Photo: Sten- Andreas Grundvåg

GReAT – Geoscience Research Academy of Tromsø

Welcome to the webpage of the Geoscience Research Academy of Tromsø (GReAT), at the Department of Geosciences, UiT. The aim of GReAT is to train PhD candidates and early career scientists at UiT in the field of geosciences and guide them through their preparations for the future scientific or industrial career.

The Department of Geosciences at the UiT–The Arctic University of Norway hosts the research centre of excellence iC3, and GReAT brings together the PhD students and early career scientists of this centre and those of the department. 

The research academy offers courses, cruises and workshops in the broad field of geosciences, and focuses on the research problems within:

  • glacial processes and products,
  • geo-hazards, fluids and  gas hydrates,
  • paleo-climate and oceanography,
  • lithosphere dynamics,
  • energy and environment.

GReAT is closely associated with the Research school on changing climates in the coupled Earth system (CHESS), as well as with the Norwegian Research School for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets (DEEP).

GReAT was established in November 2019 as a successor of the Trainee School in Arctic Marine Geology and Geophysics (AMGG) active in the years 2005–2019 at the Department of Geosciences of the UiT–The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø.
