Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
Techniques and services
A wide range of imaging and cytometry techniques can be performed using the core facility's instruments. Most of our instruments are available for autonomous use, but in certain situations it may be advisable to order imaging as a service. Please get in touch with us for advice and recommendations for your project.
Producing high quality microscopy data requires time and expert knowledge about the instruments and techniques in question. For a number of reasons, this level of dedication in microscopy may not be a worthwhile investment for every project. In such cases we strongly encourage users to order imaging as a service rather than instrument training. To this end, AMCF offers services in sample processing for histology, slide scaning, and cell sorting.
Histological sample preparation
Our automatic tissue processor can handle up to 100 samples per over-night run. Samples are cleared in Histo-Clear II (a non-toxic xylene substitute) and infiltrated with Histowax, which is compatible both with standard stains and immunohistochemistry.
Please bring your samples either in fixative or 70% ethanol for processing. After ordering the service, deliver your samples at AMCF during working hours from Monday to Thursday. Processed samples will be ready for embedding and sectioning the following day.
NB! For projects involving large sample numbers this service is limited to establishing and optimizing the sample preparation protocol.
Order the service by logging in to PPMS and click Order > Histology > Histology tissue processor. Enter the number of samples and fill in the required information in the pop-up form.
Automatic tissue processor, price per sample: NOK 15
Rotary microtome, price per hour: NOK 25
Questions about sample processing for histology? Please contact Anthimi Palara or Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd.
Slide scanning and virtual microscopy

Virtual microscopy involves automated scanning of microscope slides, typically stained with H&E or other stains (or with fluorescence) followed by inspection and analysis in a web browser. This saves time and allows for highly efficient microscopy workflows. Virtual microscopy is also useful in the classroom setting and is increasingly used in teaching at UiT.
Our scanner can process up to 100 slides in one run (typically over night, depending on the magnification used and the size of the sample). You can order scanning through PPMS:
- Click on Order > Slide scanning, type in the number of slides (brightfield or fluorescence), and click Order.
- Fill in the form.
- Slide template file used for automatic naming during scanning: VS120 mal.csv (right click > Save Link As..., save as a .csv file).
- Open the template in Excel or other spreadsheet application and fill in the relevant cells. Do not change any other part of the template (e.g., the column headings) and don't change the file format (it should be .csv, not .xls or .xlsx)!
- After your order has been confirmed, deliver your slides at the AMCF main lab (MH2 L09.307).
Prerequisites for scanning:
- The slides must be organized in the same sequence as in the template file.
- The slides must be clean (wipe with ethanol) and free from excess mounting medium or other contaminants.
- The slides must not have coverslips or stickers/labels that protrude outside the slide, or stickers/labels on the back side (as this will interrupt automated slide loading).
Users from Faculty of Health Sciences: 30 NOK per slide (brightfield) / 70 NOK per slide (fluorescence)
Other UiT users: 50 NOK per slide (brightfield) / 100 NOK per slide (fluorescence)
- Link to OlyVIA web (virtual microscopy portal at UiT)
Questions about slide scanning and virtual microscopy? Please contact Anthimi Palara or Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd.
Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS)
Cell sorting in tubes or microplates can be ordered through PPMS. This service is especially convenient for non-frequent flow cytometry users and users otherwise not in need of instrument training.
Prices: 201 NOK (per microplate) / 402 NOK (per tube).
Questions about cell sorting? Please contact Roy-André Lyså.