Bilde av Sørheim Nilsen, Toril
Bilde av Sørheim Nilsen, Toril
Associate professor/Specialist in clinical psychology for children and adolescents Department of Psychology +4777625159 Tromsø You can find me here

Toril Sørheim Nilsen

  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Bjørn Helge Handegård, Martin Eisemann, Siv Kvernmo :
    Predictors of rate of change for children and youth with emotional disorders: a naturalistic observational study
    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Bjørn Helge Handegård, Martin Eisemann, Siv Kvernmo :
    Evaluating change in symptomatic and functional level of children and youth with emotional disorders: a naturalistic observation study
    European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2015 DOI
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Martin Eisemann, Siv Kvernmo :
    Predictors and moderators of outcome in child and adolescent anxiety and depression: a systematic review of psychological treatment studies
    European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2013 DOI
  • Bente Træen, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, H Stigum :
    Use of pornography in traditional media and on the Internet in Norway
    Journal of Sex Research 2006
  • Jon Fauskanger Bjåstad, Kjersti Rønningen Lillevoll, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Asle Hoffart, Peter Prescott, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    The effect of skills-training on self-efficacy and competence of cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: a dismantling study.
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Karen Hopmann, Hilde Kristin Aam Szabo, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    «Sinna mann i Ingenmannsland»? Vi trenger gode fellesskap og tilpassede hjelpetilbud
    Nordlys 2024
  • Frode Adolfsen, Kristin Gärtner Askeland, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Bente Storm Mowatt Haugland, Elisabeth Bania, Trude Havik et al.:
    Barn og unge med bekymringsfullt skolefravær - erfaringer fra en nasjonal pilotstudie
  • Jo Magne Ingul, Bente Storm Mowatt Haugland, Simon-Peter Neumer, Kristin Gärtner Askeland, Frode Adolfsen, Toril Sørheim Nilsen et al.:
    Hva skal til for å få 20 millioner til forskning på skolefravær?
    Stavanger Aftenblad 07. November 2024
  • Simon-Peter Neumer, Mikael Thastum, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Elisabeth Valmyr Bania, Jo Magne Ingul :
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Frode Adolfsen :
    Back 2 School - Et multisenter pilotprosjekt
  • Trude Havik, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Simon-Peter Neumer, Jo Magne Ingul, Kristin Gärtner Askeland, Henriette Kyrrestad et al.:
    Bekymringsfullt skolefravær - hva gjør vi? 2022
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Jo Magne Ingul, Kristin Gärtner Askeland, Bente Storm Mowatt Haugland, Frode Adolfsen, Trude Havik et al.:
    Back 2 School - Våger vi å la være?
    Dagsavisen 2022 ARKIV
  • Tore Brøyn, Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Ønsker å prøve ut Back2School i Norge
    20. May 2021
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Prediktorer for endring hos barn og ungdom med emosjonelle lidelser
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Siv Kvernmo, Martin Eisemann, Bjørn Helge Handegård :
    Evaluating change in symptomatic and functional Level of children and youth With emotional disorders: A naturalistic observation study
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Prediktorer for endring hos barn og unge med angstlidelser og depresjon. Resultater fra en Multisenterundersøkelse ved fire Barne- og ungdomspsykiatriske poliklinikker i Helse Nord
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Martin Eisemann, Siv Kvernmo, Bjørn Helge Handegård :
    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): What kinds of problems predict self-, parent- and teacher reported impact score?
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Mange småbarn sliter psykisk
    08. May 2011
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Fra unntaket til regelen
    Nordlys 10. January 2011
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Praksisbasert evidens: Virker det vi gjør?
    Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2011
  • Toril Sørheim Nilsen :
    Effekt av behandlingsforløp ved barne- og ungdomspsykiatrisk poliklinikk: Gruppeforskjeller og prediktorer
  • Bente Træen, Toril Sørheim Nilsen, Hein Stigum :
    Use of pornography and the Internet as an arena for erotic chatting and finding a partner in Norway

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My main research interests concerns topics that are relevant for the development and improvement of mental health services and practice, as well as psychological professional development. Current main topics for the research I am involved in are: 1) Problematic school absenteeism - development and improvement of help service, 2) Systematic use of Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) in mental health services for children and youth, 3) What works for whom? Mechanisms of change in psychological treatment for children and adolescents and their families. 


    Jeg er subject manager for the subject PSY 2802-2 clinical psychology, and I teach topics within clinical psychology.  I am practice supervisor in the Psychological clinic at UiT, and I am a mentor for seminargroups in psychologist vocational subjects. 

    I supervise PhD-candidate, and masterthesis at the professional program in psychology. 

    My main clinical fiels are anxiety and depression in children and youth, cognitive behavioural therapy, and problematic school absenteeism.