Bilde av Mann, Ingrid
Bilde av Mann, Ingrid
Professor / Space Physics Department of Physics and Technology +4777645198 Tromsø You can find me here

Ingrid Mann

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Publications outside Cristin


During my career so far I have prepared three theses, prepared 10 book chapters, and published more than 140 articles in scientific journals, including more than 100 with official peer-review. 

I have co-edited the following books:

Nanodust in the Solar System: Discoveries and Interpretations, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 385, edited by Ingrid Mann, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, and Andrzej Czechowski; Springer, New York, 2012.

Small Bodies in Planetary Systems, Lecture Notes in Physics 758, edited by Ingrid Mann, Akiko M. Nakamura, and Tadashi Mukai; Springer, New York, 2008.

Modern Meteor Science: An Interdisciplinary View, reprinted from Earth, Moon and Planets, Special Issue, Volume 95, edited by Robert Hawkes, Ingrid Mann, and Peter Brown; Springer, Dordrecht 2005.

Research interests

I am an experimental physicist with research interests including the physics of the heliosphere, ionospheres, magnetospheres, and near-Earth space, and dusty plasma phenomena. I use space and remote observations as well as model calculations for my research. Starting from experimental atomic spectroscopy my research interests developed toward space and astrophysics and in particular the physics of the heliosphere, cosmic dust and dusty plasmas; I also carried out research related to the evolution of small bodies, meteors, and meteoroids in the solar system and in extra-solar planetary systems. Motivated by new discoveries I got interested in cosmic nanodust and its dusty plasma phenomena. Through studies of the light scattering at irregular particles and through the meteor phenomena I became interested in atmospheric physics and the complex interactions of the polar atmosphere at all altitudes. I am currently engaged in radar observations and optical observations, rocket measurements, model calculation projects and data analysis projects.

At present, I am responsible for three externally funded projects:

Mesospheric Dust Project

Dust in the Heliosphere Project

EISCAT_3D Project (Research Infrastructure)



FYS-2000 Quantum Mechanics

FYS-2019 Sun, Planets, and Space – an Introduction to Space Physics

Individual Special Curriculum in Space Physics

G-Chaser Student Rocket Projects

Dust and Dusty Plasma in Space and Ionosphere

Member of research group