NTL at UiT (English)

NTL at UiT (English)

The Norwegian Civil Service Union (NTL) is a trade union under the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO). NTL is independent of all political parties and has 50.000 members in the state sector and other organisations. NTL has over 850 members here at UiT. Regardless of position and educational background ALL employees, including short-term and parti-time employees, are eligible for membership of NTL UiT. NTL is the only trade union that represents all occupational groups at UiT: academic, technical and administrative staff, students, substitutes, part-time staff and temporary staff,- making our voice the voice of all! NTL is independent of all political parties.

Register to join today HERE (norwegian language) or download ENGLISH ENTRY FORM HERE, fill in, scan and e-mail to post@ntl.no 

Our aim is to ensure that you feel that you work in a secure job and in a good working environment.

Being a member of a trade union is highly encouraged in Norwegian society. As a matter of fact as many as 85 % of employees in the state and municipal sectors are organized. Even the current Norwegian prime minister belongs to a trade union, - which just happens to be NTL! If you compare Norway to other countries, trade unions here have a greater influence on employment related issues. The labour movement has played an important role in ensuring democracy, economic growth, gender equality and building the welfare state here in Norway,- and continues to do so. 


  • Security regarding salary and work conditions
  • Co-determination and influence at your workplace
  • Free courses and conferences organized by NTL, LO Stat and AOF
  • The right to apply for education grants (LO Stat)
  • Help and free legal assistance in employment-related issues
  • Norway’s best home content insurance and competitive travel insurance
  • A long list of benifical bankrates, insuranes as well as reduced prices for car rental, hotels, travel and experiences.
  • See www.lofavor.no for more membership benefits

NTL UiT arranges several social events for our members, including excursions and cultural events.

What are NTL`s goals?

-Equal pay for equal work. We believe that the salary of all staff at UiT should be based on competence, qualifications and responsibility. Collective agreements are essential to ensure everyone access to salary increase. Equal pay and fair distribution are important.  We ­believe that you should have a salary that you can live on and working hours that you can live with. NTL`s aim is a pay policy based on the principle of solidarity, which also safeguards the interest of employees with higher education. We believe that collective agreements are the only way to ensure everyone access to salary increase.It pays off to be a member of NTL! 

-Permanent tasks = permanent positions! Temporary employment creates uncertainty and unpredictability. NTL UiT works actively campaigning for permanent contracts and positions.

-Money and time for research. Academic staff need allocated time to conduct research. Sufficient funding, time and predictable working conditions are necessary for the university to be able to fulfil its social responsibility as a research and teaching institution.

-Job security and professional development. We aim to ensure that you feel that you work in a secure job and in a good working environment. We believe that you should have a salary that you can live on and working hours that you can live with.

-Our sense of social commitment is strong. We want a society that is safe and fair for all. With this aim in mind, we play an active part in the development and renewal of the welfare state, as well as in international and social issues. NTL wants good working conditions and a fair society.  NTL has a strong global social engagement. We work politically to achieve the goal of a more climate-friendly society, and for the administration and our workplaces to become more climate-friendly. NTL UiT supports good and charitable purposes and activities, both locally, nationally and internationally.

We also:

Negotiate salary and working conditions.
We give advice, defend and support members if they have any problems at work.
Campaign for safe jobs and workings standards.
Offer favourable benefits and services.
Influence employers and the Government

Political neutral yet active:
NTL does not belong to ant political party. However, the trade union movement has set objectives, which can only be achieved through political decisions. This means that the trade union movement also has to work politically to ensure real influence on behalf of our members' interests.

For this reason, NTL attempts to influence the political parties and the elected political representatives so as to ensure that they take the trade union's views into account.

NTL also takes an active stance in favour of preserving and reinforcing the Norwegian social welfare system.


As an employee at UiT, you will be an ordinary member and the fee is 1.1% of your gross salary. Norways best home content insurance is included in your meembership. In addition, yout membership fee is tax-deductible up to 7700 kr, - a statement on how important union membership is viewed in Norwegain society.

Student membership costs NOK 250 per semester, which includes LOFavør Collective home insurance. To be a student member, your income must be below the limit set by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.


Page administrator: Marit Martinsen Dahle
Last changed: 25.01.2024 13.44
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+47 77 64 52 12 / +47 95 74 76 51


NTL UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Øvre lysthus UiT
9037 Tromsø

Office address:
Øvre lysthus, room 1.06

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