DDI Tromsø

Neuropsychological regression norms

"Not your average American": Establishing local norms for neuropsychological tests

Several test norms used in Sweden and Norway are based on North American normative samples. The rationale for using imported test norms is largely due to the lack of available local norms. To justify the use of North American norms in scandinavian countries one must also assume that western cultures, such as the United States, Norway and Sweden, are sufficiently similar terms of education, culture and language. And also that their influence on testscores are similar.  

The aim of this project is to establish regression-based norms for a range of neuropsychological tests based on healthy adults, and compare our new norms with previously used North-American norms in both healthy validion samples, and clinical samples.

This is a collaborative effort lead by Associate prof. II Bjørn-Eivind Kirsebom (UiT), comprising data from healthy adults age 20 - 85 years sourced from several Norwegian and Swedish cohorts:
Dementia Disease Initation: (Prof. Tormod Flaby, Ahus/UiO; Prof. Erik Hessen, Ahus/UiO; Prof Knut Waterloo, UNN/UiT & Associate prof. Bjørn-Eivind Kirsebom, UNN/UiT)
The Gothenburg MCI study: (Prof. Anders Wallin)
The Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS): (Prof. Anders Wallin)
Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition (LCBC): (Prof. Kristine Walhovd, UiO &  Prof. Anders Fjell, UiO)