Bilde av Schøning, Lena
Bilde av Schøning, Lena
Førsteamanuensis Faculty of Law +4777625205 Tromsø You can find me here

Lena Schøning

Job description

My research interests center around governance and regulation of environmental problems. I am particularly interested in sustainability transitions, also known as green transition or green shift. I have studied and am studying state management and regulation of aquaculture by different approaches. These include if such management and regulation is conducted to accelerate green transition and in accordance with international law, EEA law, and national law. 

I teach law and goverance at the cross-disciplinary experience-based master program Ocean Leadership. For the Norwegian master program in law, I teach international law, administrative law, environmental law, and, from 2025, sami law.

My interdicipinary Ph.D. on ocean governance, concerns how integrated ocean management contributes to protection of the marine environment. The Ph.D. includes a concept study and a case study, thus I am familiar with different legal and social science methods. For example, I have identified and developed  criteria for environmental evaluation of governance instruments (such as statutory acts and plans).

I am participating in the project Developing Good Ocean Governance (DOGA), financed by the Research Council of Norway. I have developed a theoretical framework for the project on the relationship between governance, law, and science.  I am also participating in a project financed by the FRAM Centre, Shifting coasts: Competing uses, sustainability, and increased food production (CoastShift). In this project I have analyzed how aquaculture regulation contributes to accelerating to "environmental sustainability," inspired by how this is defined in the EU regulation on sustainable finance taxonomy.

Before taking a research position at UIT the Arctic University of Norway, I worked with corporate governance as group and legal counsel, secretary to and member of the top management and board of directors for various Norwegian and international group of companies. I have also worked as a solicitor.

  • Lena Schøning :
    Vern av marin natur eller vern av aktiviteter? Et lite ambisiøst norsk lovforslag om vern av marin natur
    Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift 2024 ARKIV
  • Lena Schøning :
    Er vekst i lakseoppdrett forenlig med vanndirektivet?
    Lov og Rett 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Schøning, Vera Helene Hausner, Mathilde Morel :
    Law and sustainable transitions: An analysis of aquaculture regulation
    Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Schøning :
    The Contribution of Integrated Marine Policies to Marine Environmental Protection: The Case of Norway
    The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Schøning :
    More or Less Integrated Ocean Management: Multiple Integrated Approaches and Two Norms
    Ocean Development and International Law 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Schøning :
    Theorizing Ocean Governance: A Framework combining Governance, Science, and Law
    Brill | Nijhoff 2024 ARKIV
  • Lena Schøning :
    Ocean Governance:Lessons from Norway
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Edel Oddny Elvevoll, Ole K. Fauchland, Sigrid Eskeland Schütz, Sofie Elise Quist et al.:
    Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector : Interdisciplinary workshop and roundtable discussion 10 January 2024.
    Septentrio Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lena Schøning :
    Law and Ecosystem-based Management
  • Sigrid Eskeland Schütz, Ole Kristian Fauchald, Margherita Paola Poto, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Edel Oddny Elvevoll, Lena Schøning et al.:
    Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
  • Lena Schøning, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel :
    Innspill til NOU 2023:23 helhetlig forvaltning av akvakultur for bærekraftig verdiskapning
  • Lena Schøning :
    Klima- og miljøkrisen utfordrer vår forståelse av problemer og ansvar
    Dagens Perspektiv 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Lena Schøning :
    Innspill til ny lov om statsforetak
  • Lena Schøning, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel :
    Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
  • Lena Schøning, Vera Helene Hausner, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel :
    Juss og bærekraftig omstilling: En studie av akvakulturregulering
  • Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Lena Schøning :
    Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
  • Lena Schøning, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Bjørn Bakke :
    Høringsuttalelse til forslag om ny lov om vern av marin natur
  • Charlotte Teresa Weber, Sigrid Engen, Tamer Sabry Zaki Abu Alam, Vera Helene Hausner, Lena Schøning :
    CoastShift Workshop to develop target-based scenarios for future blue food systems in Northern Norway.
  • Lena Schøning :
    Høringsinnspill til klima- og naturmeldingene våren 2024
  • Lena Schøning :
    "Hvordan klarer vi å planlegge innenfor hver sektor at vi bare skal ha små utslipp i 2050?"
  • Lena Schøning, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel :
    Høringsuttalelse - vannforskriften § 12
  • Zina Asnah Kebir, Tamer Abu-Alam, Lena Schøning, Vera Helene Hausner, Charlotte Teresa Weber, Cristina Maria Iordan et al.:
    Sustainable blue foods: drivers and barriers in northern Norway
    2023 ARKIV
  • Lena Schøning :
    Sustainability transitions, law, and aquaculture
  • Lena Schøning :
    Miljø- og bærekraftspotensial i akvakulturloven
  • Lena Schøning, Mathilde Morel :
    På tide å akselerere det grønne skiftet for oppdrettsnæringa?
    Fiskeribladet 16. August 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Lena Schøning :
    Hvordan tar vi vare på havet?
  • Lena Schøning :
    Theorizing Ocean Governance: A Framework combining Governance, Science, and Law
  • Lena Schøning :
    Miljønormen i akvakulturloven. Hvilken kunnskap trenges for å forvalte denne?
  • Lena Schøning :
    Transition to Environmentally Sustainable Activities: A Study of the Role of Sectoral Regulation
  • Lena Schøning :
    A methodology to evaluate the ecosystem approach in laws and policies
    NCLOS Blog 12. November 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Lena Schøning :
    A problem-based approach to environmental law
  • Lena Schøning :
    Transition to Environmentally Sustainable Activities: A Legal Case Study
  • Lena Schøning :
    Transition to Environmentally Sustainable Activities: A Legal Case Study
  • Lena Schøning :
    Video: Concept Analysis and Case Study - Two generic qualitative research methods relevant to international law and beyond
  • Lena Schøning :
    The Integrated Ocean Management Plans of Norway - The Governance-Science Interface
  • Lena Schøning :
    Problematizing the Concepts (or Experimental Explanations) of Ocean Governance
  • Lena Schøning :
    Problematizing the Concepts (or experimental explanations) of Ocean Governance and Law
  • Lena Schøning :
    Kunst, uskyldspresumsjon,humanitær bistand og Lena Schøning
    18. October 2021
  • Lena Schøning :
    The Norwegian Implementation of Ocean Management: Substantive Rules and Practical Responsibilities
  • Lena Schøning :
    The Contribution of Integrated Ocean Management to Protection of the Marine Environment
  • Lena Schøning :
    Which Pieces of Knowledge do Heads of States need to protect the Marine Environment and whether Scholarship provides that Knowledge
  • Lena Schøning :
    Knowledge needed by heads of state to protect the marine environment, and whether scholarship provides that knowledge
  • Lena Schøning :
    Jurist: - Kan være fornuftig å "øremerke" areal
    20. December 2019
  • Lena Schøning, Iva Parlov :
    Presenting Your Work - taking an Audience Perspective
  • Lena Schøning :
    Marine Environmental Protection
  • Lena Schøning :
    Marine Environmental Protection: Coastal-State Management Objectives and Tools
  • Lena Schøning :
    Globalisering og miljø: Internasjonal miljøpolitikk og -avtaler
  • Lena Schøning :
    Jurist: - Kan være fornuftig å «øremerke» sjøareal
    20. December 2019
  • Lena Schøning :
    Marine Environmental Protection: Targeting Pressures by Regulation
  • Lena Schøning :
    Plast i havet - hele bildet?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research interests center around governance and regulation of environmental problems. I am particularly interested in sustainability transitions, also known as green transition or green shift. I have studied and am studying state management and regulation of aquaculture by different approaches. These include if such management and regulation is conducted to accelerate green transition and in accordance with international law, EEA law, and national law. 

    My interdicipinary Ph.D. on ocean governance, concerns how integrated ocean management contributes to protection of the marine environment. The Ph.D. includes a concept study and a case study, thus I am familiar with different legal and social science methods. For example, I have identified and developed  criteria for environmental evaluation of governance instruments (such as statutory acts and plans).

    I am participating in the project Developing Good Ocean Governance (DOGA), financed by the Research Council of Norway. I have developed a theoretical framework for the project on the relationship between governance, law, and science.  I am also participating in a project financed by the FRAM Centre, Shifting coasts: Competing uses, sustainability, and increased food production (CoastShift). In this project I have analyzed how aquaculture regulation contributes to accelerating to "environmental sustainability," inspired by how this is defined in the EU regulation on sustainable finance taxonomy.

    Before taking a research position at UIT the Arctic University of Norway, I worked with corporate governance as group and legal counsel, secretary to and member of the top management and board of directors for various Norwegian and international group of companies. I have also worked as a solicitor.


    I teach law and goverance at the cross-disciplinary experience-based master program Ocean Leadership.  For the Norwegian master program in law, I teach international law, administrative law, environmental law, and, from 2025, sami law.