Bilde av Røberg, Stian
Bilde av Røberg, Stian
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences +4777645688 You can find me here

Stian Røberg

Group Leader Project Office Faculty of Health Sciences

Job description

Groupe leader Project Office 

The Project Office delivers professional expertise in external finance, law and strategy to support the Faculty of Health Sciences' social mission in research and innovation. We are based in Tromsø and Harstad.

We are a group of lawyers, economists, scientists, communication qualities and leadership advisors that help researchers with questions about external funding, application writing, privacy, publishing etc.



  • Xingqiang Song, Ying Liu, Johan Berg Pettersen, Miguel Brandão, Xiaona Ma, Stian Røberg et al.:
    Life cycle assessment of recirculating aquaculture systems: A case of Atlantic salmon farming in China
    Journal of Industrial Ecology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xingqiang Song, Johan Berg Pettersen, Kristine Bondo Pedersen, Stian Røberg :
    Comparative life cycle assessment of tailings management and energy scenarios for a copper ore mine: A case study in Northern Norway
    Journal of Cleaner Production 15. October 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • stian RØberg, Jan ivar Østerhus, Bjarne Landfald :
    Dynamics of bacterial community exposed to hydrocarbons and oleophilic fertilizer in high-Arctic intertidal beach
    Polar Biology 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stian Røberg, Svein Kristian Stormo, Bjarne Landfald :
    Persistence and biodegradation of kerosene in high-arctic intertidal sediment
    Marine Environmental Research 2007 DOI
  • Bjørn Solheim, H. Wiggen, Stian Røberg, H.P. Spaink :
    Associations between arctic cyanobacteria and mosses
    Symbiosis 2004
  • Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Sabine K.J. Cochrane, Bjarne Landfald, Stian Røberg et al.:
    Barents Sea Drill cuttings research initiative (BARCUT)-project - End report
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019 ARKIV
  • Atle Christiansen, Stian Røberg :
    Kampen om Repparfjorden
    02. February 2016
  • Sabine Cochrane, Bjarne Landfald, Stian Røberg, John Eirik Paulsen :
    Environmental footprints of drill cuttings deposition in the south-western Barents Sea. – local to ecosystem perspectives
  • Atle Christiansen, Stian Røberg :
    Forskere gikk til bunns i Barentshavet
    19. February 2016
  • Jan Harald Tomassen, Stian Røberg :
    Oljemillioner gir unik kunnskap om havbunnen
    04. March 2016
  • Stian Røberg :
    Envionmental Waste Management EWMA. A multidisiplinary competence cluster within industrial waste management in cold environments
  • Stian Røberg :
    Environmental Waste Management Centre
  • Stian Røberg :
    Environmental Waste Management EWMA. A multidisciplinary competence cluster within industrial waste management i cold environments
  • Stian Røberg, Jørgen Berge :
    Næringsliv og forskning
  • Atle Christiansen, Stian Røberg :
    Næringslivsløft i nord
    23. January 2014
  • Atle Christiansen, Stian Røberg :
    Nord-Norge lykkes med kompetanseutvikling
    02. July 2013
  • Morten Hald, Stian Røberg :
    Blått hav hvite strender
  • Stian Røberg :
    Hvordan realisere kravet om nullutslipp i polare strøk?
  • Stian Røberg, Morten Brattvoll :
    Environmental Waste Management
  • Stian Røberg :
    Forskningsutfordringer for operasjoner i nordområdene: Avfallshåndtering i arktisk miljø
  • Nils Torsvik, Stian Røberg :
    70 millioner til forskning
    28. September 2011
  • Stian Røberg :
    Farlig avfall fra arktisk oljeindustri og skipsfart.
  • Stian Røberg :
    Environmental Industrial Waste Management (EWMA)
  • Stian Røberg, Morten Brattvoll :
    Northern environmental waste management
  • stian Røberg, John Barlindhaug, Morten Brattvoll :
    Enwironmental Waste Management -En kompetanseklynge for industriell avfallshåndtering i kaldt klima-
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2009
  • stian RØberg, Bjarne Landfald :
    Extent and dynamics of changes in a high arctic intertidal-zone microbial community as a consequence of exposure to hydrocarbons
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2008
  • stian RØberg, Bjarne Landfald, Jan Ivar Østerhus :
    Microbial community alternations following exposure to hydrocarbons in an Arctic intertidal zone.
  • Stian Røberg, Svein Kristian Stormo, Bjarne Landfald :
    Hydrocarbon biodegradation in Arctic intertidal-zone beach sediment
  • stian RØberg, Bjarne Landfald, Svein Kristian Stormo :
    Hydrocarbon degradation in Arctic intertidal zone beach sediment
  • stian RØberg, Bjarne Landfald :
    Extent and dynamics of changes in Arctic microbial communities as a consequence of exposure to hydrocarbons. Microbial ecology and bioremediation in cold climate

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →