Photo: Mostphotos

Life-course changes in body fatness and subsequent cancer risk

Obesity is a risk factor for several diseases, including cancer. Some types of cancer are more linked to obesity and are called obesity-related cancers. Through this project, we will investigate how changes in overweight and obesity throughout the life-course are linked to the development of cancer diagnosis later in life.

Questions we ask ourselves are:

  • Does the age when obesity occurs affect the development of cancer later in life?
  • Does the degree of obesity over time matter in the development of cancer later in life?
  • Does the length of time we live with obesity matter to the development of cancer later in life?
  • Is it so that different changes over time in weight and overweight (increasing, declining or stable trends) have different significance for the development of cancer later in life (figure)?
  • And finally- does it matter how we measure overweight (body mass index or waist measurement)?

The results from this project are important to enlighten the role of overweight and obesity throughout the life- course on the development of cancer later in life, and further - how we will develop good measures to face the challenge of increasing incidence of overweight and obesity in the future?
