The Administrative Unit for Population-Based Health Studies

Research Fees

TDI prices valid from 1 January 2025 for all population surveys at ISM. The prices are reviewed and adjusted annually, with effect from 1 January.


Type of project Description Price excluding VAT Comments
Application for research data for PhD, Post doctorate, or researcher's project Research project with 3-4 articles NOK 100 000 * Package includes total of 4 adjustments related to project extensions or/and changes that require delivery of new data variables
Application for research data for project other than the standard type of project Research project with 1-2 articles. Also applies to projects with more than 3-4 articles: payment per article NOK 35 000 * Package includes total of 2 adjustments related to project extensions or/and changes that require delivery of new data variables
Student projects (master and research programs) Student projects are exempt from fees and allocated 1 article from data usage NOK 0  
Application for research data to participate in consortia Applies to researh project that is a part of several collaborative projects  NOK 35 000 No restrictions on the number of publications
Additional costs for usage of omics data and/or genetic data from HUNT cloud   NOK 50 000 The research project must register a project on HUNT cloud or TSD. Additional fees are charged for this service
Additional costs for usage of small omics data and/or genetic data from HUNT cloud   NOK 20 000 Small datasets provided as variables, such as SNP data
Application for biological material   NOK 35 000 Logistic cost for preparing biological material will be charged
Application for project extentions or changes that require delivery of new data variables Applies to additional project adjustments beyond that included in the standard package NOK 10 000  
Application for new contact with participants    NOK 35 000 Additional costs related to logistics will be charged
Hourly rate for additional facilitation or statistical assistance    NOK 989 Such additional facilitation may involve for e.g. connections to several external registries. Minimum price of 3 000 NOK

* Collaborative projects that use HUNT-data and/or several cohorts pay half the standard price. 

* Projects that apply for researh data from more than one health registry managed by the Department of Community Medicine pay a single fee for processing of application  and data disclosure.