Hao Yu
Job description
Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering
Program Leader of Master in Industrial Engineering
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Research interests
I am a tenured Associate Professor and Program Leader of Industrial Engineering (MSc) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. My research interests are real-problem-driven model development to solve complex decision-making problems in sustainable supply chain, reverse logistics, location and network design, service systems, scheduling, and smart logistics in Industry 4.0/5.0. These optimization/simulation models can be used to minimize carbon footprints and environmental risks of logistics systems and supply chains, to improve the service level and cost efficiency of postal service networks, to locate the charging stations for electric/hydrogen vehicles, to autonomously configure reconfigurable manufacturing systems, to improve the lockage efficiency of a water conservancy project, and so forth.
My research focuses on the combination of predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and descriptive analytics in an Industry 5.0 enabled Smart Digital Logistics Twin that can be used in, for example, reverse logistics, humanitarian/epidemic logistics, and reconfigurable remanufacturing systems. My current project includes:
1, Industry 5.0 enabled Smart Logistics: A Global Perspective (2023-2026), funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) under the UTFORSK program.
2, Innovative Green Roofs through a Circular Economy Model (2022-2023), funded by Innovation Norway under EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.
I have led or been a key member of several projects at both national and international levels, e.g., Idea Factory, funded by UiT; Optimization / Optimization of Digital, Customer-Focused, Sustainable and Low-Carbon Logistics and Transportation Network in Industry 4.0 (OptiLog 4.0) funded by RCN; TARGET funded by EU NPA Program; and I3 Innovation and Industrial Internet funded by EU Interreg Nord Program, etc. In addition, I am a member of the Norwegian Operations Research Society (NORS), the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chain (EWGSSC), the EURO Working Group on Location Analysis (EWGLA), and the EURO Working Group on Practice of OR.
Currently, I serve as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE) and World Journal of Engineering (Emerald), and as an Editorial Board Member of Science Progress (Sage) and Logistics (MDPI), among others. I am also a frequent reviewer of 60+ International journals including Nature Communications; Environmental Science & Technology; Environmental Research; Journal of Cleaner Production; Omega; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; Computers & Operations Research; Annals of Operations Research; Computers & Industrial Engineering; Applied Mathematical Modeling; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; Transportation Research Part D and E; Engineering Optimization; etc.
Course coordinator and lecturer of INE-3800 Operations Research 1 (Postgraduate level, from 2022); Course information: https://uit.no/utdanning/emner/emne?p_document_id=765736
Course coordinator and lecturer of INE-3605 Project Management (Postgraduate level, from 2015); Course information: https://uit.no/utdanning/emner/emne?p_document_id=459309
Course coordinator and main lecture of TEK-6005 Industry 4.0 (EVU course, 2020); Course information: https://uit.no/utdanning/emner/emne/682881/tek-6005
Main lecturer of INE-3609 Supply Chain Management (Postgraduate level, 2019 and 2022)
Course coordinator and lecturer of Energy Technology (Undergraduate level, 2014)