Zhe Xing,
Jing Liu,
Jiazheng Cai,
Xiaofeng Jiang,
Jingwen Liang,
Masahito Fuijo
et al.:
The Application of Resolvin D1-Loaded Gelatin Methacrylate in a Rat Periodontitis Model
Xiaoli He,
Qian Zhao,
Ningning Zhang,
Junbin Wang,
Qingzong Si,
Ying Xue
et al.:
Impact of a staggered scaffold structure on the mechanical properties and cell response in bone tissue engineering
Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials (JABFM) 2023
Jiazheng Cai,
Jing Liu,
Jing Yan,
Xuexia Lu,
Xiaoli Wang,
Si Li
et al.:
Impact of Resolvin D1 on the inflammatory phenotype of periodontal ligament cell response to hypoxia
Journal of Periodontal Research 2022
Xiaofeng Jiang,
Jing Liu,
Si Li,
Yingfei Qiu,
Xiaoli Wang,
Xiaoli He
et al.:
The effect of resolvin D1 on bone regeneration in a rat calvarial defect model
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2022
Xiaofeng Jiang,
Ying Xue,
Manal Mustafa,
Zhe Xing
An updated review of the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid- and docosahexaenoic acid-derived resolvins on bone preservation
Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators 2022
Zhe Xing,
Xiaofeng Jiang,
Qingzong Si,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Bin Liu,
Ying Xue
et al.:
Endochondral ossification induced by cell transplantation of endothelial cells and bone marrow stromal cells with copolymer scaffold using a rat calvarial defect model
Zhe Xing,
Jiazheng Cai,
Yang Sun,
Mengnan Cao,
Yi Li,
Ying Xue
et al.:
Altered surface hydrophilicity on copolymer scaffolds stimulate the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Abedelfattah Atif Taher Omer,
Niyaz Abdulbaqi Al-sharabi,
Yingfei Qiu,
Ying Xue,
Yi Li,
Masahito Fujio
et al.:
Biological responses of dental pulp cells to surfaces modified by collagen 1 and fibronectin
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2020
Sunita Sharma,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Mohammed Ahmed Yassin,
Yang Sun,
James Lorens
et al.:
Adenoviral mediated mono delivery of BMP2 is superior to the combined delivery of BMP2 and VEGFA in bone regeneration in a critical-sized rat calvarial bone defect
Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif Yassin,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Zhe Xing,
Yang Sun,
Kristine Eldevik Fasmer,
Thilo Waag
et al.:
A copolymer scaffold functionalized with nanodiamond particles enhances osteogenic metabolic activity and bone regeneration
Macromolecular Bioscience 2017
Masahito Fujio,
Zhe Xing,
Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi,
Ying Xue,
Akihito Yamamoto,
Hideharu Hibi
et al.:
Conditioned media from hypoxic-cultured human dental pulp cells promotes bone healing during distraction osteogenesis
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 27. November 2015
Salwa Suliman,
Zhe Xing,
X Wu,
Ying Xue,
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Y Sun
et al.:
Release and bioactivity of bone morphogenetic protein-2 are affected by scaffold binding techniques in vitro and in vivo
Journal of Controlled Release 2015
Y Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
T. Waag,
Zhe Xing,
Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif Yassin,
A Yamamoto
et al.:
Reinforced degradable biocomposite by homogenously distributed functionalized nanodiamond particles
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2015
Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif Yassin,
Knut N. Leknes,
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Zhe Xing,
Yang Sun,
Stein Atle Lie
et al.:
Cell seeding density is a critical determinant for copolymer scaffolds-induced bone regeneration
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2015
Yang Sun,
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Ann-Christine Albertsson
Surfactant as a critical factor when tuning the hydrophilicity in three-dimensional polyester-based scaffolds: Impact of hydrophilicity on their mechanical properties and the cellular response of human osteoblast-like cells
Biomacromolecules 2014
Zhenghui Wang,
Xiaoli Li,
Xijing He,
Baojun Wu,
Min Xu,
Huimin Chang
et al.:
Delivery of the Sox9 gene promotes chondrogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells in an in vitro model
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2014
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Yang Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
et al.:
Mesenchymal stem cells induce endothelial cell quiescence and promote capillary formation
Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2014
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Anne Isine Bolstad,
Thomas E van Dyke,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Co-culture of human bone marrow stromal cells with endothelial cells alters gene expression profiles
International Journal of Artificial Organs 2013
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Zhe Xing,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Sølve Hellem,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Hyperbaric oxygen stimulates vascularization and bone formation in rat calvarial defects
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2013
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Yang Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
et al.:
Endothelial microvascular networks affect gene-expression profiles and osteogenic potential of tissue-engineered constructs
Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2013
Zhe Xing,
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Xujung Wu,
Ying Xue,
Yang Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
et al.:
Biological effects of functionalizing copolymer scaffolds with nanodiamond particles
Tissue Engineering 2013
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
A-F Wistrand,
ZQ Yang,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Copolymer cell/scaffold constructs for bone tissue engineering: Co-culture of low ratios of human endothelial and osteoblast-like cells in a dynamic culture system
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2013
Yang Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Ann-Christine Albertsson,
Zhe Xing,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Wim J. Hendrikson
et al.:
Degradable amorphous scaffolds with enhanced mechanical properties and homogeneous cell distribution produced by a three-dimensional fiber deposition method
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2012
Torbjørn Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Michele Cottler-Fox,
Inge Fristad
et al.:
Osteogenic stimulatory conditions enhance growth and maturation of endothelial cell microvascular networks in culture with mesenchymal stem cells
Journal of Tissue Engineering 2012
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Kerstin Schander,
Siren Hammer Østvold,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson
et al.:
Effect of endothelial cells on bone regeneration using poly(L-lactide-co-1,5-dioxepan-2-one) scaffolds
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2011
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Sølve Hellem
et al.:
Comparison of short-run cell seeding methods for poly(L-lactide-co-1,5-dioxepan-2-one) scaffold intended for bone tissue engineering
International Journal of Artificial Organs 2011
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Zhe Xing,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Ann-Christine Albertsson,
Sølve Hellem
et al.:
Growth and differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells on biodegradable polymer scaffolds: An in vitro study
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2010
Zheng-Hui Wang,
Zhuang-Qun Yang,
Xi-Jing He,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Zhe Xing
Lentivirus-mediated knockdown of aggrecanase-1 and-2 promotes chondrocyte-engineered cartilage formation in vitro
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2010
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Sølve Hellem,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Endothelial cells influence the osteogenic potential of bone marrow stromal cells
Biomedical engineering online 2009
Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif Yassin,
Knut N. Leknes,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Zhe Xing,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
Surface hydrophilicity: a key factor i loping bone tissue
engineering constructs
Universitetet i Bergen 2017
Yi-Chen Wang,
Xiao-Ming Li,
Gan-Ping Zhong,
Zhe Xing,
Zhi-Ping Wang
Superficial angiomyxoma of penis: A case report of a 6-year follow-up
Asian Journal of Andrology (AJA) 2017
MA Yassin,
Knut N. Leknes,
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Y Sun,
Zhe Xing,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
et al.:
In Tissue Engenieering: Influence Of BMSCs Density on Bone Regeneration
Zhe Xing,
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Ying Xue,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Chondral ossification from copolymer scaffolds loaded with co-cultured cells
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
AL Blois,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
J.B. Lorens
et al.:
Prevascularization of tissue-engineered constructs with endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Yang Sun,
Anna Finne-Wistrand
et al.:
Endothelial Microvascular Networks Influence Gene Expression Profiles in MSCs
Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
James Lorens
et al.:
Prevascularization of tissue-engineered constructs with endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells
Masahito Fujio,
Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi,
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Akihito Yamamoto,
Hideharu Hibi
et al.:
Culture conditions for human Dental Pulp Cells affect regenerative potential of conditioned media
Zhe Xing
Bone tissue engineering: in vitro and in vivo studies of the role of endothelial cells and surface modification of copolymer scaffolds
Universitetet i Bergen 2012
Torbjørn Pedersen,
Anna Blois,
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Michele Cottler-Fox,
Inge Fristad
et al.:
Osteogenic conditions stimulate microvascular networks – establishing culture conditions for stem cell based reconstruction of bone defects
Zhe Xing,
Sølve Hellem,
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
A-F Wistrand
et al.:
ECs co-cultured with BMSCs in poly(L-lactide-co-1,5-dioxepan-2-one) scaffolds enhanced bone regeneration
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
AI Bolstad,
Sølve Hellem,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Gene expression profiles of BMSC cocultured with EC
Zhe Xing,
Sølve Hellem,
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
A-F Wistrand
et al.:
ECs co-cultured with BMSCs in poly(L-lactide-co-1,5-dioxepan-2-one) scaffolds enhanced bone regeneration
Journal of Dental Research 2011
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
AI Bolstad,
Sølve Hellem,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa
Gene expression profiles of BMSC cocultured with EC
Journal of Dental Research 2011
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Staffan Dånmark,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Sølve Hellem,
B. Elnnour Kamal
Endothelial progenitor cells enhanced bone regeneration on poly(L-lactide-co-1,5-dioxepan-2-one) scaffold
Kerstin Schander,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
B. Elnnour Kamal,
Anne Isine Bolstad,
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue
et al.:
Development of a novel polymer scaffold for tissue engineering
Kerstin Schander,
Kamal Babiker Ein Mustafa,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Anne Isine Bolstad,
Anna Finne-Wistrand,
Staffan Dånmark
et al.:
Utveckling av ett nytt scaffold før Tissue Engineering
Kerstin Schander,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Anne Isine Bolstad,
Staffan Dånmark,
Sølve Hellem
et al.:
Presentasjon: Vestlandsmøtet (NTF) 2009 Bergen, Norge. Tissue engineering, snart en del av vår vardag!
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa,
Sølve Hellem
In a direct contact co-culture model: effect of endothelial cells on growth and differentiation of osteogenic cells
Zhe Xing,
Ying Xue,
Kerstin Schander,
Staffan Dånmark,
Siren Hammer Østvold,
Sølve Hellem
et al.:
The role of endothelial progenitor cells for an improved bone regeneration model
Ying Xue,
Zhe Xing,
Staffan Dånmark,
Sølve Hellem,
Kristina Fyrberg Arvidson,
Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa