Gjesteforelesninger: "Paxos Explained from Scratch" og "Autograder: Better management and evaluation of lab assignments" - Professor Hein Meling, Universitetet i Stavanger

Professor Hein Meling, Universitetet i Stavanger, vil holde to gjesteforelesninger fredag 22. mai 2015 fra kl 12:15. Sted: Lille Aud, Realfagsbygget, UiT.
Fuglesteg, Jan
Published: 18.05.15 00:00 Updated: 20.05.15 22:12

Gjesteforelesningen "Autograder: Better management and evaluation of lab assignments" kan være av interesse for andre enn informatikere, f.eks. for pedagoger som er interessert i IKT i undervisningen. Det åpnes for diskusjon etter denne gjesteforelesningen. 

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Date: Friday May 22nd 2015, 12:15
Place: Lille Aud, Realfagsbygget, UiT
Title: " Paxos Explained from Scratch
Lecturer: Professor Hein Meling, Universitetet i Stavanger

Abstract "Paxos Explained from Scratch":
Paxos is a flexible and fault tolerant protocol for solving the consensus problem, where participants in a distributed system need to agree on a common value. However, Paxos is reputed for being difficult to understand. This tutorial aims to address this difficulty by visualizing Paxos in a completely new way. Starting from a naive solution and strong assumptions, Paxos is derived in a step-wise fashion. In each step, minimal changes are made to the solution and assumptions, aimed at understanding why the solution fails. In this manner, a correct solution that corresponds to Paxos is eventually reached. 

Date: Friday May 22nd 2015, 13:15 
Place: Lille Aud, Realfagsbygget, UiT 
Title: " Autograder: Better management and evaluation of lab assignments "
Lecturer: Professor Hein Meling, Universitetet i Stavanger

Abstract "Autograder: Better management and evaluation of lab assignments":
Evaluating student submitted code is time consuming and error-prone, and providing useful feedback to students even more so. To solve this problem, we have developed an autograder system at the University of Stavanger. The objective is to provide student feedback quickly through test-driven development. Teachers/assistants develop skeleton code and bundles of test cases that student code should pass. Students submit their code to github (private repository), the code is checked against the test cases, and given a score. In addition, the students can see which tests fail, and for what reason. If the Demo Gods are with me, there will also be a demo. 

Hein Meling is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Stavanger, Norway, where he works on systems and protocols to improve the robustness of network services. He was co-PI on the Tidal News project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. He runs a small research group focusing on building a Paxos-based middleware framework to build robust network services. He received a PhD in 2006 from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 

Fuglesteg, Jan
Published: 18.05.15 00:00 Updated: 20.05.15 22:12