Reflections on theories and methodologies in Indigenous gender research

Gender studies and Indigenous studies share some basic methodological insights and assumptions. Still, the fields seem to some extent not to have interacted that much. In this online workshop, we address the potential rewards and new insights of combining perspectives from gender studies and Indigenous studies.


Torjer Olsen will give an introduction to the workshop wherein he will present some of the historical lines of gender studies and Indigenous studies, as well as present some main tendencies and perspectives. Further, he will ask a series of question concerning the purpose, role, and design of research that involves gender and/in Indigenous communities.

Gender studies and Indigenous studies share a number of interesting perspectives, especially along the lines of critical approaches both to power, norms, and established research. At the same time, there are some dilemmas at hand concerning standpoints, perspectives, roles, position, and identity. Olsen will address these.

Link to zoom meeting: 


When: 12.09.22 at 12.15–14.00
Where: Online
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Students, Guests, Employees
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