DDH (Developmental dysplasia of the hip) is the underlying cause in nearly 30% of those < 40 years of age, having a hip replacement due to osteoarthritis. We are following 2400 Norwegian adolescents born in 1988-90 whose hip shape was assessed by ultrasound as babies and by radiographs at skeletal maturity. Further, we have secured genetic material from 1800 of these.

The project has drawn on an unique expertise and knowledge from our partners in London; Prof Carol Dezateux, director at the MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health, London together with statistician Francesco Sera, Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons D. Eastwood and Andreas Roposch, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London and Dr Hans Kristian Blom, Kongsberg sh.  A biobank including genetic material has been established in Manchester (Prof Bill Ollier). Rosendahl is the Norwegian PI in these follow-up studies. For the purpose of the genetic study, we have liaised with Prof Claus Klingenberg, consultant paediatrician at UNN/UiT, Prof Inge Jonassen, Computational Biology Unit, University of Bergen, PhD Vidar Beisvåg,  Manager, Genomics Core Facility, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Prof Stein Atle Lie, medical statistician at UiB and Dr. Tetyana Zayats, MD, PhD, who has has more than ten years of experience within the field of statistical genetics. The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), the Norwegian Mother-Child Study (MoBa) and the national Twin Registry are all approved and established collaborators. 

Dr. Laborie was awarded a post-doc post (HelseVest) 50% 2018-25, and will, together with Dr Kaya Jacobsen, MD PhD, be involved in the project "Pathway analysis: characterizing biological mechanisms underlying developmental hip dysplasia at skeletal maturity". Dr Kaya Jacobsen, currently working at the Department of Orthopedics in Førde, was awarded a prize for best scientific presentation at "Høstmøtene" for both Radiology and Orthopaedics in 2019. Recently, we identified (and published) an association between DDH / secondary osteoarthritis and COL11A1.  

In 2023, Dr Hanne Rasmussen, a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, was awarded a PhD post (IKM/UiT) for 6 years (50%) on the abovementioned project. She will focus on potential long term effects of abduction treatment in the neonatal period, establish a novel AI-tool for hip-measurements together with our collaborators in Visiana (HH Thodberg and his team)    and also contribute to the pathway analysis as outlined above. Her first paper was published in Pediatrics 2024.