Bilde av Johansen, Elise
Bilde av Johansen, Elise
Faculty of Law +4777645952 Tromsø

Elise Johansen


Job description

Permanent staff of the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea

Guest Researcher at the Fridjof Nansen Insititute (FNI)

  • Elise Johansen :
    The legal interactions between the climate change and law of the sea regimes
    Routledge 2022
  • Elise Johansen :
    Klimaloven (lov om klimamål) – og veien dit
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Elise Johansen, Irene Vanja Dahl, Alexander Lott, Philipp Peter Nickels, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen :
    A Marine-Biology-Centric Definition of Ocean Connectivity and the Law of the Sea
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Role of the Oceans in Regulating the Earth's Climate: Legal Perspectives
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Ocean fertilization
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen, Tore Henriksen :
    Climate change and the Arctic: adapting to threats and opportunities in Arctic marine waters.
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2020
  • Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Elise Johansen, Philipp Peter Nickels :
    The Law of the Sea as Part of the Climate Change Regime Complex
    Cambridge University Press 2020 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Role of the Law of the Sea in Climate Change Litigation
    The Yearbook of Polar Law 03. April 2020 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norges nye klimalov
    Fagbokforlaget 2018
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norway's Integrated Ocean Management: A Need for Stronger Protection of the Environment?
    Ocean Yearbook 2018 DOI
  • Elise Johansen :
    Climate Change and the Arctic: Legal Regulations in Changing Times
    Brill|Nijhoff 2018 DOI
  • Nele Matz-Lück, Øystein Jensen, Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes
    Routledge 2022
  • Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints
    Cambridge University Press 2021
  • Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch, Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints
    Cambridge University Press 2020
  • Elise Johansen, Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen :
    Hvor er fokuset i norsk klimapolitikk? 01. July 2022
  • Elise Johansen, Margherita Paola Poto, Iva Parlov, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Alexander Lott, Jan Jakub Solski et al.:
    Ocean Connectivity and Law
  • Elise Johansen :
    The EU Taxonomy
  • Elise Johansen :
    Hvorfor hav og miljø er de mest spennende fagområdene for fremtidens jurister
    Injuria : tidsskrift for juridiske studenter i Bergen 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Slik vil global oppvarming påvirke Nord-Norge
    09. August 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Ber Norge se til EU i klimapolitikken
    11. August 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Bærekraft i styrerommet
  • Elise Johansen :
    Henrik Ringbom, Brita Bohman and Saara Ilvessalo, Combatting Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea: Legal Aspects of Sea-Based Engineering Measures
    Ocean Yearbook 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Klimalovens betydning og gjennomslagskraft
  • Elise Johansen :
    Wikborg Rein har en hånd på rattet i verdensomspennende hav-ekspedisjon
    06. September 2021
  • Elise Johansen :
    Application of the EU Taxonomy to finance offshore wind farms
  • Elise Johansen :
    Marine spatial conflicts: increased pressures on Norway's maritime areas
  • Elise Johansen :
    What is required to accelerate the development of Hydrogen?
  • Elise Johansen :
    State of affairs: green shipping
  • Elise Johansen :
    Offshore wind update
  • Elise Johansen :
    The EU is putting shiping on a path to decarbonisation
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Modelling Ocean Connectivity
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 DOI
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Presentation of the project on Ocean Connectivity
  • Elise Johansen :
    Arealkonflikter til havs: – Vi mangler rettslige rammer for helhetlig planlegging
    Fiskeribladet 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Innlegg og strid mellom havvind og fiskeri: Må unngå «bukken passer havresekken» til havs
    Dagens næringsliv 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Det grønne skiftet stiller krav til omstilling til næringslivet
  • Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch :
    Havnasjonen Norge: En pådriver eller en sinke for den moderne havretten?
    Nordlys 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    A new ocean narrative and the race for sustainability
  • Elise Johansen :
    Det grønne skiftet
  • Elise Johansen :
    The London Dumping Regime - taking a lead in developing a legal framework for ocean fertilization activities
  • Elise Johansen :
    The High North Report
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Elise Johansen :
    Ocean Connectivity - Webinar
  • Signe Veierud Busch, Elise Johansen :
    Havnasjonen Norge: En pådriver eller en sinke for den moderne havretten?
    Nordlys 2020
  • Elise Johansen :
    Norges klimalov - bare en papirtiger?
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change litigation - riding the wave or dragging the anchor?
  • Elise Johansen :
    Comments on the Presentation on Mutual Supportiveness between the Climate Change and Law of the Sea Regimes
  • Elise Johansen :
    Regional Cooperation for the Protection of the Marine Environment - The Arctic Model
  • Elise Johansen :
    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change Litigation - Arctic Cases
  • Elise Johansen :
    Snøkrabben - en ressurs eller et problem?
    Fiskerikandidaten 2018
  • Elise Johansen :
    Climate change concerns in judicial decision regarding management of ocean space.
  • Elise Johansen :
    Juridiske utfordringer for mulig fremtidig næringsvirksomhet på Svalbard
    18. June 2018

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    International Law, Law of the Sea, Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Legal method.


    The Law of the Sea, Environmental Law,  International law, Family Law, and Legal method.

    Member of research group