Bilde av Son, Minjeong
Photo: Sunniva C.D. Werkland

Minjeong Son

Førsteamanuensis i engelsk/ Associate Professor of English

  • Annelise Brox Larsen, Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Minjeong Son :
    Master thesis as boundary crossing mediating artefacts
    Routledge 2024 DOI
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Minjeong Son, Annelise Brox Larsen :
    Transforming teacher education for English - contradictions in the activity system hindering a third-space partnership
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Minjeong Son :
    ConBaT+: Possibilities and challenges in preparing student teachers in English for plurilingual education
    Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Minjeong Son :
    Towards reconceptualising teacher education for English: Benefits and challenges of implementing a third space
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Minjeong Son :
    Praksisnær lærerutdanning - et eksempel fra engelskfaget
    FoU i praksis 2017 ARKIV
  • Minjeong Son :
    Revisiting Resultatives in Korean
    Japanese and Korean Linguistics 15 2009
  • Minjeong Son :
    Linguistic Variation and Lexical Parameter: The Case of Directed Motion
    The University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 2009
  • Minjeong Son, Peter Svenonius :
    Microparameters of Cross-linguistic Variation: Directed motion and Resultatives
    Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 2008 PROSJEKT
  • Minjeong Son :
    Resultatives in Korean Revisited: Complementation versus Adjunction
    Nordlyd 2008 ARKIV
  • Minjeong Son, Peter Cole :
    An Event-Based Account of -kan constructions in Standard Indonesian (with Peter Cole)
    Language 2008
  • Minjeong Son :
    Directionality and Resultativity: The Cross-Linguistic Correlation Revisited
    Nordlyd 2007 ARKIV
  • Minjeong Son :
    Verbs of the 'Put-On' Class and Their Peculiarity in Korean
    Japanese and Korean Linguistics 15 2007
  • Minjeong Son :
    Directed Motion and Non-Predicative Path P in Korean
    Nordlyd 2006
  • Minjeong Son :
    Atypical Argument Structure of HI Passive in Korean
    The University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 2006
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Minjeong Son, Bengt Haugseth :
    Praksisfokus - nye måter å knytte sammen teori og praksis
  • Johansen Julie Lilanda, Minjeong Son :
    Intercultural Communicative Competence: Self-assessment, Cognition and Practice among English Teachers in Lower-Secondary Schools in Norway
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
  • Minjeong Son, Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Annelise Brox Larsen :
    Theory-oriented teaching practice under school-university collaboration: Perspectives from student teachers of English
  • Minjeong Son :
    Plurilingual pedagogy: Possibilities and challenges in preparing pre-service teachers in English for plurilingual education
  • Minjeong Son, Annelise Brox Larsen :
    Theory-practice integration in a reinforced school-university partnership in Norway: Perspectives from student teachers of English
  • Hanna Kaarby, Minjeong Son :
    Qualitative action research on how pupils in a lower secondary school can develop intercultural communicative competence through picturebooks
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
  • Anniken Isaksen, Vebjørn Holen Seljestad, Minjeong Son :
    Intercultural competence within the English subject. Qualitative action research on how teachers in a lower secondary school can teach intercultural competence focusing on stereotypes and prejudice.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Annelise Brox Larsen, Minjeong Son :
    Inner contradictions and tensions in creating a third space in teacher education for English in Norway
  • Minjeong Son, Tine Vanessa, Katrine Forså :
    Developing pupils’ oral confidence in the English classroom: A qualitative and quantitative study on pupils’ anxiety, nervosity and insecurities in relation to oral activity in the second language classroom
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Minjeong Son :
    Enhancing theory-practice integration in teacher education for English through a third space
  • Minjeong Son :
    Reportasje om studentaktiv læring i partnerskapet ved UiT, presentert på konferansen om partnerskap i lærerutdanningene: Hvis partnerskap er svaret – hva er spørsmålet?
    21. April 2021
  • Minjeong Son :
    Subject-verb agreement in written English by L1 Norwegian university students: Error patterns, causes, and implication for teaching
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
  • Minjeong Son, Tove Elinor Holmbukt :
    Improving theory and practice integration in teacher education: An example from the subject of English
  • Stine Sørensen, Minjeong Son :
    Teaching English in introduction classes. A case study of challenges and facilitating factors for teachers who teach English in introduction classes
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Minjeong Son, Ingrid Fallang :
    Teachers’ Knowledge and Classroom Practices of Pronunciation in Lower Secondary School in Norway
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Minjeong Son, Ida-Mari Skardal :
    Using pre-speaking activities to increase pupils’ oral confidence in English
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
  • Peter Svenonius, Minjeong Son :
    Measurement and Paths in Indonesian and English
  • Peter Svenonius, Minjeong Son :
    Directed Manner of Motion in Verb Serialization: A comparative study of Indonesian/Malay and Tetun Dili
  • Minjeong Son :
    Two ways to Express Directed Motion in Indonesian/Malay and Different Event Construals
  • Minjeong Son :
    Directed Manner of Motion in Verb Serialization: A Comparative Study of Indonesian/Malay and Tetun Dili
  • Minjeong Son :
    Resultatives in Korean Revisited: Adjunction versus Complementation
  • Minjeong Son, Peter Svenonius :
    Measurement and Path
  • Peter Svenonius, Minjeong Son :
    Microparameters of Cross-linguistic variation: Directed Motion and Resultatives
  • Peter Svenonius, Minjeong Son :
    Directed Motion Expressions in Malay/Indonesian with reference to Javanese and Balinese
  • Minjeong Son :
    Resultatives in Korean and English Revisited from a Micro-Parametric Perspective
  • Minjeong Son :
    The Typology of Directed Motion from A Micro-Parametric Perspective
  • Minjeong Son :
    Linguistic Variation and Lexical Parameters: The Case of Directed Motion
  • Minjeong Son :
    (With Peter Svenonius) Microparameters of Cross-Linguistic Variation: Directed Motion and Resultatives
  • Minjeong Son :
    Cross-Linguistics Variation in Resultatives: With Reference to Korean and English
  • Minjeong Son :
    (with Peter Svenonius) Directed Motion Expressions in Malay/Indonesian with reference to Javanese and Balinese
  • Minjeong Son :
    Event (De-)Composition of Directed Motion in Korean and English
  • Minjeong Son :
    Decomposing Denominal Location Verbs: Morpho-syntactic Evidence from Indonesian
  • Minjeong Son :
    Event Composition of Directed Motion in Korean and Engish
  • Minjeong Son :
    Directed Motion and Path P in Korean
  • Minjeong Son :
    Unaccusativity of Verbs of Putting X On One's Body in Korean
  • Minjeong Son :
    Predicate Decomposition and Verbs of the 'Put-On' Class in Korean

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    • Masteremne i engelsk didaktikk: Språklæring, flerespråklighet og didaktikk
    • Engelsk fordypning (5-10):  Språklig og kulturelt mangfold i den engelskspråklige verden
    • Engelsk 5-10 og 1-7: Språkkunnskap og didaktikk 
    • Språk læring og kommunikasjon (Engelsk) for engelsklærere (trinn 5-10), Tromsø
    • Påbygging Engelsk 1.- 7. trinn og Engelsk 5. - 10. trinn for masterstudenter i lærerutdanning (ILP)
    • Engelsk 1 (trinn 1-7), etter- og videreutdanning for engelsk lærere, Alta campus (2016-2017) 
    • Engelskdidaktikk 1 og 2 (GLU-1406/7) og  Språk (fonetikk, GLU-1400), Alta campus  (2015-2017)
    • Language diversity and typology (IKS, UiT)/ The origin and evolution of language (IKS, UiT)
    • Introduction to Linguistics (taught at the University of Delaware, USA)
    • Veiledning i FoU-oppgave og master oppgave (ILP)

    In English:

    • Master course in English didactics: Language learning, multilingualism and didactics 
    • English fordypning (in-depth course): Linguistics and cultural diversity in the English speaking world
    • Language learning,communication, and didactics for integrated master program of teacher education (trinn 5-10 and 1-7)
    • English 1 for in-service English teachers (Continuing education) (both 1-7 and 5-10), Tromsø/Alta
    • English didactics 1 and 2 and Phonetics, Alta campus (2015-2017)
    • Language diversity and typology (IKS, UiT)/ The origin and evolution of language (IKS, UiT)
    • Introduction to Linguistics (taught at the University of Delaware, USA)
    • Supervision in bachelor and master thesis