basnet, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Chitosomes-in-chitosan hydrogel for acute skin injuries: Prevention and infection control
    Marine Drugs 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Biofilm Responsive Zwitterionic Antimicrobial Nanoparticles to Treat Cutaneous Infection
    Biomacromolecules 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Wenche Jøraholmen, Abhilasha Bhargava, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    The Antimicrobial Properties of Chitosan Can be  Tailored by Formulation
    Marine Drugs 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Kjersti Julin, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded nucleic acid nanogels with enhanced drug loading and synergistic anti-inflammatory activity against S. aureus intracellular infections
    Journal of Controlled Release 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Selenia Ternullo, Eivind Gagnat, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Purusotam Basnet, Željka Vanić et al.:
    Liposomes augment biological benefits of curcumin for multitargeted skin therapy
    European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics 2019 DOI
  • Kjersti Julin, Lill-Heidi Johansen, Ann-Inger Sommer, Jorunn B Jørgensen :
    Persistent infections with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) of different virulence in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L
    Journal of Fish Diseases 2015 DOI
  • Kjersti Julin, Saskia Mennen, Ann Inger Sommer :
    Study of virulence in field isolates of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus obtained from the northern part of Norway
    Journal of Fish Diseases 2013 DOI
  • Kjersti Julin, Lill Heidi Johansen, Ann Inger Sommer :
    Reference genes evaluated for use in infectious pancreatic necrosis virus real-time RT-qPCR assay applied during different stages of an infection
    Journal of Virological Methods 2009 DOI
  • Srijana Bastakoti, maiju Pesonen, Clément Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Mona Susan Johannessen, Jukka Corander et al.:
    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
  • Anne-Merethe Christiansen Hanssen, Clément Ajayi, Mona Susan Johannessen, Kjersti Julin, Maiju Pesonen, Jukka Corander et al.:
    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
  • Srijana Bastakoti, Maiju Pesonen, Clément Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Jukka Corander, Mona Susan Johannessen et al.:
    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
  • Srijana Bastakoti, Maiju Pesonen, Clément Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Jukka Corander, Mona Susan Johannessen et al.:
    Co-culturing with Streptococcus anginosus alters Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome when exposed to tonsillar cells
  • Alexandra Sofia Antunes de Sousa, Kjersti Julin, Annette Bayer, Morten Bøhmer Strøm, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet et al.:
    Drug-loaded DNA nanoparticles against bioflms
  • Srijana Bastakoti, Clément Ajayi, Kjersti Julin, Mona Susan Johannessen, Anne-Merethe Christiansen Hanssen :
    Exploring differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus aureus exposed to human tonsillar cells using RNA sequencing
  • Kjersti Julin, Annette Bayer, Morten Bøhmer Strøm, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet, Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi :
    DNA Nanocarriers for improved biofilm penetration
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Multi-responsive and Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Biofilm Wound Infections
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Zwitterionic hybrid nanoparticles for the treatment of biofilm wound infections
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Wound Biofilms
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Multi-responsive and Zwitterionic Nanohybrids for the Treatment of Biofilm Wound Infections
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Anna Ngoc Phung, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
  • May Wenche Jøraholmen, Abhilasha Bhargava, Kjersti Julin, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Liposomes in chitosan-based drug delivery system for vaginal therapy
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Kjersti Julin, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded DNA nanogels against intracellular infections
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Kjersti Julin, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Liposomal delivery of Nucleic Acid Nanogels to Enhance Entrapment Efficiency and Sustain Release of Antibiotics against Staphylococcal intracellular infections
  • Selenia Ternullo, Eivind Gagnat, Laura Schulte-Werning, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Purusotam Basnet et al.:
    Curcumin-loaded liposomes-in-hydrogel for improved wound therapy: when traditional medicine meets advanced drug delivery systems
  • Selenia Ternullo, Eivind Gagnat, Laura Schulte-Werning, Kjersti Julin, Mona Johannessen, Purusotam Basnet et al.:
    Curcumin-loaded liposomes-in-hydrogel for improved wound therapy: when traditional medicine meets advanced drug delivery systems

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    MBI 3012

    MBI 1002

    MED 2510 and 1501

    Member of research group