Mariana Reinach Explores the Cultural Significance of Yoiks in Sápmi in New Blog Post

Mariana Reinach, ECO_CARE exchange student from Rio De Janeiro, shares insights from her recent study in Sápmi, shedding light on the profound role of yoiks in Sámi culture. Her exploration delves into the intrinsic connection between yoiks and nature, revealing how these traditional songs capture the musical essence of both non-human entities and the human spirit itself.

Reinach recounts that, despite being a cornerstone of Sámi identity, yoiks faced severe persecution and stigmatization due to State assimilation policies well into the 20th century. 

The blog post highlights the resurgence of yoiks as part of a broader cultural and political reawakening among the Sámi people, beginning in the 1970s and paralleling the global indigenous movement. This period of revitalization saw the reclamation and creative transformation of yoiks, establishing them as a symbol of Sámi resilience and pride.

Mariana Reinach invites readers to join her in appreciating the rich history and contemporary relevance of yoiks, as she shares her research findings and personal reflections on this emblematic aspect of Sámi life.

To read Mariana Reinach's full blog post and learn more about her research on yoiks, see ECO_CARE meets Mariana Homem de Mello Reinach