Photo: Lars Johansson

Publications from Cristin

  1. The relationship between self-assessment of language proficiency and measures of lexical diversity and syntactic complexity: evidence from bilingual speakers of Italian in Croatia (Academic article)
  2. Flerspråklighet i barnehagen​ Språkets utfordringer, muligheter og gleder​ (Lecture)
  3. Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through artificial languages (Academic lecture)
  4. Verbal aspect processing in Croatian: A Visual World eye-tracking study (Academic lecture)
  5. L1 Transfer Effects in L2 Aspectual Interpretation: Web-Based Eyetracking Evidence from Polish and Norwegian Native Speakers (Academic lecture)
  6. The interaction of linguistic and visual cues for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eye tracking study (Poster)
  7. L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking (Poster)
  8. Investigating CLI in multilingual acquisition through an artificial language (Academic lecture)
  9. L1 transfer effects in L2 aspectual interpretation: Web-based eyetracking evidence from L1 Polish and Norwegian speakers (Academic lecture)
  10. Comprehension vs prediction in the processing of grammatical case cues by bilingual children (Academic lecture)
  11. Visual Event Representation Facilitates the Processing of Grammatical Case by Russian-German Bilingual Children (Poster)
  12. L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking (Poster)
  13. Crosslinguistic influence in child bilingual acquisition: A Visual World eye-tracking study on grammatical case and aspect processing by German-Russian and Spanish-Russian bilinguals (Academic lecture)
  14. L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking (Academic lecture)
  15. The Interaction of Linguistic and Visual Cues for the Processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German Bilinguals: An Eye Tracking Study (Academic article)
  16. The impact of (extra-)linguistic variables on the development of Syrian-Arabic and German (Academic lecture)
  17. (Extra-)linguistic variables in multilingual language development in children and adolescents (Academic lecture)
  18. Full Transfer Potential in L3/Ln Acquisition Crosslinguistic Influence as a Property-by-Property Process (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  19. Russian Heritage Language across Linguistic Domains and National Contexts (Poster)
  20. Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition Evidence from artificial language learning (Academic article)
  21. Syrian Arabic as a Heritage Language in Germany (Poster)
  22. Visual Event Representations Facilitate the Processing of Grammatical Case by Russian-German Bilingual Children (Poster)
  23. Electrophysiological Correlates of Minimal Phrasal Composition in Comprehension (Poster)
  24. Grammar interaction in multilingual processing – an eye-tracking study of grammatical case and verbal aspect in heritage Russian (Poster)
  25. Cross-linguistic influence from L1 and L2 in Ln Norwegian: comparing offline and online measures (Poster)
  26. Grammar interaction in multilingual processing – an eye-tracking study of grammatical case and verbal aspect in heritage Russian (Poster)
  27. Structural similarity in third language acquisition (Academic article)
  28. Predictive Processing in HL Syrian Arabic and cL2 German (Poster)
  29. Investigating CLI in multilingual acquisition through an artificial language (Academic lecture)
  30. The Current Status of English Grammar Instruction in the Norwegian school system: Attitudes, Opinions, and Practices (Masters thesis)
  31. Heritage language and child second language development in Syrian Arabic and German in the European refugee context (Poster)
  32. Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: An empirical study on Syrian Arabic as a heritage language and German as a second language (Poster)
  33. Cross-linguistic influence from L1 and L2 in Ln Norwegian: Comparing offline and online measures (Lecture)
  34. Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through artificial languages: Aliensk (Academic lecture)
  35. The case of heritage Russian in contact with English, Hebrew, Greek and Swedish: Evidence from the LITMUS Sentence Repetition (Academic lecture)
  36. Does structural similarity with the societal language facilitate acquisition of vulnerable grammatical categories in the heritage language? A Visual World eye-tracking study of the acquisition of grammatical case and aspect (Academic lecture)
  37. Research design in L3 studies: An overview and some examples (Academic lecture)
  38. Crosslinguistic influence as co-activation: Theoretical considerations and some empirical data (Academic lecture)
  39. Lexical development in Russian heritage language across different national contexts: Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom (Academic lecture)
  40. The interaction of linguistic and visual stimuli for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eyetracking study (Academic lecture)
  41. Russian heritage language development in narrative contexts: Evidence from pre- and primary-school children in Norway, Germany, and the UK (Academic article)
  42. Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages: Evidence from Visual World EyeTracking (Academic article)
  43. Aspect processing across languages: A visual world eye-tracking study (Academic article)
  44. Cross-linguistic influence from L1 and L2 in Ln Norwegian: Comparing offline and online measures (Lecture)
  45. Cross-linguistic influence in the processing and representation of possessive pronouns in Ln Norwegian (Lecture)
  46. Cross-linguistic influence in Ln processing: Gender agreement in Norwegian possessives (Poster)
  47. Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition: Evidence from artificial language learning (Academic lecture)
  48. Cross-linguistic influence in L3 and L2 German (Academic lecture)
  49. Studying crosslinguistic influence in L3 by means of artificial language learning experiments (Academic lecture)
  50. Acquisition of grammatical case and aspect in monolingual and heritage Russian: evidence from eye-tracking (Academic lecture)
  51. Aspect processing in Russian in comparison to English and Spanish: experimental evidence for semantic distinctions (Academic lecture)
  52. Acquisition of grammatical case and aspect in monolingual and heritage Russian: evidence from eye-tracking (Lecture)
  53. Subtractive language groups design – a new standard in L3A research (Academic lecture)
  54. Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition: Evidence from artificial language learning (Academic lecture)
  55. Cross-linguistic influence in Ln processing: Gender agreement in Norwegian possessives (Lecture)
  56. Cross-linguistic influence in Ln processing: Gender agreement in Norwegian possessives (Poster)
  57. no title (Popular scientific lecture)
  58. Cross-linguistic influence in Ln processing: Gender agreement in Norwegian possessives (Poster)
  59. Russian heritage language speakers in Germany: A study on child L3 acquisition (Academic lecture)
  60. Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages. Evidence from Visual World Eye Tracking (Academic lecture)
  61. Aspect Processing Across Languages Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions (Academic lecture)
  62. Cross-linguistic influence in Ln processing: Gender agreement in Norwegian possessives (Poster)
  63. Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition: Evidence from artificial language learning (Academic lecture)
  64. Fine-grained time course of verb aspect processing (Academic article)
  65. Subtractive language groups design: a new standard in L3A research (Academic lecture)
  66. Full Transfer Potential in L3 acquisition: CLI as Co-activation (Academic lecture)
  67. Aspect Processing Across Languages: Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions (Academic lecture)
  68. The influence of the Societal Language on the acquisition of the Heritage Language: prepositional cases in monolingual vs. Hebrew- and Russian-Norwegian bilingual children (Academic lecture)
  69. The Role of Input Factors in the Development of Verbal Aspect in Heritage Russian: a Case-study of Narratives Produced by Bilingual Children Aged 5-7 (Masters thesis)