William Gareth Rees,
Liliia Hebryn-Baidy,
Clara Stina Good
Estimating the Potential for Rooftop Generation of Solar Energy in an Urban Context Using High-Resolution Open Access Geospatial Data: A Case Study of the City of Tromsø, Norway
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2025
Bright Appiah Adu-Gyamfi,
Clara Good
Electric aviation: A review of concepts and enabling technologies
Transportation Engineering 2022
Tobias Boström,
Bilal Babar,
Jonas Berg Hansen,
Clara Good
The pure PV-EV energy system – A conceptual study of a nationwide energy system based solely on photovoltaics and electric vehicles
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Boström
Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities
Torhildur Fjola Kristjansdottir,
Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg,
Inger Andresen,
Laurent Georges,
Niko Heeren,
Clara Good
et al.:
Is a net life cycle balance for energy and materials achievable for a zero emission single-family building in Norway?
Clara Stina Good
Environmental impact assessments of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems - a review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016
Clara Stina Good,
Francesco Goia
Integrated ground source heat pumps and solar thermal systems for zero energy buildings
Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2016
Clara Stina Good,
Torhildur Kristjansdottir,
Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg,
Laurent Georges,
Anne Grete Hestnes
Influence of PV technology and system design on the emission balance of a net zero emission building concept.
Torhildur Kristjansdottir,
Clara Stina Good,
Marianne Rose Inman,
Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch,
Inger Andresen
Embodied greenhouse gas emissions from PV systems in Norwegian residential Zero Emission Pilot Buildings
Clara Stina Good,
Inger Andresen,
Anne Grete Hestnes
Solar energy for net zero energy buildings - A comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems
Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg,
Laurent Georges,
Selamawit Mamo Fufa,
Clara Stina Good,
Birgit Dagrun Risholt
Sensitivity analysis of the life cycle emissions froma an nZEB concept
Clara Stina Good,
Inger Andresen,
Anne Grete Hestnes
Solar energy for net zero energy buildings - A comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems.
Clara Stina Good,
Jinfeng Chen,
Yanjun Dai,
Anne Grete Hestnes
Hybrid Photovoltaic-thermal Systems in Buildings - A Review
Clara Stina Good
Upgrading post-war buildings with solar energy – Impressions from involving end-users in the energy transition
Clara Stina Good
Kan solenergi gi nytt liv til gjenreisningshus?
Clara Good
Northern Homes - Refurbishing the north with solar energy
Clara Good
Combining solar energy and EVs (in Voices: Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities)
Clara Good
Solenergi i nord – fungerer det?
Clara Good
Solar energy for self-sufficient electric aircraft operations at Bardufoss flight school
Clara Good
Vil koronapandemien endre våre reisevaner? Resultater fra spørreundersøkelse om korona og flyreiser
Clara Good,
Tor Sandberg
Hver tredje vil fly mindre
Clara Good,
Stein Vidar Loftås
Klima i hvert bygg - og kjøretøy
Clara Good
Solressursen i Nord-Norge
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Kristoffer Boström
Corrigendum to “Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities”[Energy 168 (1 February 2019) 111–125](S0360544218322540)(10.1016/j.energy.2018.11.050)
Clara Good
Solar energy and electric transportation
Clara Good
Solenergi – funker det i Nord-Norge?
Clara Good
Electric vehicles and solar energy in Tromsø
Clara Good
– Alle i Tromsø kan kjøre elbil ladet på solenergi
Clara Good
Solenergi + elbil = sant?
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Solenergi + elbil = sant
Clara Good,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Joakim Munkhammar,
Tobias Boström
Large-scale integration of electric vehicles and solar charging in Tromsø
Clara Good
Solenergi + elbil = sant?
David Lingfors,
Mahmoud Shepero,
Clara Good,
Jamie Bright,
Joakim Widén,
Tobias Boström
et al.:
Modelling City Scale Spatio-temporal Solar Energy Generation and Electric Vehicle Charging Load
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Solar energy for residential electric vehicle charging in Northern Norway – a feasibility study
Clara Good,
Tobias Boström
Analyis of the solar energy potential on buildings in Tromsø
Clara Good
Vi må snakke om det å fly
Clara Good
Solenergi - muligheter i nord
Clara Good
Solenergi - fremtiden er lys!
Clara Good
Solenergi i byer og på bygninger
Erlend Homme Falklev,
Clara Good
Mapping of solar energy potential on Tromsøya using solar analyst in ArcGIS
Clara Good
Photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems for zero emission residential buildings
Clara Good
World Hacks: Checking out the Solar Hotel
Clara Stina Good
Photovoltaic-thermal systems for zero emission residential buildings
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 2016
Torhildur Kristjansdottir,
Clara Stina Good,
Inger Andresen,
Harald Amundsen
Design phase calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for a
Zero emission residential pilot building
Clara Stina Good,
Inger Andresen,
Anne Grete Hestnes
Solar energy for zero energy buildings - a comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems
Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg,
Laurent Georges,
Selamawit Mamo Fufa,
Clara Stina Good,
Birgit Dagrun Risholt
Sensitivity analysis of the life cycle emissions from a nZEB residential concept
Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch,
Marianne Rose Inman,
Torhildur Kristjansdottir,
Clara Stina Good
Klimagassberegninger av solceller i og på bygg - tre norske case
Clara Stina Good
Solen skinner også i Norges teknologihovedstad
Adresseavisen 29. December 2015
Torhildur Kristjansdottir,
Clara Stina Good
A review of life cycle assessments of photovoltaics
Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg,
Laurent Georges,
Selamawit Mamo Fufa,
Birgit Dagrun Risholt,
Clara Stina Good
A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house: Part 2 sensitivity analysis