About the project

We aim to recognize the impact of microclimate on energy, material and hygrothermal performance of buildings in Northern Periphery and Arctic countries.

The EU climate actions places a major focus on the building sector with the aim of cutting annual primary energy and carbon emissions. Energy and material efficient design and improving retrofits however represent air-tight structures that have impact on moisture safety and hence sustainability of buildings. The NPA countries are characteristic by cold climate in which climate change is expected to have significant impact. Hence, improving energy efficiency of the buildings and simultaneous ability to adapt to changing climate represent the challenge in the building sector. The thermal and structural performance of buildings depends not only on the building assemblies and energy systems but also on microclimate highly influenced by wind, rain, driving rain, snow, etc. Hence, the building design guidance should consider local climate conditions and surrounding environment to improve the building overall performance. 


Building the artic in a time where the climate changes makes this the right time to study and identify how the future structure can be. 

The project is funded by the EU Interreg NPA program. We support cooperation between communities living in remote and sparsely populated regions in the northernmost part of Europe and Arctic. Together we turn ideas into sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life of people living in the NPA. 

NoBiCC have a 3- stages workplan and the main goal is to get to the point where we can make awerness of what way the future buildings most sucssessful can make safe homes and safe infrastructure - both for communities and the common person. Always with concern for durability in a world that is rapidly changing.

  • Recommendations of climate adaption to buildings, based findings of common practices in building technology, structural and material improvement in the context of varying and challenging northern climate and extreme weather impact. 
  • Design recommendations for architects, engineers, and builders to enhance the hygrothermal performance of buildings in Nordic climates, ensuring optimal moisture and thermal control. Focus on the integration of advanced insulation materials, moisture barrier systems, and ventilation strategies. In addition, advanced simulation​-techniques to analyze the fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and airflow patterns around buildings in different climatic conditions.​
  • The project will increase awareness of alternative building concepts where waste is utilized to grow food, a tempered buffer zone area prolongs the short Nordic summer season and creates an inviting living area, and where climate smart solutions reduce cost, emissions and waste. The knowledge shared through the project is aimed to serve as a design tool for architects and engineers.
  • More knowledge into the special considerations necessary for planning of waterfront development area in arctic and sub arctic conditions. Guidelines and steps in planning: Analysis of local climate​

    conditions, terrain modifications, favorable arrangements of structures, weather shielding designs, evaluation of optional design concepts, design of buildings & structures and verification of a climatic-functional design (CFD/modelling).​