Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Job description
I am a lawyer from Ukraine, specialised in public international law, human rights law, and international criminal law. I hold an LLM degree in international law from University of Cambridge and a PhD degree in law from University College London. I have previously worked as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights and Council of Europe, and as a Visiting Legal Professional at the International Criminal Court.
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Research interests
My research focuses on public international law. Most recently, I have written on the principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law, right to fair trial, non-state courts, rules related to jurisdiction of and admissibility of cases before international courts and tribunals.
JUR-3615 European Human Rights
Human rights/Menneskerettigheter
Criminal procedure/Straffeprosess
PhD Supervision
Elza Feijs, ‘An analysis of the evolution towards ecocentrism in case law connecting climate change and human rights’ (2024 - ongoing)
Member of research group
- University College London, PhD (2015-2020), PhD thesis: ‘Ne bis in idem in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court’
- University of Cambridge, LLM (First Class) (2013-2014), Master thesis: ‘Decision on reparations in the Lubanga case from the perspective of human rights principle of presumption of innocence’
- Kyiv International University, Bachelor and Master Degree in International Law (Distinction) (2002-2007)
Work experience
- UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Postdoc (2022-2023), Associate Professor (2024-)
- National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Senior Lecturer (2020-2022), Associate Professor (2022-2023)
- International Criminal Court, Chambers, Visiting Professional (2019)
- Teaching Fellow at University College London Faculty of Laws (2016-2017)
- International Advisory Panel on Ukraine, Council of Europe, Lawyer (2014-2015)
- Cambridge Pro Bono Project, Researcher (2013-2014)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society in Kyiv, Lawyer (2012-2013)
- European Court of Human Rights, Junior Lawyer (2008-2012)
- Konov & Sozanovskyy Law Firm, Junior Associate (2007-2008)
Public positions
- Member of the Steering Group, Norwegian Network for Research on Ukraine (UKRAINETT) (2024-)
- Advisory Board Member, International Human Rights module (ECHR), Oxford Reports on International Law (2020-)
- Member of Advisory Group Reforms for reintegration, Ukraine Reform Conference 2022 (URC 2022)