Disputas - Cand. polit. Ina Heidi Heiberg

Cand.polit Ina Heidi Heiberg disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

“Mortality, substance use disorder and cardiovascular health care in persons with severe mental illness”

Kort populærvitenskapelig sammendrag av avhandlingen:

People with severe mental illness in the Nordic countries die 15-20 years younger than others. The current thesis utilized nationwide registers to study mortality among patients with schizophrenia and/or substance use disorders, and uptake of diagnostic tests and treatment among patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

We found a four-fold (schizophrenia only) to seven-fold (substance use disorder with or without schizophrenia) increased mortality compared to the general population, implicating that more than 80% of patients with these disorders died prematurely, both from natural and unnatural causes of death. Patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder were more likely to die from undiagnosed and untreated cardiovascular disease. Uptake of invasive cardiovascular treatment did not differ if cardiovascular disease was diagnosed prior to death.

Timely access to specialized somatic care, and a more effective prevention of unnatural deaths, is highly needed in this population.

Hovedveileder Førsteamanuensis Anne Høye
Biveileder professor Bjarne Jacobsen
Biveileder tittel Ragnar Nesvåd

Professor Merete Nordentoft, Institut for Klinisk Medicin Københavns Universitet, Danmark – 1. opponent
Dr. med Lars Johan Vatten, Institutt for helsevitenskap Gjøvik NTNU, Norge – 2. opponent
Professor Rolf Wynn, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komité

Professor Truls Myrmel, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne holdes kl. 10.15, samme sted: Different strategies to improve physical health in people with servere mental disorders. Rationale, evidence and practical implementation

When: 04.10.19 at 12.15–15.00
Where: Aud Cortex MH vest
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Employees, Students, Guests, Invited
Contact: Berit Karina Bendiksen
E-mail: berit.k.bendiksen@uit.no
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