Leon Cantas,
Rasmus Goll,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Ruth Erika Hildegard Hracky Paulssen,
Henning Sørum
Impact of fecal microbiota transplantation in dogs
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2025
Silje Udjus Johansen,
Terkel Hansen,
Anna Nordborg,
Renate Weenås Meyer,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Plasma tryptophan pathway metabolites quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry as biomarkers in neuroendocrine tumor patients
Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) 2024
Linn Skjevling,
Rasmus Goll,
Hege Marie Hanssen,
Peter Holger Johnsen
Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in Norwegian outpatients with mild to severe myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): protocol for a 12-month randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Silje Udjus Johansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Anna Nordborg,
Kai Vernstad,
Einar Jensen,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Plasma Levels of Organic Acids Associated with the Gut Microbiome Display Significant Alterations in Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients
Neuroendocrinology 2024
Per Christian Valle,
Linn Skjevling,
Peter Holger Johnsen,
Maria Serafia Fjellstad,
Kristin Helen Almå,
Bård Eirik Kulseng
et al.:
Randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial of fecal microbiota transplantation in severe obesity: a study protocol
Victoria Therese Isaksen,
Maria Larsen,
Rasmus Goll,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Jon Florholmen
Correlations between modest weight loss and leptin to adiponectin ratio, insulin and leptin resensitization in a small cohort of Norwegian individuals with obesity
Endocrine and Metabolic Science 2023
Linn Skjevling,
Hege Marie Hanssen,
Per Christian Valle,
Rasmus Goll,
Frederik Emil Juul,
Øystein Arlov
et al.:
Colonic distribution of FMT by different enema procedures compared to colonoscopy – proof of concept study using contrast fluid
Line Alvestad,
Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,
Rasmus Goll,
Anne Mary Gerard Clancy,
Thomas Gressnes,
Per Christian Valle
et al.:
Health-related quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease: a comparison of patients receiving nurse-led versus conventional follow-up care
BMC Health Services Research 31. December 2022
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Jon Florholmen,
Øystein Kittel Moe,
Mona Dixon Gundersen,
Julia Beilfuss,
Hege Kileng
et al.:
Prediction of long-term remission in patients following discontinuation of anti-TNF therapy in ulcerative colitis: a 10 year follow up study
Rasmus Goll,
Øystein Kittel Moe,
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Renate Weenås Meyer,
Joachim Friestad,
Mona Dixon Gundersen
et al.:
Pharmacodynamic mechanisms behind a refractory state in inflammatory bowel disease
Mona Dixon Gundersen,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen,
Guttorm Haraldsen
Hypo-osmotic stress induces the epithelial alarmin IL-33 in the colonic barrier of ulcerative colitis
Guanglin Cui,
Jon Florholmen,
Rasmus Goll
Could Mucosal TNF Transcript as a Biomarker Candidate Help Optimize Anti-TNF Biological Therapy in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis?
Frontiers in Immunology 2022
Guanglin Cui,
Gui Li,
Zhigang Pang,
Jon Florholmen,
Rasmus Goll
The presentation and regulation of the IL-8 network in the epithelial cancer stem-like cell niche in patients with colorectal cancer
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2022
Oddmund Nestegard,
Behrouz Moayeri,
Fred-Arne Halvorsen,
Tor Tønnessen,
Sveinung Sørbye,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
et al.:
Helicobacter pylori resistance to antibiotics before and after treatment: Incidence of eradication failure
Guanglin Cui,
Zhenfeng Li,
Jon Florholmen,
Rasmus Goll
Dynamic stromal cellular reaction throughout human colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence: A role of TH17/IL-17A
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2021
Guanglin Cui,
Qingbo Fan,
Zhenfeng Li,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
Evaluation of anti-TNF therapeutic response in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Current and novel biomarkers
Christian Børde Arkteg,
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Lene Buhl Riis,
Stig Manfred Dalen,
Jon Florholmen,
Rasmus Goll
Real-life evaluation of histologic scores for Ulcerative Colitis in remission
Guanglin Cui,
Aping Yuan,
Zhenfeng Li,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
ST2 and regulatory T cells in the colorectal adenoma/carcinoma microenvironment: implications for diseases progression and prognosis
Christian Børde Arkteg,
Rasmus Goll,
Mona Dixon Gundersen,
Endre Anderssen,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Jon Florholmen
Mucosal gene transcription of ulcerative colitis in endoscopic remission
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2020
Peter Holger Johnsen,
Frank Hilpüsch,
Per Christian Valle,
Rasmus Goll
The effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on IBS related quality of life and fatigue in moderate to severe non-constipated irritable bowel: Secondary endpoints of a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Leif Kyrre Berg,
Rasmus Goll,
Erik Fagerli,
Judith K Ludviksen,
Hilde Fure,
Moen Odd Sverre
et al.:
Intestinal inflammatory profile shows increase in a diversity of biomarkers in irritable bowel syndrome
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2020
Jon Florholmen,
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Renate Weenås Meyer,
Trine Olsen,
Øystein Kittel Moe,
Petter Tandberg
et al.:
Discovery and validation of mucosal TNF expression combined with histological score-a biomarker for personalized treatment in ulcerative colitis
Rasmus Goll,
Peter Holger Johnsen,
Erik Hjerde,
Joseph Diab,
Per Christian Valle,
Frank Hilpüsch
et al.:
Effects of fecal microbiota transplantation in subjects with irritable bowel syndrome are mirrored by changes in gut microbiome
Gut microbes 29. September 2020
Oddmund Nestegard,
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Sveinung Sørbye,
Fred-Arne Halvorsen,
Tor Tønnessen,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
et al.:
Clinical characterization of Helicobacter pylori infected patients 15 years after unsuccessful eradication
Hege Kileng,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Rasmus Goll,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
Screening for hepatitis C in a general adult
population in a low-prevalence area: the
Tromsø study
BMC Infectious Diseases 2019
Armin Schniers,
Rasmus Goll,
Yvonne Pasing,
Sveinung Sørbye,
Jon Florholmen,
Terkel Hansen
Ulcerative colitis: Functional analysis of the in-depth proteome
Mona Dixon Gundersen,
Rasmus Goll,
Christopher Graham Fenton,
Endre Anderssen,
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Fibrosis Mediators in the Colonic Mucosa of Acute and Healed Ulcerative Colitis
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology 2019
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Mucosal metabolomic profiling and pathway analysis reveal the metabolic signature of ulcerative colitis
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Maria Ahnlund,
Einar Jensen
et al.:
Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal alteration in mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2019
Midori Kjellin,
Hege Kileng,
Dario Akaberi,
Navaneethan Palanisamy,
Ann-Sofi Duberg,
Astrid Danielsson
et al.:
Effect of the baseline Y93H resistance-associated substitution in HCV genotype 3 for direct-acting antiviral treatment: real-life experience from a multicenter study in Sweden and Norway
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2019
Rasmus Goll,
Richard Heitmann,
Øystein Kittel Moe,
Carlsen Katrine,
Jon Florholmen
Head to head comparison of two commercial
fecal calprotectin kits as predictor of Mayo
endoscopic sub-score and mucosal TNF
expression in ulcerative colitis
Maria Arlen Larsen,
Victoria Therese Isaksen,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
Postprandial leptin and adiponectin in response to sugar and fat in obese and normal weight individuals
Katrine Carlsen,
Lene Buhl Riis,
Henriette Elsberg,
Louise Maagaard,
Tine Thorkilgaard,
Sveinung Sørbye
et al.:
The sensitivity of fecal calprotectin in predicting deep remission in ulcerative colitis
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018
Guanglin Cui,
Aping Yuan,
Zhigang Pang,
Wei Zheng,
Zhenfeng Li,
Rasmus Goll
Contribution of IL-33 to the Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer
Maria Arlen Larsen,
Victoria Therese Isaksen,
Odd Moen,
Line Wilsgård,
Marian Remjin,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
et al.:
Leptin to adiponectin ratio - A surrogate biomarker for early detection of metabolic disturbances in obesity
NMCD. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2018
Hege Kileng,
Midori Kjellin,
Dario Akaberi,
Assar Bergfors,
Ann-Sofi Duberg,
Lars Wesslen
et al.:
Personalized treatment of hepatitis C genotype 1a in Norway and Sweden 2014-2016: a study of treatment outcome in patients with or without resistance-based DAA-therapy
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018
Inger Marie Skoie,
Jan Gunnar Skogås,
Thomas Langø,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Peder Langeland Myhre,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
Nye sentre skal gi flere kliniske studier i Norge
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2023
Rasmus Goll,
Kay-Martin Johnsen,
Viola Anna,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Ø K Moe,
Guanglin Cui
et al.:
P314 TNF gene activation used as criterion to discontinue biologic therapy – A patient series introducing the NovaPrime TNF kit
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2021
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Metabolomics for improved patient stratification in inflammatory bowel disease: Characterisation of the ulcerative colitis metabolome
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2020
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz
et al.:
Metabolomics Coupled with Pathway Analysis Reveal the Metabolic Fingerprint in Ulcerative Colitis
Maria Arlén Larsen,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
A novel mobile-health platform improves weight-loss outcomes after 6 months in obese individuals
Maria Arlén Larsen,
Victoria Therese Isaksen,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Rasmus Goll,
Jon Florholmen
Postprandial leptin and adiponectin in response to sugar and fat in obese and normalweight individuals
Marianne Nordahl,
Rasmus Goll
Hypnose bør bli behandling for mange flere med vanlig magelidelse, mener eksperter
09. December 2019
Joseph Diab,
Rania Al-Mahdi,
Sandra Gouveia,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Rasmus Goll
et al.:
Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and
Endocannabinoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Einar Jensen,
Jon Florholmen,
Guro Forsdahl
Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
DOP15 Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2019
Joseph Diab,
Terkel Hansen,
Rasmus Goll,
Hans Stenlund,
Maria Ahnlund,
Einar Jensen
et al.:
Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal disruption of mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
American Journal of Gastroenterology 2019
Peter Holger Johnsen,
Tone Anita Karlsen,
Per Christian Valle,
Rasmus Goll
Forskningsmiljøet ved UNN Harstad vekker oppsikt: Får 20 millioner til tarmforskning
Rasmus Goll,
Ingrid Spilde
Transplantasjon av avføring hjalp mange med IBS
Joseph Diab,
Rasmus Goll,
Terkel Hansen,
Einar Jensen,
Thomas Moritz,
Jon Florholmen
et al.:
Lipidomics in Ulcerative Colitis Reveal Disruption of Mucosal Lipids Composition in Association with the Disease State