Publications from Cristin
- Glacier releases of heavy metals in Kongsfjorden: What are the ecosystem impacts? (Academic lecture)
- Metal and mercury mobilization from Arctic glaciers (Academic lecture)
- Melting glaciers: lifeline or threat for Arctic fjords and coasts? (Academic lecture)
- Is methane being released from Norwegian glaciers? (Academic lecture)
- The potential for glacial flour to impact soil fertility, crop yield and nutrition in mountain regions (Academic article)
- Enhanced methane emissions due to glacial retreat in the high Arctic (Lecture)
- My journey in science (Lecture)
- Sources and cycling of heavy mercury in glacial landscapes – Initial Results (Lecture)
- Forskning ved Jostedalsbreen (Lecture)
- What may happen if Glaciers disappear (Lecture)
- Melting glaciers: lifeline or threat for Arctic fjords and coasts? (Popular scientific article)
- GlacierXperience meets METALLICA - Økt studiekvalitet igjennom faglig og didaktisk samarbeid på tvers av fakulteter (Poster)
- Shallow and deep groundwater moderate methane dynamics in a high Arctic glacial catchment (Academic article)
- The submarine fault scarp of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake in the Japan Trench (Academic article)
- METALLICA: MEltwater release of heavy meTALs from gLacIer to ocean in a Changing Arctic (Lecture)