Hanna Sirnes Lorentzen,
Pauline Marie Bårdsen,
Jens Thimm
Reliability and validity of the Personality Disorder Severity ICD-11 (PDS-ICD-11) scale and the Revised Personality Assessment Questionnaire for ICD-11 (PAQ-11R) in a Norwegian community sample
Personality and Mental Health 2024
Jens Thimm,
Pål Kristensen
Psychotherapeutic treatment for bereaved persons encountering grief difficulties following a drug-related death
Routledge 2024
Erik-Edwin Leonard Nordström,
Riittakerttu Kaltiala,
Pål Kristensen,
Jens Thimm
Bereaved parents’ and siblings’ healthcare needs, healthcare utilization, and satisfaction with healthcare services eight years after the 2011 Utøya terror attack
Michelle Chang,
Jens Thimm
Death-is-life-enhancing: Adaptation and validation of the Norwegian Death Mindsets Measure (NDMM)
Jens Thimm
Predicting psychological need satisfaction and frustration from early maladaptive schemas and DSM-5 and ICD-11 personality traits
Erik-Edwin Leonard Nordström,
Riittakerttu Kaltiala,
Pål Kristensen,
Jens Thimm
Somatic symptoms and insomnia among bereaved parents and siblings eight years after the Utøya terror attack
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2024
Jens Thimm,
Pål Kristensen,
Ingebjørg Fossberg Aulie,
Ida Marie Larsen,
Iren Johnsen
The associations of grief-related rumination with prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress symptoms: A longitudinal study of bereaved after the 2011 terror attack in Norway
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2024
Vendela Husberg-Bru,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Jens Thimm,
Torgeir Gilje Lid,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang
et al.:
Potentially traumatic events and the association with hazardous alcohol use in 19,128 middle aged and elderly adults: the Tromsø Study 2015–2016
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2024
Jens Thimm,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Hege Nermo,
Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen,
Ingunn Berta Gjerdåker Skre,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang
Associations between stressful life events in childhood/adolescence and adulthood: results from the 7th Tromsø survey
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2023
Jens Thimm,
Michelle Chang
Early Maladaptive Schemas and Mental Disorders in Adulthood: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 21. November 2022
Nina Mørkved,
Erik Johnsen,
Rune Andreas Kroken,
Dagfinn Winje,
Tor Ketil Larsen,
Jens Thimm
et al.:
Impact of childhood trauma on antipsychotic effectiveness in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A prospective, pragmatic, semi-randomized trial
Erik-Edwin Leonard Nordström,
Jens Thimm,
Kaltiala-Heino Riittakerttu,
Pål Kristensen
Prolonged grief, post-traumatic stress, and functional impairment in parents and siblings 8 years after the 2011 Utøya terror attack
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 13. December 2022
Jens Thimm
The higher-order structure of early maladaptive schemas: A meta-analytical approach
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022
Olga V Lehmann O,
Robert A. Neimeyer,
Jens Thimm,
Aslak Hjeltnes,
Reinekke Lengelle,
Trine Giving Kalstad
Experiences of Norwegian Mothers Attending an Online Course of Therapeutic Writing Following the Unexpected Death of a Child
Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Cèline Lossius Westby,
Andrea Røsberg Erlandsen,
Sondre Aasen Nilsen,
Endre Visted,
Jens C. Thimm
Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD after stillbirth: a systematic review
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2021
Hege Nermo,
Tiril Willumsen,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Jens Thimm,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen
Dental anxiety and potentially traumatic events: a cross-sectional study based on the Tromsø Study—Tromsø 7
Jens Thimm,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Marte Rye,
Anna Margrete Flåm,
Eva Therese Næss,
Ingunn Skre
et al.:
The prevalence of potentially traumatic events in the seventh survey of the population-based Tromsø study (Tromsø 7)
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2021
Fredrik Dreyer Moe,
Jens Thimm
Personal therapy and the personal therapist
Aslak E Himle,
Odd E. Havik,
Jens Thimm
The Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity-Revised (LEIDS-R) and its revision (LEIDS-RR): An investigation of the internal structure and conceptual validity in a Norwegian sample
Janne Øen Hansen,
Tonje Ada Brandser,
Jens Thimm
Behandling av komplisert sorg - En systematisk oversikt og
metaanalyse av randomiserte kontrollerte studier
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2020
Bo Bach,
Andre Kerber,
Anton Aluja,
Tim Bastiaens,
Jared Keeley,
Claes Laurence
et al.:
International Assessment of DSM-5 and ICD-11 Personality Disorder Traits: Toward a Common Nosology in DSM-5.1
Jens Thimm,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Unni Ringberg
The prevalence of severe grief reactions after bereavement and their associations with mental health, physical health, and health service utilization: a population-based study
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2020
Atle Dyregrov,
Anita Fjærestad,
Rolf Gjestad,
Jens Thimm
Young People's Risk Perception and Experience in
Connection with COVID-19
Journal of loss & trauma 03. December 2020
Nina Mørkved,
Erik Johnsen,
Rune Andreas Kroken,
Rolf Gjestad,
Dagfinn Winje,
Jens Thimm
et al.:
Does childhood trauma influence cognitive functioning in schizophrenia? The association of childhood trauma and cognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
Schizophrenia Research: Cognition 2020
Jens Thimm,
Liss Antonsen,
Wenche Karin Malmedal
Patients' perception of user involvement in psychiatric outpatient treatment: Associations with patient characteristics and satisfaction
Health Expectations 16. September 2020
Jens Thimm,
Tom Johan Johnsen
Time trends in the effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: A meta-analysis
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2020
Dag Nordahl,
Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt,
Agnes Bohne,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Jens Thimm
Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of maternal bonding to the unborn child
Helge Vara,
Jens Thimm
Associations between self-compassion and complicated grief symptoms in bereaved individuals: An exploratory study
Jens Thimm,
Maylinn Davidsen,
Mie Marie Elsness,
Helga Vara
Reliability, factor structure, and validity of the inventory of complicated grief (ICG) in a general bereaved sample in Norway
Scandinavian Psychologist 2019
Tom Johan Johnsen,
Jens Thimm
A Meta-Analysis of Group Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy as an Antidepressive Treatment: Are We Getting Better?
Canadian psychology 2018
Nina Mørkved,
Dagfinn Winje,
Anders Dovran,
Kjersti Jorunn Arefjord,
Erik Johnsen,
Rune Andreas Kroken
et al.:
Childhood trauma in schizophrenia spectrum disorders as compared to substance abuse disorders
Psychiatry Research 2018
Jens Thimm,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Martin Eisemann,
Knut Waterloo,
Marianne Halvorsen
Coping, thought suppression, and perceived stress in currently depressed, previously depressed, and never depressed individuals
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2018
Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt,
Dag Nordahl,
Gerit Pfuhl,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Jens Thimm,
Linn Kathrin K. Ilstad
et al.:
Protocol for the Northern babies longitudinal study: predicting postpartum depression and improving parent–infant interaction with The Newborn Behavioral Observation
Katinka Solli,
Eva Therese Næss,
Ida Solhaug,
Jens Thimm
Mindfulness training for chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study
Health Psychology Report 2017
Jens Thimm
Relationships between early maladaptive schemas, mindfulness, self-compassion, and psychological distress
Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicológica 2017
Jens Thimm,
Stian Jordan,
Bo Bach
Hierarchical Structure and Cross-Cultural Measurement Invariance of the Norwegian Version of the Personality Inventory for DSM–5
Journal of Personality Assessment 2017
Jens Thimm
The Norwegian Computerized Adaptive Test of Personality Disorder – Static Form (CAT-PD-SF): Reliability, factor structure, and relationships with personality functioning
Assessment (ASM) 2017
Jens Thimm,
Jason M. Holland
Early Maladaptive Schemas, Meaning Making, and Complicated Grief Symptoms After Bereavement
International Journal of Stress Management 2017
Jens Thimm,
Stian Jordan,
Bo Bach
The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Short Form (PID-5-SF): psychometric properties and association with big five traits and pathological beliefs in a Norwegian population
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Agnes Bohne,
Dag Nordahl,
Gerit Pfuhl,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Jens Thimm
et al.:
Perinatal psykisk helse: Forskning og tiltak
Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi 06. October 2021
Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt,
Dag Nordahl,
Gerit Pfuhl,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Jens Thimm,
Agnes Bohne
et al.:
Protokoll for God start for Små i Nord-studien – prediksjon av postpartum depresjon og styrking av foreldre-barn-samspill med The Newborn Behavioral Observation
BestPractice Nordic 2020
Dag Nordahl,
Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt,
Agnes Bohne,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang,
Jens Thimm
Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of maternal bonding to the unborn child
Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt,
Inger Pauline Landsem,
Dag Nordahl,
Agnes Bohne,
Maja Myrvang,
Siri Høylo Fundingsrud
et al.:
The Northern Babies Longitudinal Study
Predicting Postpartum Depression and
Improving Parent-infant Interaction With The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO)
Jens Thimm,
Kristoffer Lygren Walther
Personlighetsforstyrrelser: Dimensjon eller kategori?
Jens Thimm,
Stian Jordan,
Bo Bach
Psychometric properties of the Personality Inventory
for DSM-5 Brief Form in Norway
Jens Thimm
Mediation of self-compassion between pathological personality traits and symptomatic distress
Jens Thimm
Sorgbehandling via internett
Oss foreldre imellom 2016
Jens Thimm
Sunn narsissisme kan ha flere fordeler
21. March 2016
Jens Thimm
What does the Young Schema Questionnaire measure?
Jens Thimm
Tegnene på de tre vanligste personlighetsforstyrrelsene