Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of teaching trials: Developing pedagogical content knowledge in EFL grammar through university-school collaboration
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2024
Annelise Brox Larsen,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Rachel Elise Jakhelln,
Minjeong Son
Master thesis as boundary crossing mediating artefacts
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son,
Annelise Brox Larsen
Transforming teacher education for English - contradictions in the activity system hindering a third-space partnership
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2023
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son
Towards reconceptualising teacher education for English: Benefits and challenges of implementing a third space
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2020
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Interdisciplinary approaches for deep learning
Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM) 2018
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son
Praksisnær lærerutdanning - et eksempel fra engelskfaget
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Annelise Brox Larsen
Interdisciplinary teaching as motivation: An initiative for change in post-16 vocational education
Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM) 2016
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Hva forskerstudenter lærer om elev- og lærerrollen gjennom et tverrfaglig prosjekt
Cappelen Damm AS 2016
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son,
Bengt Haugseth
Praksisfokus - nye måter å knytte sammen teori og praksis
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kristin Isaksen
Praksisfokus - knytte sammen teori og praksis
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son
Deepening the key concepts in teacher education
Minjeong Son,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Student teachers' perspectives of micronetwork teaching as part of teacher education in Norway
Ove Gunnar Drageset,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kristin Isaksen,
Rachel Elise Jakhelln,
Annelise Brox Larsen,
Minjeong Son
Tettere samarbeid mellom universitet og skole 2024
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Bengt Arve Waldemarsen Haugseth,
Minjeong Son
Mikropraksis i lærerutdanninga
Utdanning 2024
Maren Pedersen Langseth,
Hildur Grann,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
‘I think reading is fun, right up to the point where I have to write something about it’. Action Research on the influence of Extensive Reading on pupils’ relationship towards reading English literature
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Vivienne Mackisack
Auckland, NZ – Tromsø, Norway Connections. Presentation in the PLP Hub Professional Learning and Practice.
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Annelise Brox Larsen
Theory-oriented teaching practice under school-university collaboration: Perspectives from student teachers of English
Minjeong Son,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Annelise Brox Larsen
Theory-oriented teaching practice under school-university collaboration: Perspectives from student teachers of English
Sandra Mathisen,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Formative assessment in digital resources
Birgitte Robertsen,
Odd-Arild Knustad,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Assessment for learning using digital tools in the English subject
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Annelise Brox Larsen,
Minjeong Son
Inner contradictions and tensions in creating a third space in teacher education for English in Norway
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
LAB-TEd-prosjektet og et spydspissprosjekt
Thea Kristiansen Bjørk,
Helene Skogvang Pedersen,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish…” A qualitative study
of the promotion of the principle “Learning to Learn” in new English textbooks for lower
secondary school
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Minjeong Son
Enhancing theory-practice integration in teacher education for English through a third space
Tim André Rajala,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
"To find yourself, think for yourself". The concept of autonomy and its manifestation: a qualitative documentary study of the Norwegian national core curriculum and the English subject curriculum
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Improving theory and practice integration in teacher education: An example from the subject of English
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kjetil Bjørner Olsen,
Åse Jannie Meyer Johansen
Assessment for Learning of Oral Skills in the English Subject
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Teaching Portfolio
Torgeir Molværsmyr,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Teachers textbook use in English. Newly qualified teachers’ use of textbooks in planning and execution of English lessons
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Minjeong Son,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Improving theory and practice integration in teacher education: An example from the subject of English
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Kap. 5: Hva forskerstudenter lærer om elev- og lærerrollen gjennom et tverrfaglig prosjekt
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Gøril bergliot Skotnes,
Iver Steen
Tverrfaglighet i skolen; teoretiske, organisatoriske og praktiske sider
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Ida-Mari Skardal
Using pre-speaking activities to increase
pupils’ oral confidence in English
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kirsten Stien,
Glynda Hull,
Jennifer DiZio,
Kyle Booten
"Collabosphere" som online læringsarena
Kjellrid Solvang,
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Bruk av kunstbilder i fremmedspråksundervisning
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Kjellrid Solvang
Bruk av kunstbilder i fremmedspråksundervisningen
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Tverrfaglig undervisning. Studenten i praksis
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Tverrfaglighet og læring
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Magne Olufsen
Arbeidskrav i engelsk og naturfag
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Steffen Zahl Johnsen
It’s not how smart you are,
it’s how you’re smart:
An MI-theory focussed study on the
English Subject
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2012
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Tverrfaglighet i læringsarbeid.
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Interdisciplinarity in teaching and learning
Tove Elinor Holmbukt,
Gøril bergliot Skotnes
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Teachers' Perceptions of Interdisciplinarity and the Extension of Literacies
Tove Elinor Holmbukt
Chain Compounding and Premodification in 20th century English
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 1995