UiT The Arctic University of Norway, is the coordinator of the project. It is the third largest in Norway and the northernmost university in the world. The Arctic is of increasing global importance. Climate change, the exploitation of Arctic resources and environmental threats are topics of great public concern, and in which the university takes a particular interest. Research is one of the issues relating to human health, animal health, climate change, marine biology and the function of marine food webs ice-covered Arctic waters, atmospheric icing, permafrost, arctic infra-structure, renewable energy topics of electrical engineering, civil engineering topics and many more. University has campuses in various places within the Arctic region including a Research station in Svalbard. Currently, 15,500 students and 3,300 staff study and work at different campuses of the university. The eight faculties of the university victim, a broad range of study programmes. All teaching is research-based. The academic community is highly international. More than 20% of the academic staff and 10% of the student body are from abroad.
The Department of building, energy and material technology at the Engineering Faculty at Narvik Campus is coordinating and participating in the research activities of Norad – One Health Project.
Addis Ababa University (AAU), which was established in 1950 as the University College of Addis Ababa (UCAA), is the oldest and the largest higher learning and research institution in Ethiopia. Since its inception, the University has been the leading centre in teaching-learning, research and community services. Beginning with an enrollment capacity of 33 students in 1950, AAU now has 47,610 students (29,872 undergraduate, 15,398 Master's and 2,340 PhD students) and 8,709 staff (3,110 academics, 4,346 admin support staff and 1,253 health professionals). In its 14 campuses, the University runs 70 undergraduate and 293 graduate programs (72 PhD and 221 Masters), and various specializations in Health Sciences.
The Africa Center of Excellence for Water Management (ACEWM) at AAU is the coordinator of this project in Ethiopia. ACEWM is a regional Center for Eastern and Southern Africa for postgraduate education, research and public engagement in water management. ACEWM was established in 2016 and hosted under the Addis Ababa University (AAU). The most important rationale for establishing ACEWM is the need for the development of highly skilled human resources capable of action on more complex water management problems in a holistic, integrative and transformative approach. This includes teaching, innovative research, internships, on-the-job technical training and community outreach programs using a broad-based partnership approach.
Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) was established by an Act of Parliament Number 31 of 2012 to promote the development, adaptation, transfer and application of science, technology and innovation for macro-and micro-economic development of Malawi. Its vision is "a world-class centre of science and technology education, research and entrepreneurship" which is realized through the provision of a conducive environment for quality education, training, research, entrepreneurship, and outreach activities.
MUST have four operational schools: the Malawi Institute of Technology (MIT), the Ndata School of Climate and Earth Sciences (NSCES), the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS), and the Bingu School of Culture and Heritage (BISCH). Apart from academic schools, MUST also has a Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Outreach, which is responsible for research and outreach activities. Some outreach activities in the first two years of existence of the University included hosting the University open day in 2015 and the first-ever national all-girls science camp in 2016. In terms of research, there have been numerous projects by staff and some students with most of them ending in the publication of articles in renowned journals. Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) is the coordinator of this project in Malawi.
Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) is a biomedical research institute and the national leading centre of expertise in biosecurity in fish and land animals. The Institute aims to become Norway's centre of preparedness for One Health.
The Norwegian Veterinary Institute was established in Oslo in 1891 as a diagnostic laboratory for animal diseases as the first of its kind in Scandinavia. During the 1990s, the Institute expanded to include regional units in Bergen, Harstad, Sandnes, Trondheim and Tromsø. The original principal task of the Veterinary Institute was to combat tuberculosis and brucellosis. The Institute was subsequently allocated important responsibilities in the prevention of outbreaks of other diseases, as well as the production of sera and vaccines. Today, its activities encompass the entire chain from plants, via animal feed, fish, animals and food for human consumption.
The most important function of the Veterinary Institute is contingency planning and competence development aimed at preventing threats to the health of fish, animals and human beings. Today the core activities comprise diagnostics, research, innovation, monitoring, risk assessment, consulting and communication. Furthermore, the Veterinary Institute is a national and international reference laboratory and is involved in a wide range of international collaborative activities. The Veterinary Institute is among the most important participants in the development of the Norwegian bioeconomy in aqueous and land environments.
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) aims to contribute to food security and safety, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries.
The goal of the Institute is to contribute to food security, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries. NIBIO delivers research, managerial support and knowledge for use in national preparedness, as well as for businesses and the society at large. Approximately 700 employees are present in all parts of the country. NIBIO is subject to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as an administrative agency with special authorization and its supervisory board.