Hanne Bjerknes,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Andreas Langdal,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Farmed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)—a nutrient-dense resource retaining nutritional value through processing
Ingrid Maribu,
Marthe Jordbrekk Blikra,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Kjetil Elvevold
Protein enrichment of the red macroalga Palmaria palmata using pulsed electric field and enzymatic processing
Journal of Applied Phycology 2024
Isak Bøgwald,
Simon Herrig,
Alice Marie Pedersen,
Sileshi Gizachew Wubshet,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Effect of Calanus finmarchicus Hydrolysate Inclusion on Diet Attractiveness for Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Mari Johannessen Walquist,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Ida-Johanne Jensen
Marine-Derived Peptides with Anti-Hypertensive Properties: Prospects for Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, and Functional Food
Isak Bøgwald,
Tone-Kari K Østbye,
Alice Marie Pedersen,
Sissel Beate Rønning,
Jorge Dias,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
et al.:
Calanus finmarchicus hydrolysate improves growth performance
in feeding trial with European sea bass juveniles and increases skeletal muscle growth in cell studies
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Michaela Maria Aschan,
Narcissa Bandarra
New marine low trophic resources as food: nutritional and food safety aspects
Frontiers in Aquaculture 2023
Andreas Langdal,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Marian Kjellevold,
Eldbjørg Sofie Heimstad,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Edel O. Elvevoll
Climate Performance, Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Density of the Underutilized Norwegian Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)
Hans Christian Eilertsen,
Gunilla Eriksen,
John-Steinar Bergum,
Jo Strømholt,
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
et al.:
Mass Cultivation of Microalgae: I. Experiences with Vertical Column Airlift Photobioreactors, Diatoms and CO2 Sequestration
Margherita Paola Poto,
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Mathilde Morel,
Ida-Johanne Jensen
Suggestions for a systematic regulatory approach to ocean plastics
Hans Christian Eilertsen,
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Ingeborg Hulda Giæver,
Jon Brage Svenning,
Lars Dalheim,
Ragnhild Aven Svalheim
et al.:
Inclusion of photoautotrophic cultivated diatom biomass in salmon feed can deter lice
Jordan Nechev,
Guro Kristine Edvinsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Fatty Acid Composition of the Lipids from Atlantic Salmon—Comparison of Two Extraction Methods without Halogenated Solvents
Pauke C. Schots,
Alice Marie Pedersen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Ragnar Ludvig Olsen,
Terje Larsen
Possible Health Effects of a Wax Ester Rich Marine Oil
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2020
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Carina H.A. Otnæs,
Hanne K Mæhre,
Edel O. Elvevoll
An Update on the Content of Fatty Acids, Dioxins, PCBs and Heavy Metals in Farmed, Escaped and Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway
Mari Walquist,
Svein Kristian Stormo,
Bjarne Østerud,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Cold-pressed minke whale oil reduces circulating LDL/VLDL-cholesterol, lipid oxidation and atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice fed a Western-type diet for 13 weeks
Mari Walquist,
Svein Kristian Stormo,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Bjarne Østerud,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities in Extracts from Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Blubber
Hanne K Mæhre,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Enzymatic pre-treatment increases the protein bioaccessibility and extractability in dulse (palmaria palmata)
Marine Drugs 26. October 2016
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Mari Walquist,
Bjørn Liaset,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Dietary intake of cod and scallop reduces atherosclerotic burden in female apolipoprotein E-deficient mice fed a Western-type high fat diet for 13 weeks
Hanne K Mæhre,
Guro Kristine Edvinsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Heat treatment increases the protein bioaccessibility in the red seaweed dulse (Palmaria palmata), but not in the brown seaweed winged kelp (Alaria esculenta)
Journal of Applied Phycology 2016
Hanne K Mæhre,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Fish: Dietary Importance and Health Effects
Hanne K Mæhre,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
ω-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases: Effects, mechanisms and dietary relevance
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Junio Dort,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Proximate composition, antihypertensive and antioxidative properties of the semimembranosus muscle from pork and beef after cooking and in vitro digestion
Rune Larsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Hanne K Mæhre,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Taurine Content in Marine Foods: Beneficial Health Effects
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Jonhard Eysturskarð,
Mari Madetoja,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
The potential of cod hydrolyzate to inhibit blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Nutrition Research 2014
Hanne K Mæhre,
Marian Kjellevold Malde,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Characterization of protein, lipid and mineral contents in common Norwegian seaweeds and evaluation of their potential as food and feed
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2014
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Marine bioactive peptides from digestion and their relation to cardiovascular health promotion
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Rune Larsen,
Turid Rustad,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Nutritional content and bioactive properties of wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.) subjected to food preparation
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2013
Mads Melingen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Biokjemisk sammensetning og fettsyreprofil i oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar) påvirkes, dersom kiselalger inngår som en komponent i laksefôret?
Jayalal Kalathil Parambil Jayanthan,
Andreas Langdal,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
SECURE: Harnessing low-trophic level marine organisms for sustainable food and health benefits
Mjøen Holstad Anna,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Mari Johannessen Walquist,
Edel O. Elvevoll
Biokjemisk sammensetning av gonader fra kråkeboller (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis). Effekt av sesong, miljø og fôrsammensetning.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Berge Giæver Synneva,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Mari Johannessen Walquist
Sukkertare (Saccharina latissima) som proteinkilde. Effekt av oppmaling og fraksjonering på proteinfordøyelighet.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Grønadal Ólavur,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Mari Johannessen Walquist
Variasjon i biokjemisk sammensetning i oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar L.) fra Færøyene med fokus på essensielle fettsyrer
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Andreas Langdal,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
For å mette alle trenger vi mer mat. Mye mer mat.
FiskeribladetFiskaren 22. November 2022
Lena Mari Johnsen,
Mari Johannessen Walquist,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Guro Kristine Edvinsen
Biokjemisk sammensetning av vill og oppdrettet rognkjeks (Cyclopterus lumpus) - enzymatisk hydrolyse og bioaktivitet.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Nilsen Heimland Maria,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel O. Elvevoll
Kiselalger som fôrkomponent i laksefôr. Biokjemisk sammensetning og fettsyreprofil hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar L.) fôret med ulike lipid- og proteinkilder.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Emilie Kristensen,
Frida Helen Broback,
Christoffer Sivertsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Tor Haug
Bioaktive forbindelser i brunalger
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Underwater nutrition: "An important source of protein for the future"
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Processing improves bioaccessibility of quality proteins from Palmaria palmata
Hanne K Mæhre,
Guro Kristine Edvinsen,
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Heat treatment increases the bioaccessibility of good quality Palmaria palmata proteins in an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Bioaccessibility of seaweed proteins - effects of processing
Hanne K Mæhre,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Jeanette hammer Andersen
Seaweed proteins - how to get to them? Effects of processing on nutritional value, bioaccessibility and extractability
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Trond-Håkon Seljevold Solbø,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Hanne K Mæhre
Lipider fra kiselalger som potensiell fettressurs i laksefôr. Optimalisering av ekstraksjonsutbytte samt karakterisering av fettsyresammensetning og lipidklasser.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
Hanne K Mæhre,
Guro Kristine Edvinsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Effect of heat treatment on the bioaccessibility of seaweed proteins
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Sjømat og helse - en oppdatering om gjeldende kostholdsråd
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Turid Rustad,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Rune Larsen
Health benefits of seafood consumption
- with special focus on household preparations and bioactivity in animal
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Heat treatment increases the protein digestibility of the red seaweed Palmaria palmata in an in vitro digestion model
Anders Karlsson,
Øyvind Aas-Hansen,
Helge K. Johnsen,
Tonje Jensen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Stefano Peruzzi
Recovery from Exhaustive, Anaerobic Exercise in Triploid and Diploid Atlantic Cod
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Rune Larsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Bioactivity of fish and meat subjected to food preparation
Ida-Johanne Jensen,
Rune Larsen,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen
Bioactivity of fish and meat subjected to food preparation
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
Marine macroalgae – a potential protein source in fish feed?
Hanne K Mæhre,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll
High quality protein ingredients from marine macroalgae