Recent publications
Below, a few recent publications involving SmallStruct are listed.
Olsen, Elisabeth Klungerbo; Søderholm, Kine; Isaksson, Johan; Andersen, Jeanette hammer; Hansen, Espen. Metabolomic Profiling Reveals the N-Acyl-Taurine Geodiataurine in Extracts from the Marine Sponge Geodia macandrewii (Bowerbank). Journal of natural products (Print) 2016, 79, 1285-1291
Olsen, Elisabeth Klungerbo; Hansen, Espen; Moodie, Lindon W.K; Isaksson, Johan; Sepcic, Kristina; Cergolj, Marija; Svenson, Johan; Andersen, Jeanette hammer. Marine AChE inhibitors isolated from Geodia barretti: natural compounds and their synthetic analogs. Organic and biomolecular chemistry 2016, 14, 1629-1640
Capar, Jan; Zonneveld, Job; Berg, Steffen; Isaksson, Johan; Gagnon, Kevin J.; Thomas, Kolle E.; Ghosh, Abhik. Demetalation of copper undecaarylcorroles: Molecular structures of a free-base undecaarylisocorrole and a gold undecaarylcorrole. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2016, available online.
Demissie, Taye Beyene; Kostenko, Nataliya; Komorovsky, Stanislav; Repisky, Michal; Isaksson, Johan; Bayer, Annette; Ruud, Kenneth. Experimental and four-component relativistic DFT studies of tungsten carbonyl complexes. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2015, 28 (12), 723-73
Sivertsen, Annfrid; Isaksson, Johan; Leiros, Hanna-Kirsti S.; Svenson, Johan; Svendsen, John Sigurd; Brandsdal, Bjørn Olav. Synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptides bind with their hydrophobic parts to drug site II of human serum albumin. BMC Structural Biology 2014, 14, 4
Sivertsen, Annfrid; Tørfoss, Veronika; Isaksson, Johan; Ausbacher, Dominik; Anderssen, Trude; Brandsdal, Bjørn Olav; Havelkova, Martina; Skjørholm, Anne Elisabeth; Strøm, Morten B..
Anticancer potency of small linear and cyclic tetrapeptides and pharmacokinetic investigations of peptide binding to human serum albumin. Journal of Peptide Science 2014 ;Volum 20.(4) s. 279-291
Xiaojun Li, Kathrin H. Hopmann,* Jana Hudecová, Johan Isaksson, Jana Novotná, Wenche Stensen, Valery Andrushchenko, Marie Urbanová, John-Sigurd Svendsen, Petr Bouř* and Kenneth Ruud, Determination of Absolute Configuration and Conformation of a Cyclic Dipeptide by NMR and Chiral Spectroscopic Methods. J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 1721-1736.
Elisabeth Klungerbo Olsen ,* Espen Hansen, Johan Isaksson and Jeanette H. Andersen, Cellular antioxidant effect of four bromophenols from the red algae Vertebrata lanosa. Mar. Drugs 2013, 11, 2769-2784.
Taye B. Demissie, Michal Repisky, Stanislav Komorovsky, Johan Isaksson, John S. Svendsen, Helena Dodziuk and Kenneth Ruud,* Four-component relativistic chemical shift calculations of halogenated organic compounds. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2013, 26, 679-687.
Kine Ø. Hanssen, Bruno Schuler, Antony J. Williams, Taye B. Demissie, Espen Hansen, Jeanette H. Andersen, Johan Svenson, Kirill Blinov, Michal Repisky, Fabian Mohn, Gerhard Meyer, John-Sigurd Svendsen, Kenneth Ruud, Mikhail Elyashberg, Leo Gross, Marcel Jaspars,* and Johan Isaksson,* A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Computational Approach for the Structural Elucidation of Breitfussin A and B: Highly Modified Halogenated Dipeptides from Thuiaria breitfussi. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 12238-12241.
Veronika Tørfoss, Johan Isaksson, Dominik Ausbacher, Bjørn-Olav Brandsdal, Gøril E. Flaten, Trude Anderssen, Cristiane de A. Cavalcanti-Jacobsen, Martina Havelkova, Leonard T. Nguyen, Hans J. Vogel and Morten B. Strøm,* Improved anticancer potency by head-to-tail cyclization of short cationic anticancer peptides containing a lipophilic b2,2-amino acid. J. Pept. Sci. 2012, 18, 609-619.
Johan Isaksson, Bjørn O. Brandsdal, Magnus Engqvist, Gøril Eide Flaten, John S. Mjøen Svendsen and Wenche Stensen.* A Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptidomimetic (LTX 109): Stereochemical Impact on Membrane Disruption. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 5786-5795.
Associated platforms/centers
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Academic collaborators
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Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry, IFA, Tromsø |
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Marine bioprospecting, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, Tromsø |
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