Bilde av Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson
Photo: Christian Halvorsen
Bilde av Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson
Professor, Specialist in clinical psychology, Head of the Research Team Department of Psychology +4777646446 +47 974 34 260 Tromsø You can find me here

Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang

Job description

Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang leads the research group for clinical psychology. She is a professor and specialist in clinical psychology, an authorized supervisor in cognitive behavioral therapy, has postgraduate training as a child expert, and several further educations in clinical infant and toddler psychology. Her research includes depression (cognitive function and personality), psychological trauma, perinatal mental health, mental health in children and adolescents, mental health among students, medically unexplained symptoms, prevention and low-threshold services, coping groups, psychotherapy, and equine-assisted psychotherapy. She utilizes both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Professor at the Research group of clinical psychology.

  • Agnes Bohne, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Vibeke Moe, Inger Pauline Landsem, Unni Tranås Vannebo et al.:
    Transaction of parental cognition, stress and depressive symptoms, and infant regulatory challenges
    Infant Mental Health Journal 2025 DOI
  • Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Hilde Laholt, Geir Fagerjord Lorem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Exploring public health nurses' acceptability of clinical assessment tools in a Norwegian child health centre
    Primary Health Care Research and Development 12. February 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Francesca Parisi, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Agnes Bohne, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Gerit Pfuhl :
    Perceived Parenting Stress Is Related to Cardiac Flexibility in Mothers: Data from the NorBaby Study
    Behavioral Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Solveig Flatebø, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo :
    Social robots in research on social and cognitive development in infants and toddlers: A scoping review
    PLOS ONE 15. May 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vendela Husberg-Bru, Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock, Jens Thimm, Torgeir Gilje Lid, Kamilla Rognmo, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    Potentially traumatic events and the association with hazardous alcohol use in 19,128 middle aged and elderly adults: the Tromsø Study 2015–2016
    Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jens Thimm, Kamilla Rognmo, Hege Nermo, Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen, Ingunn Berta Gjerdåker Skre, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Associations between stressful life events in childhood/adolescence and adulthood: results from the 7th Tromsø survey
    European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnes Bohne, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Inger Pauline Landsem, Vibeke Moe, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    The role of early adversity and cognitive vulnerability in postnatal stress and depression
    Current Psychology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnes Bohne, Dag Nordahl, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Vibeke Moe, Inger Pauline Landsem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    Do parental cognitions during pregnancy predict bonding after birth in a low-risk sample?
    Frontiers in Psychology 14. November 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Meiner fellesferien bør bli flytta til vinteren: – Sommaren er ein tragedie Öde Nerdrum elskar vinter og snø, men avskyr sol og varme.
    17. January 2025
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Ungdom og psykisk helse
    19. March 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Uforklarte symptomer: - Vi må være ydmyke om at det er mye vi ikke vet
    30. March 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Ti tegn på at du har møtt den rette. Mennesker er skapt for å finne en sjelevenn. Eller flere. Men har egentlig menn samme behov som kvinner om å finne den rette?
    19. February 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Bliver det hårdere at komme gennem vinterhalvåret, jo ældre man bliver? Få svaret her
    25. April 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Verdensdagen for psykisk helse
    10. October 2024
  • Jon Fauskanger Bjåstad, Kjersti Rønningen Lillevoll, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Asle Hoffart, Peter Prescott, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    The effect of skills-training on self-efficacy and competence of cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: a dismantling study.
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    08. October 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Flere er deprimerte om høsten
    08. October 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Gjør kulda at vi får fart på kjæreste-jakten? Kompisene Lukas og Adrian (23) kan forstå at flere ser etter en å dele innetiden med Å ha en partner i den kalde tiden, er viktig for overlevelsen, sier professor.
    26. October 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Slik takler du høsten: – Gå ut når det er lyst, og ta pause fra skjermen
    20. October 2024
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Karen Hopmann, Hilde Kristin Aam Szabo, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    «Sinna mann i Ingenmannsland»? Vi trenger gode fellesskap og tilpassede hjelpetilbud
    Nordlys 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Om vinteren blir vi kjærestesyke. Det er ikke bare noe du tror. Vi er biologisk drevet til å være tettere sammen når kulden kommer. Mange er litt ekstra opptatt av dating nå.
    05. November 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Stine (29) gruer seg til vinteren: -Følte meg plutselig helt tom
    07. November 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Psykologens tips mot mørketidsdepresjon: -Negativ selvforsterkende sirkel
    11. November 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Gjør du dette når bussen er full?
    26. September 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Det er ikke så rart at kroppen stritter imot på vinteren
    20. November 2024
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Debatt om adventskalender og kreft.
    11. December 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Ekstra nedstemt om dagen? Dette er ekspertens tips mot høstdepresjon
    29. October 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Dette er ekspertenes tips mot høstdepresjon. Vi må akseptere at høsten påvirker oss.
    18. October 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Perinatal psykisk helse: Hvem er de sårbare foreldrene og hvordan kan vi hjelpe dem?
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Lene Haugsdal, Marte Hotvedt :
    Boklansering av "Babyblues. En selvhjelpsbok til nybakte foreldre"
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Dag Wollebæk gikk inn i teoriene bak psykologisk behandling: – Jeg har kastet bort nok tid på å gå i terapi
    11. September 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Slik takler du høsten: - Provoserende å høre
    30. September 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Stress og stressmestring. Forståelse for stress, typer av stress, og stresshåndtering. Viktig for oss selv og i møte med dem vi er satt til å hjelpe.
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Catharina prater om angst, depresjon og babyblues. World Maternal Mental Health Day.
    03. May 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    11. August 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Velger vi partnere som er like eller ulike oss selv? På noen punkter bryr vi oss ikke om ulikheter, ellers er vi forbausende like, ifølge ny studie
    24. September 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Tonje (21) går på kurs for å takle mørketida i nord: – Sliter med å sove
    11. November 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    - La ungdommen få være mer i fred, oppfordrer psykolog
    19. October 2023
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Blues Mothers - for fagfolk som hjelper nedstemte spedbarnsmødre
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Følelsen av å ikke ha noen verdi er viktigste årsak til depresjon, mener forskere
    31. October 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Babyblues - endelig i bokform
    31. October 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Kognitiv fredagslunsj
    28. October 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Lene Haugsdal :
    Fødselsdepresjon ble til suksess-samarbeid
    15. November 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    30. May 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Møtte min største frykt: - Eg vil berre vekk
    30. May 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Her må reporteren oppleve sin største fobi
    30. May 2022
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Babyblues. En selvhjelpsbok til nybakte foreldre.
    Universitetsforlaget 2022
  • Erik Sveberg Dietrichs, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Spørretime: Høstdeppa
    18. October 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Psykhjelpen og Blues Mothers. Tjue års samarbeid mellom Forebyggende helsetjenster i Tromsø kommune og Institutt for psykologi, UiT
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    - Ikke alle føler umiddelbar kjærlighet til barnet sitt
    25. November 2022

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Works in CRIStin

    Scientific Articles 
    Barrett, E. O., Laholt, H., Lorem, G. F., & Wang, C. E. A. (2024). Exploring public health nurses’ acceptability of clinical assessment tools in a Norwegian child health centre. Primary Health Care Research and Development, Volum 25, 1-8

    Parisi, F., Pfuhl, G., Høifødt, R. S., Bohne, A., & Wang, C. E. A. (2024). Perceived Parenting Stress Is Related to Cardiac Flexibility in Mothers: Data from the NorBaby Study. Behavioral Sciences, Volum 14 (2).

    Thimm, J., Rognmo, K., Nermo, H., Johnsen, J. A. K., Skre, I. B. G., & Wang, C. E. A. (2023).
    Associations between stressful life events in childhood/adolescence and adulthood: results from the 7th Tromsø survey. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Volum 14 (2).

    Bohne, A., Nordahl, D., Høifødt, R. S., Moe, V., Landsem, I. P., Wang, C. E. A. & Pfuhl, G. (2022). Do parental cognitions during pregnancy predict bonding after birth in a low-risk sample? Frontiers in Psychology, Volum 13.

    Bohne, A., Høifødt, R. S., Nordahl, D., Landsem, I. P., Moe, V., Wang, C. E. A., & Pfuhl, G. (2022). The role of early adversity and cognitive vulnerability in postnatal stress and depression. Current Psychology.

    Bohne, A., Nordahl, D., Lindahl, Å., Ulvenes, P. G., Wang, C. E. A., & Pfuhl, G. (2021). Emotional Infant Face Processing in Women With Major Depression and Expecting Parents With Depressive Symptoms. Frontiers in Psychology, Volum 12.

    Landsem, I. P., Vederhus, B. J., Hagen, I. H., Wang, C. E. A., Øberg, G. K., & Handegård, B. H. (2021). Hvordan ivaretas samspillsveiledning til foreldre i norske nyfødtintensivenheter? Sykepleien Forskning, 16 (85948).

    Nermo, H., Willumsen, T., Rognmo, K., Thimm, J., Wang, C. E. A., & Johnsen, J. A. K. (2021). Dental anxiety and potentially traumatic events: a cross-sectional study based on the Tromsø Study—Tromsø 7. BMC Oral Health, 23;21(1).

    Thimm, J., Rognmo, K., Rye, M., Flåm, A. M., Næss, E. T., Skre, I., & Wang, C. E. A. (2021). The prevalence of potentially traumatic events in the seventh survey of the population-based Tromsø study (Tromsø 7). Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 51(79): 1050-1060.


    Høifødt, R. S., Nordahl, D., Landsem, I. P., Csifcsak, G., Bohne, A., Pfuhl, G., Rognmo, K., Braarud, H. C., Goksøyr, A. M., Moe, V. Slinning, K., & Wang, C. E. A. (2020). Newborn Behavioral Observation, maternal stress, depressive symptoms and the mother-infant relationship: results from the Northern Babies Longitudinal Study (NorBaby). BMC Psychiatry, Volum 20, 1-4.

    Kvamme, M. F., Wang, C. E. A., Waage, T., & Risør, M. B. (2020). ‘Fixing my life’: young people’s everyday efforts towards recovery from persistent bodily complaints. Anthropology & Medicine 2020; Volum 27 (4), 412 - 427.
    Nordahl, D., Rognmo, K., Bohne, A., Landsem, I. P.,  Moe, V., Wang, C. E. A. & Høifødt, R. S. (2020). Adult attachment style and maternal-infant bonding: the indirect path of parenting stress. BMC Psychology, Volum 8.

    Kvamme, M. F.,  Wang, C. E. A., Waage, T., &  Risør, M. B. (2019). Careful expressions of social aspects: How local professionals in high school settings, municipal services, and general practice communicate care to youth presenting persistent bodily complaints. Health and Social Care in the community, 27 (5), 1175-1184.

    Nordahl, D., Høifødt, R. S., Bohne, A., Landsem, I. P., Wang, C. E. A., & Thimm, J. (2019). Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of maternal bonding to the unborn child. BMC Psychology, Volum 7 (23).

    Dybvik, J. B., Sundsfjord, S., Wang, C. E. A., & Nivison, M. (2018). Significance of nature in a clinical setting and its perceived therapeutic value from patients’ perspective. European Journal of Psychotherapy, 20(3), 1-21.

    Høifødt, R. S., Waterloo, K., Wang, C. E. A., Eisemann, M., Figenschau, Y. A., Halvorsen, M. (2019). Cortisol levels and cognitive profile in major depression: A comparison of currently and previously depressed patients. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volum 99, 57 - 65.

    Thimm, J., Wang, C. E. A., Eisemann, M., Waterloo, K., & Halvorsen, M. (2018). Coping, thought suppression, and perceived stress in currently depressed, previously depressed, and never depressed individuals. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Volum 25 (3).

    Østbye, S. V., Kvamme, M. F., Wang, C. E. A, Haavind, H., Waage, T., & Risør, M. B. (2018). ‘Not a film about my slackness’: Making sense of medically unexplained illness in youth using collaborative visual methods. Health 2018, 26 (1).

    Østbye, S. V., Wang, C. E. A., Granheim, I. P. H., Kristensen, K. E., & Risør, M. B. (2018). Epistemological and methodological paradoxes: secondary care specialists and their challenges working with adolescents with medically unexplained symptoms. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, Volum 12:52, 1-14.


    Høifødt, R. S., Nordahl, D., Pfuhl, G., Landsem, I. P., Thimm, J., Ilstad, L. K. & Wang, C. E. A. Protocol for the Northern babies longitudinal study: predicting postpartum depression and improving parent–infant interaction with The Newborn Behavioral Observation. BMJ Open, Volum 7(9).

    Lorem, G. F., Schirmer, H., Wang, C. E. A., & Emaus, N. (2017). Ageing and mental health: Changes in self-reported health due to physical illness and mental health status with consecutive cross-sectional analyses. BMJ Open, Volum 7 (1).

    Maack, J. K., Bohne, A.,  Nordahl, D., Livsdatter, L., Lindahl, Å.,  Øvervoll, M., Wang, C. E. A, & Pfuhl, G. (2017). The Tromso Infant Faces Database (TIF): Development, validation and application to assess parenting experience on clarity and intensity ratings. Frontiers in Psychology, Volum 8, 1 - 13.


    Johansen, S. G. Wang, C. E. A. & Binder, P. E. (2016). Facilitating change in a client's dysfunctional behavioural pattern with horse-aided psychotherapy. A case study. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, Volum 16 (3), 222-231

    Nordby, K., Wang, C. E. A, Dahl, T. I., & Svartdal, F. (2016). Intervention to reduce procrastination in first-year students: Preliminary results from a Norwegian study. Scandinavian Psychologist, 3(5).

    Kristensen, K. V., Dalseth, A. K., Moldestad, L., Wallan, S., Lorem, G. F., Jentoft, G., & Wang, C. E. A. (2015). Blues Mothers: et gruppebasert mestringstilbud ved fødselsdepresjon. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Volum 52(5), 405-412

    Solem, S., Hagen, R., Wang, C. E. A, Hjemdal, O., Waterloo, K., Eisemann, M., & Halvorsen, M. (2015). Metacognitions and mindful attention awareness in depression: a comparison of currently depressed, previously depressed and never depressed individuals. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Volum 24(1), 94-102

    Halvorsen, M., Hagen, R., Hjemdal, O., Eriksen, M. S., Sørli, Å. J., Waterloo, K., Eisemann, M., & Wang, C. E. A. (2014). Metacognitions and Thought Control Strategies in Unipolar Major Depression: A Comparison of Currently Depressed, Previously Depressed, and Never-Depressed Individuals. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 39(1), 31–40.
    Johansen, S. G., Wang, C. E. A., Binder, P. E., & Malt, U. F. (2014). Equine-Facilitated Body and Emotion-Oriented Psychotherapy Designed for Adolescents and Adults Not Responding to Mainstream Treatment: A Structured Program. Journal of psychotherapy integration, 24, 323-335.
    Kjærgaard, M., Wang, C. E. A., Waterloo, K. & Jorde, R. (2013). A study of the psychometric properties of the Beck's Depression Inventory-II, the Montgomery and Åsberg Depression Rating Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in a sample of a healthy population. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55, 83-89.
    Lorem, G. F. F., Frafjord, J. M., Steffensen, M., & Wang, C. E. A. (2014). Medications and participation. A qualitative study of patients’ experiences with antipsychotic drugs. Nursing Ethics, 21(3), 347-358.

    Lorem, G. F., Steffensen, M., Frafjord, J. S., & Wang, C. E. A. (2014). Omsorg under tvang. En narrativ studie av pasienters fortellinger om psykisk helsevern.. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 11(2), 114-124
    Hartmann, E., Halvorsen, M., & Wang, C. E. A. (2013). Rorschach variables and dysfunctional attitudes as measures of depressive vulnerability: A 9-year follow-up study of individuals with different histories of major depressive episodes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(1), 26–37.
    Laeng, B., Sæther, L., Holmlund, T., Wang, C. E. A., Waterloo, K., Eisemann, M., & Halvorsen, M. (2013). Invisible expressions influence social judgments of currently depressed and non-depressed individuals. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 1-7.
    Lintvedt, O. K., Griffiths, K. M., Sørensen, K., Østvik, A. R., Wang, C. E. A., Eisemann, M., & Waterloo, K. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness and efficacy of an Internet-based self-help intervention for the prevention of depression: A randomised controlled trial. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20, 10-27.
    Skre, I., Friborg, O., Breivik, C., Johnsen, L. I., Arnesen, Y., & Wang, C. E. A. (2013). A school intervention for mental health literacy in adolescents: effects of a non-randomized cluster controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 13:873.
    Thimm, J. C., Holte, A., Brennen, T., & Wang, C. E. A. (2013). Hope and expectancies for future events in depression. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 1-6.
    Halvorsen, M., Høifødt. R. S. Myrbakk. I. N., Wang, C. E. A., Sundet, K., Eisemann, M., & Waterloo, K. (2012). Cognitive function in unipolar major depression: A comparison of clinically depressed, previously depressed and never depressed individuals. Journal of the International Neuropsochological Society, 34, 782-790.
    Kjærgaard, M., Waterloo, K., Wang, C. E. A., Almås, B., Figenschau, Y., Hutchinson, M. S., Svartberg, J., & Jorde, R. (2012). Effect of Vitamin D supplement on depression scores in persons with low levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: A nested case-control study and a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, nov;201(5):360-8.
    Nordahl, H.M., Martinsen, E., & Wang, C. E. A. (2012). Psykologiske behandlingsformer for depresjon med vekt på individualiserte tilnærminger. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 1, 40-48.
    Wang, C. E. A. (2012). Et evolusjonsperspektiv på depresjon: Samfunnspolitiske og psykologfaglige utfordringer. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 1, 5-13.
    Wang, C. E. A., Wright, R. J., Hope. S., & Waage, T. (2012). Ungdomsblikk: Selvrefleksive filmkurs som terapeutisk metode. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 49, 861-869.
    Dørmænen, A., Heimdal, M. R., Wang, C. E. A., & Grimsgaard, S. (2011). Depression in postmenopause: a study on a subsample of the acupuncture on hot flushes among menopausal women (ACUFLASH) study. Menopause, 18 (5), 525-530.
    Halvorsen, M., Waterloo, K., Sundet, K. S., Eisemann, M., & Wang, C. E. A. (2011). Verbal learning and memory in depression: A 9-year follow-up study. Psychiatry Research, 188, 350-354.
    Andersson, H. W., Bjørngaard, J. H., Kaspersen, S. L., Wang, C. E. A., Skre, I., & Dahl, T. (2010). The effects of individual factors and school environment on mental health and prejudiced attitudes among Norwegian adolescents. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45, 569-577.
    Halvorsen, M., Wang, C. E., & Eisemann, M., & Waterloo, K. (2010). Dysfunctional Attitudes and Early Maladaptive Schemas as Predictors of Depression: A 9-Year Follow-up Study. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34 (4), 368-379.

    Heimdal, M. R., Dørmænen, A., Wang, C. E. A., & Grimsgaard, S. (2010). A comparison of the WHQ and the BDI-II in a sample of postmenopausal women. PRO Newsletter, 43 (Spring letter), 13-15.
    Wang, C. E. A., Halvorsen, M., Eisemann, M., & Waterloo, K. (2010). Stability of dysfunctional attitudes and early maladaptive schemas: A 9-year follow-up study of clinically depressed individuals. Journal of Behavioural Therapy and Psychiatry, 41, 389-396.
    Bjørkum, T., Wang, C. E. A., & Waterloo, K. (2009). Pasienterfaringer med ulike tiltak ved kronisk utmattelsessyndrom.Tidsskrift for norsk legeforening (Journal of Norwegian GP Association), 12, 1214-1216.
    Halvorsen, M., Wang, C. E., Richter, J., Myrland, I., Pedersen, S. K., Eisemann, M., & Waterloo, K. (2009). Early maladaptive schemas, temperament and character traits in clinically depressed and previously depressed outpatients. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 16, 394-407.
    Lintvedt, O. K., Sørensen, K., Østvik, A. R., Verplanken, B., & Wang, C. E. (2008). The need for web-based cognitive behaviour therapy among young adults. Journal of Technology in Human Services, vol. 26 (2) Suppl. 4, 239-258.
    Skre, I., Arnesen, Y., Breivik, C., Johnsen, L. I., Verplanken, B., & Wang, C. E. (2007). Mestring hos ungdom: Validering av en norsk oversettelse av Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (A-cope). Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 44, 236-246.
    Verplanken, B., Friborg, O., Wang, C. E., Trafimow, D., & Woolf, K. (2007). Mental habits: The case of negative self-thinking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 526-541.
    Wang, C. E., Berge, K., Johnsen, L. I., Arnesen, Y., Breivik, C., Jentoft, G., Bruun-Hanssen, T., & Skre, I. (2007). Psykhjelpen på Tvibit. Psykologisk rådgivningstjeneste på ungdommens kulturhus i Tromsø. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 44, 247-253.
    Træen, B., & Wang, C. E. (2006). Perceived gender attribution, self-esteem and general self-efficacy in female horseback riders. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 25, 1-7.
    Wang, C. E., Brennen, T., & Holte, A. (2006). Automatic and effortful processing of self-statements in depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 35, 2, 117-124.
    Wang, C. E., Brennen, T., & Holte, A. (2006). Decreased approach motivation in depression. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 47, 505-511.
    Wang, C. E., Halvorsen, M., Sundet, K. S., Steffensen, A. L., Holte, A. & Waterloo, K. (2006). Verbal memory performance of mild to moderate depressed outpatient younger adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 92, 283-286.
    Hoffart, A., Sexton, H., Hedley, L. M., Wang, C. E., Holthe, H., Haugum, J. A., Nordahl, H. M., Hovland, O. J. & Holte, A. (2005). The structure of maladaptive schemas: A confirmatory factor analysis and a psychometric evaluation of factor-derived scales. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 29, 627-644.
    Wang, C. E., Brennen, T., & Holte, A. (2005). Mechanisms of recurrent depression: A cognitive battle model and some preliminary results. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 427-442.
    Hartmann, E., Wang, C. E., Berg, M. & Sæther, L. (2003). Depression and vulnerability as assessed by the Rorschach method. Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 242-255.
    Wang, C. E. & Holte, A. (1997). Kognitiv bearbeiding av positive og negative budskap blant tidligere deprimerte og ikke tidligere deprimerte personer. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 34, 309 - 319.

    Scientific Chapters 
    Holte, A., Barry, M. M., Bekkhus, M., Borge, A. I. H., Bowes, L., Casas, F., Friborg, O., Grinde, B., Headey, B., Jozefiak, T., Lekhal, R., Marks, N., Muffels, R., Nes, R. B., Røysamb, E., Thimm, J., Torgersen, S., Trommsdorff, G., Veenhoven, R., Vittersø, J., Waaktaar, T., Wagner, G. g., Wang, C. E. A.; Wold, B., Zachrisson, H. D. (2014). Psychology of Child Well-Being. I: Handbook of child well-being: theories, metods and policies in global perspective. Springer; ISBN 978-90-481-9062-1. s. 555-632
    Lintvedt, O. K., Sørensen, K., Østvik, A. R., Verplanken, B., & Wang, C. E. (2009). The need for web-based cognitive behavior therapy among university students. In J. Finn & D. Schoech (Eds). Internet-Delivered Therapeutic Interventions in Human Services: Methods, Interventions and Evaluation. Routledge: London.
    Professional Articles and Popular Science Articles 
    Hoivik, M. S., Eberhard-Gran, M.,  Wang, C. E. A, & Dorheim, S. D. (2021). Perinatal mental health around the world: Priorities for research and service development in Norway. BJPsych International, 18(4): 102–105.

    Wang, C. E. A., Bohne, A., Nordahl, D., Pfhul, G., Landsem, I. P., Thimm, J., Barrett E. O., & Høifødt, R. S. (2021). Perinatal psykisk helse: Forskning og tiltak. Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi.
    Høifødt, R. S.,  Nordahl, D., Pfuhl, G., Landsem, I. P.,  Thimm, J., Bohne, A., Ilstad, L. K. K., & Wang, C. E. A. (2020). Protokoll for God start for Små i Nord-studien – prediksjon av postpartum depresjon og styrking av foreldre-barn-samspill med The Newborn Behavioral Observation. Best Practice Nordic. 
    Bohne, A., Galaaen, K., & Wang, C. E. A. (2017). Psykhjelpen - et lavterskeltilbud. Tidsskrift for helsesøstre 2017; Volum 03.s 50 - 52.
    Bohne, A. & Wang, C. E. A. (2017) Fra praksis: Psykhjelpen for de minste. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Volum 54 (8), 745-752.
    Wang, C. E. A. (2016). Hva virker i psykoterapi. Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi.
    Sørensen, K., Østvik, A., Lintvedt, O. K., Gammon, D., & Wang, C. E. (2007). PS-portalen: Forebygging av psykisk helse blant studenter ved hjelp av et lavterskeltilbud på Internett. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 44, 265-268.
    Doctoral thesis
    Wang, C. E. (2006). Depression and cognitive vulnerability. Doctoral thesis, University of Tromsø.
    Popular Science Book
    Wang, C. E. A. Babyblues. En selvhjelpsbok til nybakte foreldre. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2022.

    Editorials and Debate Pieces in Professional Journals
    Skre, I. & Wang, C. E. (2007). Hjelp der nøden er størst: Nye arenaer for tidlig intervensjon og psykologisk rådgivning. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 44, 234-235.
    Wang, C. E. A., & Nordahl, H. M. (2012). Nye utfordringer for psykologer i arbeidet med depresjon. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 1, 2-3.
    Nordahl, H. M, Martinsen, E. W., & Wang, C. E. A. (2012). Hva er fakta om psykodynamisk terapi?
    Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association), 49, 396-398.
    Wang, C. E. A. (2019). Psykhjelpen for de minste. Psykologisk rådgivningstjenste for gravide og familier med barn opp til fem år. Sluttrapport til Extrastiftelsen (nå: DAM stiftelsen, søker organisasjon Rådet for psykisk helse. Prosjektnummer: 2016/FB75765
    Berge, T., Berge, M., Gudim, H. B., Hortemo, S., Malt, U. F., Nordahl, H. M., Smeby, N., Aa., Stubben, K., Wang, C. E. A., & Aarre, T. F. (2009). Nasjonale retningslinjer for diagnostisering og behandling av voksne med depresjon i primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten, Helsedirektoratet, Avdeling psykisk helse, Oslo, Norge, 110 sider, (ISBN 978-82-8081-184-4).
    Skre, I., & Wang, C. E. (2009). Sluttrapport til Helse og Rehabilitering: Psykhjelpen Forebyggingsprosjekt 2004/1/0621.
    Wang, C. E., Skre, I., & Lindekleiv, R. E. M. (2008). Alle har en psykisk helse: Oppsummering etter en treårig effektevaluering gjennomført av Institutt for psykologi ved Universitetet I Tromsø.




    Research interests

    Research interests are related to the development of clinical psychological science and practice-oriented themes.

    Scientific works cover a wide range of activities within depression research, mental health in children and adolescents, perinatal mental health, psychological trauma, medically unexplained symptoms, prevention, low-threshold services, coping groups, and psychotherapy. I work with both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

    Main interests are a) depression and cognitive vulnerability, b) mental health in children and adolescents, c) clinical infant and toddler psychology, d) perinatal mental health, e) psychological trauma, f) psychosomatic conditions/medically unexplained physical symptoms, g) clinical health psychology, h) treatment research, prevention, and early intervention, i) visual methods in research and treatment, j) learning and coping groups, k) user participation and collaboration, and l) public dissemination of research-based knowledge.

    Websites for research and professional development projects that I am or have been the project leader for:

    1. Depression and cognitive vulnerability

    2. Northern Baby Longitudinal Study (NorBaby)

    3. Psykhjelpen

    4. Blues Mothers

    Self-help book:

    1. Babyblues



    I teach and supervise in all subjects within clinical psychology and clinical practice.
    The main focus of my teaching is in the fifth and sixth years of the professional psychology program.
    I supervise PhD candidates, major theses, and students in clinical practice.
    Clinical specialties include depression, clinical infant psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuropsychology, and assessment.