Amar Jaiswal,
Mohit Kumar,
Ajeet Ram Pathak,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
FaN-REMs: Fair and Normalized Retrieval Evaluation Metrics for Learning Retrieval Systems
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Taridzo Chomutare,
Rolf Wynn,
Gro Karine Rosvold Berntsen,
Johan Gustav Bellika
A Privacy-Preserving Audit and Feedback System for the Antibiotic Prescribing of General Practitioners: Survey Study
JMIR Formative Research 2022
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga,
Antonis Michalas,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Christiaan Hillen,
Yiannis Verginadis
et al.:
Health data security and privacy:
Challenges and solutions for the future
Amar Jaiswal,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Pinar Øzturk
F-CBR: An Architecture for Federated Case-Based Reasoning
Taridzo Chomutare,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Silvia Delgado Olabarriaga,
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Marcela Tuler de Oliveira,
Line Silsand
et al.:
Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: A qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives
IEEE conference proceedings 2021
Rolf Wynn,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi,
Andrius Budrionis,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Electronic Health Use in a Representative Sample of 18,497 Respondents in Norway (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 1): Population-Based Questionnaire Study
JMIR Medical Informatics 2020
Andrius Budrionis,
Rolf Wynn,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Svein Bergvik,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi
et al.:
Impact of the use of electronic health tools on the psychological and emotional well-being of electronic health service users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-based questionnaire study
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2020
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Rolf Wynn,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Andrius Budrionis,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
et al.:
The association between health information seeking on the internet and physician visits (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 4): Population-based questionnaire study
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2020
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Andrius Budrionis,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Torje Dahle Henriksen,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Privacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performance
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020
Taridzo Chomutare,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Andrius Budrionis,
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Hercules Dalianis
De-identifying Swedish EHR text using public resources in the general domain
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2020
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Rolf Wynn,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi,
Andrius Budrionis,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Impact of Illness on Electronic Health Use (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 2): Population-Based Questionnaire Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2020
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Antonis Michalas,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Secure and scalable deduplication of horizontally partitioned health data for privacy-preserving distributed statistical computation
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2017
Antonis Michalas,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
LocLess: Do you really care where your cloud files are?
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science 2017
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Antonis Michalas,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Secure and scalable statistical computation of questionnaire data in R
Anders Andersen,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Randi Karlsen
Privacy preserving health data processing
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Evaluation of Secure Multi-Party Computation for Reuse of Distributed Electronic Health Data
IEEE conference proceedings 2014
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
A communicable disease prediction benchmarking platform
IEEE conference proceedings 2014
Johan Gustav Bellika,
Torje Dahle Henriksen,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
The Snow System - a Decentralized Medical Data Processing System
Santiago Martinez,
Andrius Budrionis,
Ann Bygholm,
Mariann Fossum,
Gunnar Hartvigsen,
Maria Hägglund
et al.:
Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017
Linköping University Electronic Press 2017
Daniel Karlsson,
Andrius Budrionis,
Ann Bygholm,
Mariann Fossum,
Conceicao Granja,
Gunnar Hartvigsen
et al.:
Proceedings from The 14th Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2016
Linköping University Electronic Press 2016
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Per Atle Bakkevoll,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Personvernfremmende teknologier for bruk av kunstig intelligens i helse- og omsorgstjenesten
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Hasse Berntsen,
Johan Gustav Bellika
– Det er skummelt å tenke på hvor sårbar helsetjenesten vår er i den pågående cyberkrigen
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
ASCLEPIOS : Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika,
Hasse Berntsen
How secure are your health data?
Rolf Wynn,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Andrius Budrionis,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan G. Bellika
Use of e-Health by Healthcare Professionals vs. non-Healthcare Professionals
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2021
Johan Gustav Bellika,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Oddny Johnsen
New tool makes it possible to do research on patient records without seeing sensitive information
Taridzo Chomutare,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga,
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Marcela Tuler De Oliveira,
Line Silsand
et al.:
Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: a qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Mali A. Arnstad
Vi søker etter helseinformasjon på nettet, men går vi til legen etterpå?
Johan Gustav Bellika,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Oddny Johnsen
Nå kan forskere analysere pasientjournaler uten å se sensitiv informasjon
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Randi Laukli
We search for health information online, but do we see the doctor afterwards?
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Privacy-preserving monitoring and benchmarking of antibiotic prescriptions
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Privacy-preserving health data reuse as a positive-sum game
Andrius Budrionis,
Hercules Dalianis,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Taridzo Chomutare
Negation detection in Norwegian medical text: Porting a Swedish NegEx to Norwegian. Work in progress
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Anne Torill Nordsletta,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Workshop on privacy-preserving statistical computation with Statistics Norway
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Får tilgang til pasientjournaler uten å eksponere sensitiv informasjon
Vibeke Os,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Sikker bruk av helseopplysninger
Taridzo Chomutare,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Line Helen Linstad,
Anne Torill Nordsletta
Blockchain and Digital Health
Johan Gustav Bellika,
Torje Dahle Henriksen,
Joseph Hurley,
Andrius Budrionis,
Luis Marco-Ruiz,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
et al.:
Electronic health record data reuse infrastructure requirements
Andrius Budrionis,
Luis Marco-Ruiz,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Building a Learning Healthcare System in North Norway
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Andrius Budrionis,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Interoperability Mechanisms of Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review
Andrius Budrionis,
Marco-ruiz Luis,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Building a Learning Healthcare System in North Norway
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Pablo Pazos,
Koray Atalag,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Enabling Clinical Data Reuse with openEHR Data Warehouse Environments
Meskerem Asfaw Hailemichael,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Emnet: a tool for privacy-preserving statistical computing on distributed health data
Anders Andersen,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Randi Karlsen
Privacy preserving health data processing
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
A communicable disease prediction benchmarking platform
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Evaluation of secure multi-party computation for reuse of distributed electronic health data
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
The Snow Communicable Disease Outbreak Detection Approach
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
The Snow Infectious Disease Forecast Service
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
Towards Privacy Preserving Comparative Effectiveness Research
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
A Andersen,
Gunnar Hartvigsen,
Johan Gustav Bellika
Towards privacy preserving comparative effectiveness research