Psychosocial problems, service barriers, participation, and interventions during crises: Solutions for children and young people – (CrisesSolutions)

The objectives of CrisesSolutions are to improve our understanding of the welfare for children and young people and the consequences of the pandemic and the restrictions on education, wellbeing, mental health, and living conditions. The knowledge that is created will be very important for strengthening the competence and quality of mental healthcare for children and young people in a future crisis situation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only exposed the vulnerability of children and young people's mental health, but also the vulnerability of mental health care. CrisesSolutions is an international, multi-method research project that will compare mental wellbeing trends within, and between Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is supported by NordForsk and led by Professor Andre Sourander from the University of Turku, Finland.

The project started on 01 September 2023 and ends on 31 August 2027. It consists of five work packages:

A tabel with an overview: work packages, aims and leaders

Work package 1: Data collection is planned in connection with the PIN-2 study. The data from the PIN-2 study will also be used in CrisesSolutions.

Work package 2: We will obtain register information about patients in the specialist health service (pasientregisteret), which will also be analyzed and compared with the other countries participating in the project. Individual level-data from Finland, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden will also be used.

Work package 3: Needed to create a deeper understanding of the results produced in WP1 and WP2 and to strengthen the effectiveness of WP4 and WP5.

Work package 4: We will also conduct a study of a single-session internet-based anxiety treatment intervention for school students aged 15 to 24 years. This will provide important knowledge on feasibility and satisfaction of using such interventions in times of crises.

Work package 5: Also includes the management of the entire research project.
