Kristin Benjaminsen Borch
Job description
Associate professor in Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine
Head of research group Systems Epidemiology
I am an associate professor in Epidemiology at the Department of Community Medicine and the research group leader of the Systems Epidemiology group. My main research field is within cancer epidemiology and lifestyle factors, especially physical activity and exercise in cancer. A broader focus is also on social inequalities in (public) health and student health and welfare. Lastly, research within pedogogical development with students as partners.
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Research interests
I am an associate professor in Epidemiology at the Department of Community Medicine and the research group leader of the Systems Epidemiology group. I am an associated member of the research group Physical Activity and Public Health. My main research field is within cancer epidemiology and lifestyle factors, especially physical activity and exercise in cancer. A broader focus is also on social inequalities in (public) health and student health and welfare. Lastly, research within pedogogical development with students as partners in designing research based teaching activities.
Ongoing projects involve: (more information in the research group web site Systems epidemiology)
- Studies on colorectal, pancreatic, and kidney cancers and modifiable lifestyle factors
- Use of a Healthy Lifestyle Index and cancer incidence
- Self-rated health and survival by socioeconomic conditions and modifiable lifestyle factors
- Body height as a marker of social inequality in health - The Tromsø Study.
- Principal investigator in “Healthy Choices and the Social gradient” Healthy Choices, and Work package (WP6) leader with responsibility for a student health and welfare study and systematical integration of research activities into teaching Students, education and transition phases.
- Potential traumatic events experiences, mental distress in cancer survivors.
- Cancer incidence in Georgia – the Georgian cancer registry.
- Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe-Central Asia Region (BACE) collaboration across Europe and in Georgia, Ukranie and Khasakstan.
- Other projects are projects in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study EPIC
Teaching: I teach in the international master program "Master in Public Health", have course leader responsibility for Protocol development and the Master Thesis. I teach, supervise and contribute as an internal and external examiner of students both undergraduates and master`s level at the Public Health, Clinical Nutrition, Medical students (Viten), Bachelor Program in Physiotherapy, Clinical Nutrition and courses at PhD level.
Member of research group
2017-present: Associate Professor in Epidemiology
2017-2021: Program leader of master program in Public Health
2017-2017: Associate professor at the Department of Health and Care Sciences
2015-2016: Researcher in System Epidemiology at the Department of Community Medicine
2013-2015: Post doctoral research fellow at the Department of Community Medicine
2013: PhD in Cancer Epidemiology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
2007-2008: Senior Research Technician at the Department of Community Medicine
2004-2006: Teacher in Bachelor of Physiotherapy, University College, Tromsø
1997-2004: Physiotherapist in Tromsø municipality
1996-1997: Physiotherapist candidate, Tromsø municipality/ the University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø