Bilde av Lotherington, Ann Therese
Photo: Jacob Bjørvig Henriksen
Bilde av Lotherington, Ann Therese
Professor in Sociology, academic director for SKK Centre for women's and gender research +4777645715 +47 918 11 551 Tromsø You can find me here

Ann Therese Lotherington

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Research interests

In my work, I explore ways we can live together despite differences in age, gender, ability, nationality, ethnicity, and / or other differentiating mechanisms. Questions about how we can promote interaction and integration in society without standardizing ways of living are central. These are issues that are particularly urgent for individuals and groups of people who do not have or will not be able to live up to a given standard. 

In my current research, I focus on people who have developed brain failure in adulthood, often in the form of a dementia disease, and ask how everyday life can be organized to ensure that their potential contributions to social development are actualized and their citizenship maintained. I do this by investigating inter-action and intra-action through creative processes and artistic activity. The methodological approach is qualitative art-based research, while I theoretically apply sociological perspectives such as Science and Technology Studies (STS), material feminist theory and citizenship theory. 

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