Yngve Antonsen,
Auli Toom,
Marit Ulvik,
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Knut Rune Olsen,
Finn Rudolf Hjardemaal
et al.:
Research approaches in master-based teacher education preparing student teachers for professional work
Kari-Anne Sæther,
Yngve Antonsen,
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Relevance of the master's thesis for becoming a professional teacher
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Kari-Anne Sæther,
Yngve Antonsen,
Annfrid Rosøy Steele,
Siw Turid Killengreen,
Astrid Unhjem
Using Research and Development to establish coherence in teacher education
Mona Røsseland,
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Sigrid Sjåstad,
Elena Cangemi,
Maurizio Bertolini
Using roles and positions to foster explorative talk in mathematics
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Thomas F. Eidissen
How do teachers share and develop student ideas?
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Exploring student explanations: What types can be observed,
and how do teachers initiate and respond to them?
NOMAD – Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2021
Astrid Varhol,
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Monica Nymoen Hansen
Discovering key interactions. How student interactions relate to progress in mathematical generalization
Charalampos Sakonidis,
Reidar Mosvold,
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Siun Nic Mhuiri,
Rukiye Didem Taylan
Introduction to the papers of TWG19: Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
Ove Gunnar Drageset
How teachers use interactions to craft different types of student participation during whole-class mathematical work.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
Tor-Helge Allern,
Ove G. Drageset
Flukten fra Syria. Et prosessdrama med rolle- og perspektivbytte i matematikk
Fagbokforlaget 2017
Charalampos Sakonidis,
Ove G. Drageset,
Reidar Mosvold,
Jeppe Skott,
Rukiye Didem Taylan
Introduction to the contributions of TWG19: mathematics teachers and classroom practices
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Tor Helge Allern
Using drama to change classroom discourse
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017
Tor Helge Allern,
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Out of Syria: A process drama in mathematics with change of roles and perspectives.
Applied Theatre Research 2017
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Korleis lærarar leier ein matematisk samtale
Caspar Forlag 2016
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Teachers' response to unexplained answers
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2015
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Different types of student comments in the mathematics classroom
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 2015
Ove Gunnar Drageset
How students explain and teachers respond
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia 2014
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Knowledge used when orchestrating mathematical discourses – doing, guiding and requesting
NOMAD – Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2014
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Student and teacher interventions: a framework for analysing mathematical discourse in the classroom
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 2014
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Redirecting, progressing, and focusing actions-a framework for describing how teachers use students' comments to work with mathematics
Educational Studies in Mathematics 2014
Ove Gunnar Drageset
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2013
Ove Gunnar Drageset
The interplay between the beliefs and the knowledge of mathematics teachers
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 2010
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Exploring Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kristin Isaksen,
Rachel Elise Jakhelln,
Annelise Brox Larsen,
Minjeong Son
Tettere samarbeid mellom universitet og skole
Utdanningsnytt.no 2024
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Fiona Ell
Using positioning theory to think about mathematics classroom talk
Educational Studies in Mathematics 2024
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Rune Herheim
Fagdidaktiske verkstadarbeid: Master i matematikkdidaktikk
Thomas Frantzen Eidissen,
Karen Bjerkeli,
Ove Gunnar Drageset
The forgotten technology. Teachers use of mini white-boards to engage students
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Korleis leie ein matematisk samtale
Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning 2014
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Gunnar Kristiansen
Skolen som læringsarena for etterutdanning i matematikk
Finnmark Dagblad 05. October 2009
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Gunnar Kristiansen
Hva bør en matematikklærer kunne?
Nordlys 09. February 2009
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Tilpassa opplæring og 'kompetencer' i matematikkundervisninga
Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning 2008
Gunnar Kristiansen,
Ove Gunnar Drageset
Nasjonale prøver i matematikk og tilpassa opplæring
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2006