Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Handbook

The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to 8 September 2024, at 23:59 UTC, following the summer break.

The Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Handbook will explore groundbreaking projects across various fields such as History, Law, Anthropology, Linguistics, Big Data, AI, Digital Humanities, and STEM, all aimed at enhancing political science analysis and methodology.

Cross-disciplinarity encompasses interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches, where the utilization of methods from other disciplines enhances specific fields of study, or multiple fields, or fosters the creation of new methodologies transcending disciplinary boundaries. The volume will discuss the pros and cons of such approaches in political science, detailing the skills and resources needed to understand them while highlighting new opportunities and challenges. This handbook is conceived as a practical guide for both young and experienced scholars interested in innovative approaches and achieving unique results. 

Editors and Funding: 

Mariia Kobzeva, Researcher, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Rasmus G. Bertelsen, Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in Politics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

The handbook is supported by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Individual Fellowship grant and will be published by Springer in open access (expected September 2025).  

Call for Abstracts  

The Editors are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract by September 8th, 2024, 23:59 CET (extended), for publication in the Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Handbook. The Editors welcome contributions that highlight successful innovative projects in the field of political science or those embedded in political research, with methodologies relevant to, among others: 

  • History Methods in Political Science  
  • Law Methods in Political Science  
  • Anthropology Research for Political Science  
  • Linguistics in Political Science  
  • Big Data, AI, and Digital Humanities for Political Science  
  • STEM for Political Science 

We give priority to finished or ongoing projects that have received European or national funding. 

Abstracts should be in English, with a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 500 words.  

Abstracts must be submitted via this form. If you experience any issues with the form, you can submit your abstract via email to Please ensure to include all authors’ full names, affiliations, and email addresses. 

Successful authors will be notified in August 2024 and invited to submit a full article (5000 words) by May 2025. All articles will be peer-reviewed. Ideally, full contributions will include a comprehensive description of the project, highlighting its relevance to political research, its cross-disciplinary approach, main purposes, required skills and resources, and funding sources. Key challenges and limitations should be addressed, followed by a discussion of the main outcomes and a conclusive summary. Additional references relevant to the Handbook's purpose are also welcome. 

Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Workshop 

A Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Workshop is planned for November 2024. More information regarding time and location will be posted on this website. 

Authors of successful abstracts will receive invitations to participate in the Workshop, where they can present their findings and projects. This event offers a valuable opportunity to receive feedback from experts in multidisciplinary approaches within the field of political science. 

Important dates:

April 2024: Call for abstracts opens  

8th September 2024 (Extended): Deadline for Abstracts submission 

October 2024: Successful authors are notified and invited to submit a full article (5000 words)  

November 2024 (dates to be confirmed): Cross-Disciplinary Research in Political Science Workshop  

February 2025: Deadline for articles submission  

September 2025 (expected): Publication of the Handbook. 

Submit the abstracts here.
