
1. New preprint out on bioRxiv: Honeycomb-inspired SERS nano-bowls for rapid capture and analysis of extracellular vesicles and liposomes in suspension. This work with our collaborators describes a new SERS tool to characterize nucleic acid nanoparticles and their hybrids. 

2. Our popular science article on our recent work was highlighted in Congratulations Alexandra! Bacteria have a new mortal enemy: DNA. Read more on

3. Our popular science article on our recent work was highlighted in Congratulations Alexandra! Antibiotikaresistens: Fant ny måte å bekjempe biofilm på. 2023

4. Our paper entitled "Polymyxin B stabilized DNA micelles for sustained antibacterial and antibiofilm activity against P. aeruginosa" was recently published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations Alexandra and all coauthors! 

5.  Our paper entitled "Smart delivery systems for microbial biofilm therapy: Dissecting design, drug release and toxicological features" was published in Journal of Controlled Release. Congratulations Alexandra and coauthors!

6. The video on bacterial biofilms and our approach to tackling it is out in this fun video in norwegian: Dagen da Sigurd Viking døde av en bakterieinfeksjon. The english version: The day that Sigurd the Viking died from a bacterial infection. is also available. On Youtube.