Publications from Cristin
- Combining Time-Dependent Electron Transport Calculations with Rocket Measurements to Study Small-Scale Dynamic Precipitation (Poster)
- On the Dynamics and IMF Effects in the Dayside Ionospheric Region Based on ISR Measurements (Poster)
- On the asymmetry between scintillation intensity in the pre-noon and post-noon sectors (Poster)
- Understanding the creation of ionospheric F-region turbulence and its spatio-temporal evolution using GNSS scintillations, auxiliary instruments and modeling (Academic lecture)
- The Growth and Decay of Intense GNSS Amplitude and Phase Scintillation During Non-Storm Conditions (Academic article)
- On the asymmetry between scintillation intensity in the pre-noon and post-noon sectors (Poster)
- What are the dominant causes of density irregularities in the ionospheric cusp (Academic lecture)
- Making the world safer by monitoring the space weather (Poster)
- Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D (Academic lecture)
- Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D - Development and Software (Academic lecture)
- Interferometric Imaging for Fine-Scale Ionospheric Plasma Parameter Determination with EISCAT_3D (Academic lecture)
- Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D (Academic lecture)
- Interferometric Imaging of Ion Lines with EISCAT 3D - Resolving In-Beam Structures Using Long Baselines, Singular Value Decomposition, and Tikhonov Regularization (Academic lecture)
- Time-dependent electron transport calculations of small-scale dynamic precipitation (Academic lecture)
- On the characteristics of meso-scale ionospheric dynamics based on EISCAT radar low-elevation experiments (Poster)
- Multi-instrument study of dayside scintillation at GNSS L-band frequencies (Lecture)
- Formation and evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Arctic Ionosphere (Academic lecture)
- Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere (Poster)
- NOIRE-Net - A convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms (Academic lecture)
- Velkommen til Romfysikk ved UiT (Lecture)
- Introduksjon til Nordlysforskning: Fra Birkeland til i Dag (Lecture)
- Directly Observation of Space Hurricane Disturbed Polar Thermosphere (Academic lecture)
- Multi-instrument Analysis of the Segmentation of the Tongue of Ionization Into Two Dense Polar Cap Patches (Academic lecture)
- Multi-instrument Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Patches Associated with Flow Shears and Particle Precipitation (Academic lecture)
- In-situ observations of plasma blob inside the nightside auroral region and features of small-scale irregularities (Poster)
- Identification and characterization of the dayside ionospheric low energy precipitation region based on ISR measurements (Academic lecture)
- The progress and decay of GNSS scintillation during a weak geomagnetic storm: A case study (Academic lecture)
- Multi-Scale and Multi-Instrumental Observations of a Decaying Airglow Patch (Academic lecture)
- Dissipation Rates of Mesospheric Stratified Turbulence From Multistatic Meteor-Radar Observations (Academic article)
- Multi-Instrument Analysis of the Formation and Segmentation of Tongue of Ionization Into Two Consecutive Polar Cap Patches (Academic article)
- NOIRE-Net–a convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms (Academic article)
- Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter (Academic article)
- Characterizing ionospheric turbulence on the poleward side of the cusp using sounding rocket observations and modelling work (Academic lecture)
- Statistical Analysis of Off-Great Circle Radio Wave Propagation in the Polar Cap (Academic article)
- Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview (Academic lecture)
- On the strength of E and F region irregularities for GNSS scintillation in the dayside polar ionosphere (Academic article)
- Source regions of irregularities causing GNSS radio scintillation: An investigation using EISCAT (Poster)
- Statistical Studies of Plasma Structuring in the Auroral Ionosphere by the Swarm Satellites (Academic article)
- Bayesian inference of β-meteoroid parameters with Solar Orbiter (Poster)
- EISCAT_3D Imaging Techniques for Ionospheric Incoherent Scatter Spectra Reconstruction (Academic lecture)
- Large Scale Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of E-region Plasma Irregularities Measured by SIMONe Norway (Academic lecture)
- Time dependent electron transport calculations of the ionospheric response to Alfvénic precipitations (Poster)
- Low-Density Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches: Insights on Airglow and Density Variations from Multi-Instrumental Analysis (Poster)
- Space physics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (Lecture)
- Ionospheric Flow Vortex Induced by the Sudden Decrease in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure (Academic article)
- GNSS Scintillations in the Cusp, and the Role of Precipitating Particle Energy Fluxes (Academic article)
- Investigating Spatial and Temporal Structuring of E-Region Coherent Scattering Regions Over Northern Norway (Academic article)
- Simultaneous Global Ionospheric Disturbances Associated With Penetration Electric Fields During Intense and Minor Solar and Geomagnetic Disturbances (Academic article)
- Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar cap boundary region (Academic literature review)
- Dust Populations in the Inner Solar System Observed Continually with Solar Orbiter (Lecture)
- Measuring small-scale plasma irregularities in the high-latitude E- and F-regions simultaneously (Academic article)
- Characteristics of polar ionospheric plasma density irregularities with multi-point measurements (Poster)
- Exploring Characteristics of Turbulent Density Fluctuations in the Arctic Ionosphere with Multi-Point Measurements (Poster)
- Examining the relevance of different instability mechanisms in causing ionospheric cusp irregularities based on sounding rocket data and numerical simulations (Academic lecture)
- On the formation of small-scale irregularities driven by auroral particle precipitation (Academic lecture)
- EISCAT 3D Status and Future Development (Academic lecture)
- EISCAT and EISCAT 3D Primer (Academic lecture)
- Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere (Poster)
- Machine learning detection of dust impact signals (Academic lecture)
- The role of particle precipitation on plasma structuring at different altitudes by in-situ measurements (Academic article)
- The Distribution of Small-Scale Irregularities in the E-Region, and Its Tendency to Match the Spectrum of Field-Aligned Current Structures in the F-Region (Academic article)
- Characterizing high-latitude ionospheric turbulence (Academic lecture)
- Do the Throat Auroras Create Polar Cap Patches? (Academic article)
- Three-dimensional Ionospheric Plasma Properties of Space Hurricane (Poster)
- A Comparative Study on the Polar Cap Hot Patch and Cold Patch by Using Multi-instrument Observations (Poster)
- Can Throat Auroras Create Polar Cap Patches? (Poster)
- Introduksjon til Nordlysforskning: Fra Birkeland til i Dag (Popular scientific lecture)
- A technique for volumetric incoherent scatter radar analysis (Academic article)
- Role of particle precipitation on plasma structuring at different altitudes by in-situ measurements (Academic lecture)
- On the spatio-temporal characteristics of cusp structuring using the EISCAT Svalbard radars in scanning mode (Academic lecture)
- High-latitude ionospheric density turbulence (Academic lecture)
- Interferometric Study of Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities in Regions of Phase Scintillations and HF Backscatter (Academic article)
- Machine learning detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter (Academic article)
- Creation, Depletion and End of Life of Polar Cap Patches (Poster)
- EISCAT 3D Norway - An Overview (Poster)
- Multi-instrument multi-scale characterization of ionospheric irregularities in the cusp region (Academic lecture)
- Machine Learning Classification of Dust Impact Signals Observed by The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves Instrument (Academic lecture)
- 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption Induced Global Propagation of Ionospheric Disturbances via Lamb Waves (Academic article)
- EISCAT_3D - research infrastructure for international collaboration on exploration of the upper atmosphere and space above the Arctic (Popular scientific lecture)
- Sounding rocket investigation of multi-scale (density) irregularities in the cusp region (Academic lecture)
- The Dependence of Cold and Hot Patches on Localized Plasma Transport and Particle Precipitation (Poster)
- On the Acceleration of Polar Cap Patches Entering the Nightside Auroral Oval (Poster)
- A “wave-like” Evolution of Polar Cap Patches Modulated by the Magnetotail Reconnections in Wide Magnetic Local Time Regions (Academic lecture)
- Diagnose the diffractive contribution to GNSS scintillation at high latitude during the geomagnetic storm on 7-8 September 2017 (Academic lecture)
- Statistical characteristics of ionospheric irregularities in the cusp ionosphere based on multi-instrument techniques (Academic lecture)
- Sounding rocket studies of ionospheric turbulence above Svalbard (Academic lecture)