Pål Gunnar Ellingsen
Job description
Associate professor within satelite technology and remote sensing
Error rendering component
Research interests
Research projects:
Space Debris Radar ( 2023 – 2025): Projeect leader for developing a space debris radar. Financed by ESA through PRODEX.
QBDebris (2023 – 2027): WP leader in the project with responsibility for the development of a space debris radar. Financed by the Norwegian reserach council through FRIPRO, contract #335832
SHIPTRACK (2021–2025): WP leader. The project aims at tracking ships and bulk cargo with AIS and remote sensing. Financed by the Norwegian reserach council contract number #326609
Vi tar Nord-Norge til stjernene – UiT Norges Arktiske Universitets studentsatellitt (2022 – 2026). Project leader.
Arven etter Nansen (2018–2023): Participant in RA-B og RA-C, with responisbilities within data management and ocean colour.
Reserach interests:
- Optical instrumentation
- Hyperspectral imaging (both remote sensing and in situ)
- Spectroscopy
- Image processing
- Aurora and ionospheric processes
- Ocean colour
- Shipping
- Optial communication
Data management