Foreldre-baby samspill (parent-baby interaction support) is an intervention provided for municipal and specialist healthcare for children and youth in Northern Norway. RKBU North offers training to professionals working with children and youth.

The Foreldre-baby samspill is a preventive intervention for parents with mental health problems and their babies (up to 12 months old). Parents are offered home visits by a healthcare worker who films the interaction between parents and the baby. Based on this, parents receive guidance and advice on how to understand and respond to the child's signals. The purpose is to strengthen the attachment between parents and the baby. The intervention is provided by municipal healthcare services or specialist healthcare services. RKBU North offers free training in the intervention, including course materials and guidance.
Target audience for the training: Public health nurses, midwifes, community psychologists, doctors, or others working with pregnant women and infants in municipal and specialist healthcare services.
Preparations: There should be a plan for how the municipal healthcare service envisions the program as an offering to families with an extended need for guidance on parent-infant interaction and how it can be integrated with the other services provided by the municipality. The plan should be approved by the management of the service and the municipality centrally. The service that will offer the intervention (possibly in collaboration with other municipal services) should identify key individuals who will receive the training and become the resource persons who offer the intervention to parents and infants. The same prerequisites apply to specialist healthcare services.
Duration and content of the training: A two-day training on the program's knowledge base, content, and practical execution. After completing the training, healthcare workers receive guidance to become skilled in using and implementing the intervention. Guidance lasts until the individual healthcare workers are confident in working with the program, usually for one year.
Responsible professional: Karin van Doesum
Costs: Local training, including guidance and materials, are free from RKBU North
Time for training and initiating the intervention, including the opportunity for filming (a cam recorder and laptop are sufficient), and any travel expenses are covered by the participants' employers.
Training for the " Foreldre-baby samspill " method began in March 2016.