Start of semester: Høst 2024, Alta

Grunnskolelærerutdanning for 5.-10. trinn - master

Welcome to UiT Norway's Arctic University! We are so pleased that you have chosen to study with us. Here you will find everything you need to start your studies at Grunnskolelærerutdanning for 5.-10. trinn - master.

Create IT user account

To access everything you need to study with us, you need to create IT user account.

Mandatary Attendance

There is a mandatory attendance & registration on the first day of school. First attendance at Dersom du ikke kan møte første studiedag må du søke om fritak. Les mer om dette her

Du skal møte opp:

From: 14. August kl. 10.00
To: 15. August kl. 16.00
Hvor: Alta BT1 Rom 2026

Important information:

Det er egen oppstartssamling onsdag 14.08.-torsdag 15.08. Eget oppstartsprogram finner du her.

Viktig informasjon om studiestart finner du i velkomstbrevet.

Find your way at UiT with Mazemap eller download the Mazemap app for free in AppStore or Google Play

Follow UiT student to get acquainted with the study day of our students here at UiT!

Do you have any questions?

Telefon: +4777620900 (Stengt i pause kl. 11.30-12.00)