Bilde av Sundset, Monica Alterskjær
Photo: Sverre-Leander Sundset
Bilde av Sundset, Monica Alterskjær
Professor in animal physiology Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777644790 97190722 Tromsø You can find me here

Monica Alterskjær Sundset

Job description

Excellent teaching practitioner

Deputy leader at Dept of Arctic and Marine Biology

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Research interests

Ongoing projects

PhD supervision

  1. Hedvig Elisabeth Mjøen (2022-2026), The Arctic University Museum of Norway, AMB, BFE. Genomic basis of eco-evolutionary responses to chaning environments in Arctic plant-herbivoee systems. Supervisors: Galina Gusarova, Monica A Sundset, Inger G Alsos, Gabriela Wagner.
  2. Hanne Bjerknes (2021-2025), NFH. Effects of novel low-trophic arctic marine raw materials on the development of atherosclerosis. Supervisors: Karl- Erik Eilertsen, MA Sundset, Edel Elvevoll.
  3. PhD Sara Meier (completed Dec 2023), Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Seasonality of diurnal metabolomics and sleep in an Arctic ruminant. Supervisors: Prof. Reto Huber, Prof. Gabriela Schaepmann-Strub, Prof. Monica A Sundset, Dr. Gabriela Wagner, Prof. Dr. Steven Brown (deceased).
  4. PhD Melanie Furrer (completed Nov 2022), University of Zürich, Switzerland (Neuroscience program). Circadian and homeostatic aspects of sleep regulation: From naturalistic models to clinical settings. Supervisors: Reto Huber, Gabriela Wagner, Steven Brown, Monica A Sundset.
  5. PhD Alejandro Salgado-Flores (completed 2017) Gut metagenomics in relation to diet and methanogenesis in Arctic herbivores, ISBN 978-82-8266-140-9. UiT. Supervisors: Monica A Sundset, Phillip B Pope (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo), Andre-Denis G Wright (The University of Arizona, USA).
  6. PhD Kirsti E Præsteng (completed 2012) Genetic identification and ruminal dosing of cellulolytic bacteria to reindeer in search of a future probiotic, ISBN 978-82-8266-040-2. UiT. Supervisors: Monica A Sundset, Svein D Mathiesen, Isaac KO Cann (University of Illinois, USA), Roderick I Mackie (University of Illinois, USA).
  7. PhD Trine Glad (completed 2010) Antimicrobial resistance and bacterial diversity in Arctic Environments, ISBN 978-82-7589-313-8. UiT. Supervisors: Monica A Sundset, Kaare M Nielsen.
  8. PhD Pål Vegar Storeheier (completed 2003) Food intake and forage utilization in reindeer during winter, ISBN 82-7589-139-6. UiT. Supervisors: Monica A Sundset, Svein D Mathiesen.

MSc Thesis Advisor

  1. Jason Byrne (2024-2025) Setaria tundra: a climate change-sensitive parasite in Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Supervisors: Ingebjørg Helena Nymo, Monica A Sundset, Rebecca Davdson, Kayla Buhler, Morten Tryland.
  2. Nora Qi Badkår Norli (2022-2023, 40 stp). Formativ tilbakemelding gjennom digitale flervalgsoppgaver i CANVAS. En kvalitativ studie av studentenes læringserfaring gjennom arbeid med flervalgsoppgaver i et fysiologi-emne på bachelor nivå. Veiledere: MA Sundset, Camilla Svensen, Cato Bjørndal.
  3. Silje Hælen-Helgesson (2022-2023, 60 stp). The effect of endurance training on mitochondrial function in Siberian huskies and Alaskan huskies. Supervisors: MA Sundset, Chiara Ciccone, Ingebjørg Helena Nymo, Shona Wood, Lars Folkow.
  4. MSc Irina Alexopoulou (2019-2020, 60 stp). Regulation of urokinase receptor (uPAR) cleavage by cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in oral cancer. Veiledere: Synnøve Magnussen (IMB), MA Sundset. 
  5. MSc Pernille Meyer (2019) Validation of DNA metabarcoding as a tool for diet analysis in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) Supervisors: Galina Gusarova, Stefaniya Kamenova, Anne K. Brysting, Monica A. Sundset, Lars Folkow). Pernille was a MSc student at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo - doing parts of her project with us in Tromsø.
  6. MSc Marte Nilsen (2013) Ernæringsbasert metanproduksjon hos sau (Methane emissions from sheep).
  7. MSc Kia Krarup Hansen (2012) Methane emissions from reindeer. Do reindeer fed lichens emit less methane than reindeer on a pelleted feed diet?
  8. MSc Anders J Hamnes (2007) Evaluering av lokalprodusert gresspellet som fôr til rein og effekt av melassetilsetning.
  9. MSc Vibeke F Kristiansen (2007) Ampicillin resistance and bacterial diversity in colon content from grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) at the coast of northern Norway.
  10. MSc Pål Bernhardsen (2007) Bacterial diversity and ampicillin resistance in faecal content from polar bears (Ursus maritimus).

German Diploma Thesis Advisor

  1. Alexandra Kohn (2008) Antibiotic usnic acid in lichens. Review and screening for usnic acid-resistant rumen bacterial strains from reindeer. Visiting Scholar.

Veterinary Medicine Thesis Advisor

  1. Larsen AK & Marhaug T (2004) Digestion in polar bear - An anatomical study of the digestive system in Polar bear related to its ability to adapt to future climatic changes in the Arctic.


I teach in the following courses at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway:

  • Bio-1105 Innføring i Biologi (course instructor) (2019)
  • Bio-1006 Dyre- og Plantefysiologi
  • Bio-2310 Arctic Biology
  • Kompetanseutviklingsprogram for studieprogramledere ved UiT (Nov 2021)Kurs - Vurdering av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse (Result) (2020)
  • UNIPED-100-1 19H Basismodul i pedagogisk kompetanse (Result) (2020)
  • BFE Pedagogisk Seminar - Utvikling Pedagogisk Mapper (2020)


  • Cand mag (1990) in Biology, UiT
  • Cand Scient (MSc) in Zoophysiology (1992), UiT
  • Dr philos (PhD) in Zoophysiology (2000), UiT
  • University Seminar in Pedagogics UiT (2003-2004)
  • The Dean School of The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR Dekanskolen, 2012-2013)
  • Course on peer review of teaching portfolios UiT (2017-2018)
  • Merited Teacher / Excellent teaching practitioner AMB/BFE/UiT (since 2019)
  • UNIPED-600 Course in research supervision, Result, UiT (2021-2022)
  • Associate professor in zoophysiology at Institute of Medical Biology, UiT (1997-2001)
  • Post-doc UiT (appointed by the university board) (2001-2004)
  • Visiting Scientist Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2001-2002)
  • Professor in Animal Physiology AMB/BFE/UiT (since 2004)
  • Vice Dean of Education BFE/UiT (Nov 2010 – July 2018)
  • Acting Dean BFE/UiT (4 months: 2015, 2016)
  • Deputy Leader for Teaching AMB/UiT (Since Aug 2019)