Bilde av Lindgård, Kjell
Bilde av Lindgård, Kjell
Associate professor Department of Medical Biology +4777644688 95880123 Tromsø You can find me here

Kjell Lindgård

Job description

Teaching position which includes the following study programs (and subjects):

  • Bachelor in biomedicine (histology)
  • Bachelor in biomedical laboratory sciences (physiology, anatomy and histology)
  • Ernæringsfysiologistudiet (english title?............) (physiology, anatomy and histology)
  • Nursing studies (mainly anatomy)
  • Medical school (english title?.....) (physiology, anatomy and histology)
  • The dental school (english title?.......) (physiology, anatomy and histology)

  • Karl-Arne Stokkan, Kjell Lindgård, eirik Reierth :
    Photoperiodic and ambient temperature control of the annual body mass cycle in Svalbard ptarmigan
    Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1995
  • Kjell Lindgård, Svein Näslund, Karl-Arne Stokkan :
    Annual changes in body mass in captive Svalbard ptarmigan: role of changes in locomotor activity and food intake
    Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1995
  • Kjell Lindgård, Y Le Maho, R Groscolas, Karl-Arne Stokkan :
    Protein utilization during starvation in fat and lean Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus)
    Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1992
  • Kjell Lindgård, Karl-Arne Stokkan :
    Daylength control of food intake and body weight in Svalbard ptarmigan
    Ornis Scandinavica 1989

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    Kjell Lindgårds teaching includes the following study programs and courses (teaching subject, year in the study program):

    Bachelor in biomedicine

    • MBI-1000 Biomedicine in the 21st century (histology, 1st year)
    • MBI-2012 Molecular cell biology - cell structure (histology, 2nd year)

    Bachelor in biomedical laboratory sciences

    • MBI-1104 Physiology, anatomy and histology (physiology, anatomy and histology, 1st year)
    • MBI-2106 Pathology incl. histopathology and cytology  (histology, 3rd year)

    Bachelor program in nutrition

    • ERN-1000 Nutrition, individual and society (physiology and anatomy, 1st year)
    • ERN-2009 Human physiology (histology, 1st year)

    Nursing studies

    • SYP-1110 Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry (anatomy (linked to physiology), 1st year)

    Medical school

    • MED-1501 Medicine 1st year (physiology, anatomy and histology, 1st year)
    • MED-2501 Medicine 2nd year (fysiologi, 2. studieår/4. semester)

    The dental school

    • ODO-1004 Odontology 1st year (physiology, anatomy and histology, 1st year)
    • ODO-2008 Biomedicine 1 and social medicine (physiology, 2nd year)



    Update in progress.....

    Gymnasium, Narvik, Norway, 1978
    B. Sc., University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1983
    M. Sc., University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1986
    Ph.D., University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1996
    Previous employment:
    Research assistant/doctoral research scientist/Ph.D. student, Department of Arctic Biology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1986 - 1996

    Research assistant, Department of Experimental Pathology and Anatomy, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1995 - 1996

    Associate professor, Department of Experimental Pathology and Anatomy, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway, 1997-1998

    Present employment:
    Associate professor, Department of Cell Biology and Histology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway